
Proven ability to access client needs, establish rapport, build trust, product presentations and close deals.


Company Logo
NBP (National Bank Of Pakistan)
Jul 2018 - Sep 2018 | Lahore, Pakistan

It was a great exprience for me. Staff was very cooperative. They provide me their time and information which helped me to enhance my knowledge and they also shared their experiences with me which i believe ot would be helpful in my practical life. I worked in different department s of bank. In which include
credit department
Account opening department
Pension department
Inward/outward clearing department

Company Logo
NBP (National Bank Of Pakistan)
Jul 2018 - Sep 2018 | Lahore, Pakistan

It was a great experience for me. Staff was very cooperative. They provide me their time and information which helped me to enhance my knowledge and they also shared their experiences with me which i believe that it would be helpful in my practical life.I worked in different department of the branch which are as follow
Account opening Department
Inward/outward clearing department
Pension department
Credit department.


University of Education
Masters, Masters in Business Administration, ‎
Human Resource Management
CGPA 2.9/4
University of the Punjab
Bachelors, Bachelors in Arts, Bachelors in Arts‎


Intermediate administration
Beginner Bank Management
Intermediate Accounting+
Beginner Accounts Administration
Intermediate Beverage Formulation
Intermediate Chat Support Skills
Beginner Configuration Switches
Beginner Conservation Awareness
Intermediate Fluent i English
Expert Fresh graduate in business administration from
Beginner Front End
Intermediate Handling Assignments
Intermediate HTML
Beginner MIT Knowledge
Beginner Negotiating Skills
Beginner ommunications Skills
Beginner Strong Mathematical Knowledge
Beginner مبيعات المشاركة
Intermediate workplace renovation
Beginner إدارة التوظيف


Intermediate English