
I have recently graduated from UMT with a GPA of 3.82. I'm a passionate programmer and keen to learn new technologies. I was awarded, Rector and Deans' award 5 times. I have worked a lot on Android Applications in Java and firebase Real-time Database. I have also worked and have good knowledge of Web Development and worked on both Front End and Backend side of Web. Moreover, I have very good knowledge in OOP, data structures and database. I have also worked on the NoSQL database on Firebase in my final year project.




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App Script Editor
Feb 2020 - Apr 2020 | Lahore, Pakistan

I have worked remotely on App scripts of google sheets for a company called IREG in America. I worked for them on a contract for two months. I used to write scripts for computation on google sheets.


University of Management & Technology (UMT)
Bachelors, Bachelors in Science, ‎
Computer Science
CGPA 3.8/4


Intermediate CSS
Intermediate .Net
Intermediate Algorithm Knowledge
Intermediate Android Management
Beginner Android Studio
Beginner Angular
Beginner API
Beginner Automation Languages Command
Beginner Bootstrap
Intermediate C-HTML
Beginner Client Communication
Intermediate Computer Language
Expert Conservation Awareness
Intermediate Coordination Skill's
Beginner CorePHP
Intermediate CSS
Intermediate CSS3
Intermediate Database
Intermediate Development Languages
Beginner Dot Net
Beginner Executing Content
Beginner Financial and Budgeting Skills
Beginner Git
Intermediate GUI Framework
Expert HTML
Expert HTML 5
Intermediate HTML and XHTML
Beginner HTML5 
Intermediate IntelliJ
Beginner iPhone Application
Intermediate IT Trobuleshooting
Intermediate J2SE
Intermediate Java Development
Intermediate JavaScript
Beginner Jquery
Intermediate Lab Knowldge
Beginner Laravel
Intermediate Microsoft Applications Experience
Intermediate MySQL
Intermediate NosSQL
Intermediate PHP1
Beginner React JS
Beginner RESTful
Intermediate Software Developer
Intermediate Software Development
Intermediate Softwares Design
Intermediate Spring
Intermediate SQL
Intermediate Strong Mathematical Knowledge
Beginner Web Application Design


Expert Urdu
Expert English