
An advanced developer with extensive experience mobile development and web development. Highly skilled in utilizing advanced technologies including android,java,JavaScript,php,bootstrap,jquery. I am an articular communicator with an ability to speak with my clients so that I can have a clear understanding of their needs and vision of the project. I will provide you with the best of my services by adhering to high-quality standards while using the advanced technological practices.


App Controlled And Self Learning Droid for Static Environment
Password Authentication using Regular Expression


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Jr. Software Developer
Programmers Force
May 2019 - Aug 2019 | Lahore, Pakistan

I was hired as laravel developer but soon i promoted as software developer. I work on google platform BIg Query for saving the logs generated from application by nginx and apache. I learned linux and bash scripting. However docker and git was plus which i learned as well.

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Application Developer
Techno Mate Solution
Jun 2017 - Dec 2017 | Lahore, Pakistan

I was application developer with responsibilities like to make andriod app and front end designing. I was my first experience soon i work on backend technologies like PHP. I was starting to make full responsive websites with front and backend coding. Full dynamics websites with animations by javascript / jquery.  


COMSATS University Lahore Pakistan
Bachelors, Bachelors in Engineering, Computer Engineering‎
Embedded System, web engineering
CGPA 2.2/4


Beginner Ajax
Beginner API
Beginner API development
Beginner CSS
Beginner HTML
Beginner OOP
Beginner Web Development
Beginner Adobe Illustrator
Intermediate Ajax
Beginner AJAX expertise
Beginner Analytical Skills
Beginner Android Studio
Beginner Automation Languages Command
Beginner Backend Development
Beginner Bootstrap
Beginner Coordination Skill's
Intermediate CorePHP
Beginner CSS/CSS3
Intermediate CSS3
Beginner DBMS
Beginner Executing Content
Beginner Fine Art Teaching
Beginner Framework Designs
Beginner Frontend Developmen
Beginner Git
Beginner GUI Framework
Beginner Handling Assignments
Intermediate HTML
Intermediate HTML5 
Beginner IT Trobuleshooting
Intermediate JavaScript
Intermediate jQuery
Beginner Laraval
Beginner Laravel
Beginner Linux
Beginner MVC
Intermediate MySQL
Intermediate NosSQL
Beginner Phyton
Intermediate Query Language
Beginner Responsive Designs
Beginner VHDL
Beginner Vue.js
Beginner Vuejs
Beginner Web Data Management
Beginner Web Programming
Intermediate WHRPP
Intermediate WP CLI


Intermediate Urdu
Intermediate English