OiKID is the best and largest online tutoring platform for kids in Taiwan. Our teachers come from all over the world, spreading their knowledge and experience to students with a completely flexible schedule. Lessons are conducted via the platform developed by our company.
What we offer:
Duties & Responsibilities
Position Details
Start Date:
Immediate upon completion of the recruitment process
Teaching Hours:
Monday - Friday peak hours: 16h00-21h00, (Beijing Time)
Saturday and Sunday peak hours: 09h00 - 12h00 and 18h00 - 21h00 (Beijing time)
Teaching Kids aged from 3 to 15.
Earn $5-$7 US Dollars per hour
Work from the convenience of your home (with stable internet and power supply)
Desired Experience & Qualification
Minimum requirements
PC specifications
Processor: Intel ® Core™ i5 CPU ********* (4 CPUs) or greater
Memory: 8GB RAM or greater
Backup power
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with a battery life up to 4-5 hours (2000VA) (or willing to purchase before commencing teaching)
A stable fiber internet connection
At a minimum of 20 Mbps upload and download speeds
PC is connected via a LAN cable and not via a Wi-Fi connection
Noise-canceling headsets and HD web camera preferred. Back-up headset highly recommended
Tidy, well-lit, and quiet teaching environment