
Mr. Rajar is highly seasoned development professional in the field of humanitarian, community development and Research work. He is masters in sociology with more than 8 and half years experience with profound capacity of project management, social Mobilization, social surveys and researches with national level and international organisations
The cadre of his working institutions covers the International and Autonomous and NGOs as well as the welfare organizations at the national and local level. This is the evidence of variety of the experience he has in the field of welfare and development

During the journey of development sector, he has been associated with ACF, ACTED, International Rescue Committee and NCHD, SAFWCO, at mid management positions in the field of education, community mobilization,Shelter, CLTS, FSL and Nutrition in emergencies and early recovery projects.
His leadership role and attitude, team management skills and critical decision making skills makes him more distinctive among all the colleagues. During his service with International Rescue Committee and ACTED, he has achieved various mile stones of success, including assessment of flood affected community and distribution of livelihood components. along with that he remained successful in establishment of feeder schools in the remote desert area, and mobilized community which resulted that these schools are functional without the financial support of organisation


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Project Supervisor
Secours Islamique France `
Sep 2015 - Dec 2015 | Tharparkar, Pakistan

This position is overall responsible for the operation and implementation of project, planning, implementation, field and team management, coordination and reporting of CFT and CFW activities
• Provide technical support to field team to plan, implement the CFT, CFW, vocational and livelihood project activities and reporting of project
• To monitor project activities at all stages of implementation
• preparation of monitoring plan
• preparation of tools for process and progress Monitoring
• Monitor all activities at field level
• Monitor quality of training and other project interventions
• Develop and strengthen coordination with Potential stakeholders for smooth functioning of project activities and engage them in the project activities and provide technical support
• Ensure the development of training manuals and conduct training on Rainwater Harvesting, Livestock Management, Nutrition and WASH
• Supervising distribution of material and construction of schemes through cash for work
• Collection of relevant data and participation of surveys related to livelihoods interventions
• Active liaison with relevant stakeholders to avoid any conflict
• Present and actively coordinate in distribution of inputs related to livelihoods interventions
• Facilitate beneficiaries in effective utilization of grants which they receive under different interventions related to livelihoods
• Ensure the quality and timely construction of rainwater harvesting schemes
• Plan and organise animal health camps in close coordination with the line department
• Plan and facilitate to organise the goat distribution event
• Arrange and facilitate in capacity building events designed for the beneficiaries
• Weekly and monthly reporting
• Donor coordination and reporting

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FSL Officer
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Jan 2015 - May 2015 | Tando Mohd Khan, Pakistan

To perform project activities
• Participate in orientation/training programs regarding Project activities
• Participate in various assessments (i.e. Beneficiary registration, Baseline, End Line, Market Assessment etc.) and collect data on designed formats
• Conduct nutrition sessions, support technical trainings of beneficiaries, monitor cash for work activities,
• Identify the case studies, document and share with management.
• Responsible for assigned villages, coordinate with VPC members and organize cash disbursement events
To assist in data filtration and documentation
• Participate in data filtration review meetings
• Assist in data cleaning and revision/cross verification
Social Mobilization and community facilitation
• Through systematic SMP; form VPC
• Village project committee’s orientation and capacity building
• Facilitate VPCs to identify the communal schemes; considering DRR, WASH and Gender integration
• Continual technical facilitation to community for the CFW work
• Coordinate with VPC heads for smooth functioning of project activities
• Organize Cash Disbursemnet points and facilitate beneficiaries with the lens of SPHERE standard
• Facilitate technical trainers of Kitchen Gardening and Livestock management in the organization of trainings
• Ensure the establishment of Kitchen gardening plots and Animal shelters
• Assist supervisor to gather data of the most significant cases
Document all filled formats properly and handover to supervisor
Prepare weekly progress report and submit to the supervisor

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Team Leader
ACTED Pakistan
Oct 2011 - Nov 2014 | Sanghar, Pakistan

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Community Mobilization Officer
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Apr 2011 - Sep 2011 | Shahdad Kot, Pakistan

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Taluka Coordinator
National Commision of Human Development
Jan 2010 - Apr 2011 | Sanghar, Pakistan

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Senior Social Organizer
Jun 2008 - Dec 2009 | Sanghar, Pakistan

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Markaz Coordinator
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
May 2005 - Jul 2008 | Sanghar, Pakistan


University of Sindh
Masters, , Sociology‎
Rural Sociology


Expert Urdu
Expert Sindhi
Intermediate Punjabi
Intermediate English