
demonstrated leadership and communication skills including excellent writing ability and the ability to plan, organize, manage, and evaluate program activities in harsh and difficult conditions .Bilingual verbal communication skills, tact and diplomatic personality to develop sustainable working relations and high level of trust with senior and mid level officials and subordinates, with the ability to work effectively in a team environment.


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CO Facilitator -Science
Premier Diverse Learning Concepts (PD LC)
Jun 2024 - Present | Karachi, Pakistan

Conduct training session as per the schedule on the daily basis.
Ensure the management of course participants attendance sheet.
Provide support to the Team Lead.
Preparing the Pre-Test and Post -Test Assessment Results.
Preparing course participants Performance Report.
Any other project related tasks assigned by the Team Leader.
Taking care of any training equipment provided by Premier DLC.
Handing over any remaining participant materials to the training Coordinator.
Ensuring all deliverables are met within the specified timeline.

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WASH Hygiene Promotion Assistant
Dec 2022 - May 2024 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Lead the team of community mobilizers and hygiene promoters in the implementation of community events to raise awareness about key hygiene issues and their implications on the health of the community and in coordination with IOM Implementing partners.
Assist in preparing of IEC Materials to be used at community level.
Ensure the accurate convey of hygiene and sanitation messages.
Pprioritize community level hygiene awareness campaigns and prevention of water Born disease.
Coordinate training for community representatives on Hygiene, sanitation, and Cholera control.
Plan and ensure the accurate distribution of Hygiene Kits and Household purification supplies.
Work in collaboration with IOM Implementing partners to ensure accurate implementation of the interventions.
Produce activity progress reports as per the preset reporting schedule and submit to the WASH Team Leader.
Support the Implementing partners in facilitating community participation during the emergency interventions.
Conduct continuous monitoring and evaluation of project activities with relevant Implementing partners.
Identify, compile and maintain training materials for uses.
Provide information on technical problems and feedbacks to the technical team on time.
Support the implementing partner in conducting surveys (i.e. baseline, KAP)
Any other duties assigned by the WASH Team Leader.

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Social Mobilizer Officer
Crescent Consultant Consortium CCC SIAPEP (Sindh Agr, Productivity Enhancement Project)
Dec 2021 - Dec 2022 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Facilitate the project target villages’ selection process under guidance of national, provincial and district team lead.
Facilitate field level interventions for establishment of Farmer Field Schools for Women & Men (FFS).
Facilitate and participate capacity building events/ trainings on FFS, selected practices demonstration plot sites.
Facilitate and undertake the Training of Farmer Facilitators (ToFF) and provide continuous backstopping to the Farmer Facilitators
Closely work with the facilitators in interacting with the testing and validation of the ongoing FFS practices on the adaptive research demo plots.
Closely work with district team lead/ supervisor and sectoral specialist for collection and compilation of all the information related with FFS, economic analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis related data from respective district. 
Facilitate field level activities related to mobilization, formation, and facilitation of FFS in the target villages in close coordination with agriculture department or partners organizations (if any).
Conduct regular field visits of the project area and provide guidance and recommendation for appropriate crops, vegetables for establishment of FFS.
Assist district facilitator and sectoral specialist in the day-to-day monitoring of FFS interventions and compile monthly monitoring sheets (online/offline).
Document, report, and develop database, based on the progress of trained beneficiaries’ information.
Identify and develop case studies and success stories for periodic reports

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Master Trainer/Zonal Field Managar
Apex Counsulting Pakistan
Jul 2021 - Oct 2021 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Develop session plans and execute trainings in accordance with the designed criteria and session plan.
Supported by the training assistant,responsible for the preparation of the materials and equipment for each training event.Ensure that the required materials are available at the venue on time,including photocopied handouts,participants kits,enumerators list,and mobile phones. Organizing required stationery and ensuring audiovisual equipment is available and in working condition.
Ensure availability of Field Manual in urdu for Field staff, Questionnaire, Log Sheets and other relevant material as provided by the Training Section.
Review of training contents before the start of the training session,and provide feedback to the training section.
Ensure the quality of training in terms of preparation, delivery and effectiveness.
Document lessons learned and best practices for curriculum development.
Responsible for maintaining soft and hard copies of up to date training materials.
Provide feedback and arrange debriefing session with co/trainer,training and logistic assistants at each day end of the training session.
Deal with the logistical aspect of the training, visit training venue to  ensure the arrangements at least one day before training in coordination with the National logistic Manager.
Ensure the effcient administration and smooth running if the training by supervising  training and logistic assistant during the training, coordination with control room for daily training attendance sheet and Pre and Post test timings.
Ensure the Processing and submission of PRE and POST test and evaluation forms.
Ensure timely Submission of training reports,training assistant assessment and  attendance after training.
Ensure the accurate recording of participant information and timely submission of attendance sheets registration sheets  hard and soft copy to control room,with support of training assistant.
Ensure timely submission of HR documents including signed contract and hiring forms along with required credentials HR section.
Monitor expenditure and ensure the timely submission of training expense booklet.
Coordination with the participants,if requires.
Any other tasks or duties as required by the line manager or management.

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Master Trainer BDRP for Concern, RDF & IRC (First Aid, Search and Rescue).
DevCon & Independent Consultancy
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

Assist in manual development (English & Sindhi)
Conducted training for Search and Rescue , First aid and Fire Fighting (lifesaving skills)
Record maintenance and record keeping for assignment.
Support in compiling report of trainings
Be confident in speaking to groups of people and demonstrating practices in front of them.
Providing their trainees with accurate information regarding emergency aid
Demonstrating how first aid should be carried out
Ensuring the entire group fully understands explanations
Delivering presentations in an eloquent yet simple manner for students of all abilities to understand
Demonstrating how to use equipment
Cleaning and maintaining equipment and resources
Managing records of course attendees
Assessing First Aid capabilities of the group and awarding qualifications to those who have met the criteria and standards.

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Master Trainer
Premier Diverse Learning Concepts Ltd (PDLC) Beacon house.
Nov 2018 - Mar 2019 | Karachi, Pakistan

Design and execute trainings using multiple strategies based on different learning styles and ability levels identified in the needs analysis
Designing and implementing training material which meets the need of distance learning and face to face learning.
Keeping up to date and enhancing professional knowledge and skills needed for improving performance
Is able to apply principles of performance based assessment to track the progress made by learners.
Assesses the training needs.
Pre, Post and performance, evaluation tests.
Create and maintain positive and professional learning environment.
Must be a lead that sets the standard and expectation through example in her conduct work ethic, integrity and Character.
Utilize a variety of the training methodologies, techniques, Concepts, Learning tools and practices to ensure maximum effectiveness of training
Customize and translation of training module in local language.

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Capacity Building Associate (First Aids, DRR,CBDRM).
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Sep 2017 - May 2018 | Ghotki, Pakistan

TOT staff about DRR Project. Follow Sampling Methodology.
Trained To Trainees in DRR Eradication. Monitor DRR project.
Identification of Pax
Participants Training Need Assessment Form (PTNA)
Enrollments of Pax, Venus Selection
Conduct Training of School Based Disaster Risk Management (SBDRM)
Conduct Training School Emergency Response Team (SERT)
Conduct Training Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM)
Conduct Training Community Disaster Management Committee (CBDRM)
Conduct Training Union Council Emergency Response Team (UCERT)
Conduct Training Village Emergency Response Team (VERT)
Pre arrangements of all Training\\\'s
Manage Documentation of all Training\\\'s
Paid payments and prepare all documents and submit to Finance.
Analysis of Pre & Post Tests against all Training\\\'s
Conduct Seminars against BDRP in Community.
Event Report, Training Reports, DBMS
Create Manual, Schedule, Training Agenda, Lesson plan against Training\\\'s
Follow The Check List Which Is designed by monitor and data base. Trained To Trainees of DRR.

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Social Mobilizer
Plan International Pakistan
Jan 2016 - Jul 2017 | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

Responsible to ensure proper implementation of social mobilization strategy.
Responsible for formed of MPGs in targeted villages through democratic process in the 09 selected districts.
Conduct TNA of formed MPGs and building capacity of the MPGs on institutional Management leadership; business cycle management and team building.
Provide assistance to coordinator social mobilization to design capacity building & training strategy for Milk producers, in each of the project district.
Responsible to support coordinator social mobilization for registration of MPGs in 09 districts under relevant and appropriate regulation of the sindh government.
Responsible to conduct effective TNA process by conducting FGD, KII and In-depth interview of farmers in the areas.
Responsible for program introduction and mobilization of target group (subsistence and semi-subsistence livestock keepers) to organize their “Milk Producers Group”(MPG) in allotted villages.
Responsible for identifying credible ;energetic potential candidates with leadership qualities and prudent business acumen for holding the office MPGs president ,General Secretary ,Treasure and the women member etc.
Responsible for singing of “ Terms of Partnership “ between the project and the MPGs
Systematically work on developing a coherent organizational Vision, Mission and Values; and strategy direction in each MPG and ensure that they are shared by all MPG members.
Ensure that the MPG organizational management Structure is established through a democratic process for appointment of the management team (MPG president, General Secretary, Treasurer and women member).
Continuously monitor and carry out gap assessment of each MPG to assess any weaknesses in order to identify and alert to the Technical Coordinator the constraints for growth so that corrective action can be planned and undertaken.
Provide support to the project M&E officer in collecting relevant information from the field.

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Field Monitor
Aug 2015 - Jan 2016 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Make a check list of instruments/ preparation for the daily field Plan.
FM will have to provide positive and constructive feedback to TLAs ( Training learning Assissocate) .
Diagnostic & Formative assessment of 20-students (grade-2) on monthly basis.
Ensure proper project tracking and record keeping.
Compile project reports highlighting project impact against indicators.
Ensure capacity building of counterpart and all members of TLAs
As delegated by the Team Leader, liaise with equivalent project staff in other locations to ensure sharing of lessons learned, tools and systems.
Conduct any other programming responsibility delegated by the Program Manager

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Project officer WASH
Catholic Relief Services - Pakistan
Mar 2011 - Mar 2015 | Kandhkot, Pakistan

Support implementing partner in water, sanitation and hygiene project design, implementation and monitoring.
Mobilize and involve communities to ensure community ownership of projects Design appropriate assessment tools to identify and respond to water, sanitation and hygiene needs.
Establish, identify and train community based Hygiene Promoters (HPs) and Water and Sanitation Management Committees (WSC).
Support and strengthen HPs and WSC during project implementation and monitoring Carry out water quality assessments, test and monitoring.
Provide regular feedback to implementing partners, communities, HPs & WSC of the results and findings of water quality testing and monitoring.
Ensure proper project tracking and record keeping.
Compile project reports highlighting project impact against indicators. Ensure capacity building of counterpart and all members of team As delegated by the Team Leader,
liaise with equivalent project staff in other locations to ensure sharing of lessons learned, tools and systems.
Conduct any other programming responsibility delegated by the Program Manager.

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Project Officer Shelter
Catholic Relief Services - Pakistan
Sep 2010 - Feb 2011 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Ensure proper implementation of shelter program implementation program as per CRS guidelines, design, and specifications.
Review and apply social mobilization procedures shelter.
Participate in review of criteria for beneficiary identification and selection.
Participate in review of implementation procedures of distribution of shelter material.
Work in close cooperation with the PM shelter to plan the implementation and follow up of the shelter program in sindh.
Coordinate closely with procurement, distribution, and logistics teams, ensuring information gathered from social mobilization regarding distribution sites and number of registered households is provided to the logistics and distribution teams in a timely and consistent manner.
Ensure participation and involvement of the beneficiary community in program implementation so that programming occurs in a consultative, participate and gender sensitive way.
Ensure coordination, planning and implementation of assessment, mobilization and registration with partners and communities.
Liaise with the local communities, authorities, and other organization in sukkur and the target areas to ensure understanding and commitment to CRS shelter program.
Provide support and capacity building regarding the process of community mobilization to peer partner staff and beneficiaries.
Give feedback to the PM shelter on the progress and quality of the program activities.
Ensuring accountability of all program activities and expenses by complying with CRS standard operation procedures.
Participate in the data collection for M&E activities as required.
Ensure compliance with CRS standard operating procedures to guarantee accountability throughout the implementation process.

Company Logo
Project Officer Shelter
Catholic Relief Services - Pakistan
Sep 2010 - Feb 2011 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Ensure proper implementation of shelter program implementation program as per CRS guidelines, design, and specifications.
Review and apply social mobilization procedures shelter.
Participate in review of criteria for beneficiary identification and selection.
Participate in review of implementation procedures of distribution of shelter material.
Work in close cooperation with the PM shelter to plan the implementation and follow up of the shelter program in sindh.
Coordinate closely with procurement, distribution, and logistics teams, ensuring information gathered from social mobilization regarding distribution sites and number of registered households is provided to the logistics and distribution teams in a timely and consistent manner.
Ensure participation and involvement of the beneficiary community in program implementation so that programming occurs in a consultative, participate and gender sensitive way.
Ensure coordination, planning and implementation of assessment, mobilization and registration with partners and communities.
Liaise with the local communities, authorities and other organization in sukkur and the target areas to ensure understanding and commitment to CRS shelter program.
Provide support and capacity building regarding the process of community mobilization to peer partner staff and beneficiaries.
Give feedback to the PM shelter on the progress and quality sof the program activities.
Ensuring accountability of all program activities and expenses by complying with CRS standard operation procedures.
Participate in the data collection for M&E activities as required.
Ensure compliance with CRS standard operating procedures to guarantee accountability throughout the implementation process.

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Social Mobilizer /Trainer
Jun 2007 - Jan 2009 | Sukkur, Pakistan

To Assist in baseline research / survey of selected communities, and continue to monitor social change and new social information relevant of community empowerment.
 To identify potential women for Livestock Lady Workers and organizers.
FVMC, Female village Milk collection training. v Living in Village and work in villages of the Trainees LLW;
 To motivate and encourage woman groups to talk to their fellow community members about unity and self-reliance;
Raised awareness that community members themselves can move each community out of poverty ,and to show them ways they can do this for themselves;
To assist community members /women groups to identify needs and to generate solutions, identify priority issues and to analyze their problems; specially livestock and their economic empowerment.
To encourage and stimulate women of targeted communities to organize for action aimed at solving their problems and to plan, implement and monitor action that they define themselves;
To provide women community groups with management skills and knowledge in getting community members interested, organized and motivated;
To develop trust, tolerance and co-operation among community members.
Performed other duties assigned by PMU.
Success response in timely reporting to Regional Coordinator /HR coordinator.

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Field Coordinator
IRC Pakistan (Indus Resource Center)
Mar 2007 - May 2007 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Prepare work plan and Schedule the field Work
Contact with the District Nazims, UC Nazism and secretary
Supervise and monitor the Master trainer in the Field.
Help in the development of curriculum for the training of UC Nazims & councilors.
Developing, Planning and Coordinating Training activities along with Master Trainers to ensure quality program.
As delegate by the Team Leader, liaise with equivalent project staff in other location to ensure sharing of lesson learned, tools and system. v Ensure proper record keeping including computerized database of activities.
Conduct any other programming responsibility delegated by the Work District Coordinate.


Shah Abdul Latif University
Masters, , M.A(Sociology)‎
Grade B
Shah Abdul Latif University
Masters, , M.A(Economics)‎
Grade B


Expert Good understanding of SPHERE standards
Intermediate CLTS
Expert PATS
Expert SLTS
Expert Administration Knowledge
Expert Administrative Management 
Intermediate Admirative Assistance
Expert Advance Level Social Mobilization
Expert Advocacy
Expert Advocacy and Campaigning
Expert Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
Expert Agile Project Management
Expert AIDS Knowledge
Expert Allergy Relief
Expert Analytical Skills
Expert Answering Inquiries
Expert Assessment Methodologies
Expert Assessments
Expert Assessments and Distributions
Expert Awareness
Expert Basic skills in data collection
Expert Basic Understanding of Monitoring
Expert Beneficiaries Establishing
Intermediate Business Resilience
Expert Capacity Building
Expert Capacity Building Training
Expert Capacity To Direct Contribute To Research
Expert Capacity To Directly Contribute To Research
Expert Child Advocacy
Expert Child Care Development
Expert Child Protection
Expert CIT
Expert Client Managing Skills
Expert Client Resolution
Expert CMST
Expert Command On MS Office
Expert Comminucation
Expert Communication and Facilitation Skills
Expert Communication Skills
Expert Community Analysis
Expert Community Building
Expert Community Development Approaches
Expert Community Emergency Response
Expert Community Engagement
Expert Community Health
Expert Community Influential
Expert Community Leadership
Expert Community Management
Expert Community Mobilization
Expert Community Mobilization Skills


Expert Urdu
Expert Sindhi
Expert Saraiki
Expert Punjabi
Expert English
Intermediate Balochi

Saima Contacts

Shahzad Khan
Hashoo Foundation