
Mr. Ayaz Buriro is a development professional and belongs to District Dadu-Sindh and Having almost 14 years experience and he has remained with various reputable National International organizations as a an employee and consultant mainly working on Flood Emergency Response, Humatarian Response , Research , Data Collection, social mobilization, Volunteerism, Emergencies and Response, Universal Primary Education, Teachers trainings, School based DRR, health , environmental, Building Resilience through Community Based Disaster Risk Management-CBDRM, Disaster Risk Management and livelihood development as well as on advocacy type projects such as Supporting Transparency Accountability Electoral Process in Pakistan-STAEP and Citizens Observation for Transparent and Accountable Elections in Pakistan and Citizens Observation for Transparent and Accountable Elections in Pakistan project. Whereas he had the chance to observe extremes of vicious circles of poverty nets and the possible ways that could help to provide relief against such odds and since the beginning of the career I have been able to develop some of the specific skills like narrative report writing, analytical reports and case stories. I have been also deeply involved in preparation, implementation, management and monitoring of DRM projects. As he has been able to develop some of the specific skills like narrative report writing, analytical reports and case stories. While I have acquired Masters Degree in English (Literature) from University of Sindh Jamshoro, M.A Sociology from Sindh University Jamshoro, and Bachelor in Education in First Class from Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur. While currently i have completed projects as a Health Promotion Supervisor, MSFC OCB Dadu, from 8th Nov-2023 to 30th Nov-2023, Reporting Communication Coordinator in the project of Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress(GRASP) with Goth Seengar Foundation-GSF from June 1st , 2021 , 30th Sep-2022. Project Manager, District Khairpur Mirs, funded by TDEA-FAFEN implemented by Marvi Rural Development Organization -MRDO from 1st July 2020 to 31st January-2021.Project Manager, District Jacobabad, Aman Ja Numainda, Funded by DAI, The Aware Foundation-TAF-MRDO from 15thOct-2018 to 30th June-2020.While I have also completed following projects with successfully in respective organization. Project Manager/strong-Naushahro Feroze Marvi Rural Development Organization (MRDO) with collaboration Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) is supporting FAFEN for implementing a nationwide program, Citizens Observation for Transparent and Accountable Election in Pakistan project. November 25th 2017 t0 Sep 30th 2018. Districts Project Coordinator-Tando Allahyar, Sanghar Umerkot Resilient, Informed and Safer Schools and Communities Project funded by UNICEF while implemented by Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum-PFF, 21 September 2015 to 28th February-2017. Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation Officer, Building Resilience through Community Based Disaster Risk Management-CBDRM funded Concern World Wide-CWW -Indus Resource Centre-IRC Jacobabad, 10 March 2015 to 20th Sep-2015.Project Manager- Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Support to Disaster affected population in Pakistan, Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance V (PEFSA V) funded by Oxfam GB, Indus Resource Centre-IRC. District Coordinator/strong Project of Supporting Transparency Accountability Electoral Process in Pakistan-STAEP Funded by Free and Fair Election Network-FAFEN, Indus Resource Center-IRC-DADU. District Long Term Observer-DLTO/strong Project of Long Term Election Observation and Oversight in Pakistan (LTEOOP) Funded by Free and Fair Election Network-FAFEN, Indus Resource Center-IRC-DADU. Assistant Field Logistician Specialist,/strong Flood Emergency Response, Medicines sans Frontiers (MSF-OCA)-Jacobabad. Program Officer, Funded by USAID project of Alternative Solar Energy, Center for Environment Development-CEAD, Jamshoro. Site Coordinator,/strong Thatta Provision of Clean Drinking Water to Flood Affected People- A Project of Sindh Government, WWF-Pakistan. Community Facilitator-UNDP Funded Biogas Plant Project, Dadu, WWF-Pakistan. Logistics Junior- Medicines sans Frontiers Belgium, Jamshoro, Sindh. Editor (Rooh Rehan Magazine)-Hyderabad.

Links to my published articles in English as well as in Sindhi Newspapers https// http// http// http// http// /div/p/div


Citizens’ Observation for Transparent and Accountable Election in Pakistan


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Senior District Officer-Nutrition Project (Sukkur)
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Nov 2023 - Nov 2024 | Sukkur, Pakistan

To supervise the UNICEF Project Nutrition team with International Rescue Committee as Senior District Manager. Support the nutrition staff to ensure proper functioning of reporting systems data flow mechanisms for regular assessment, monitoring, and evaluation of the program against its objectives and expected results. And conduct critical monitoring of all aspects of nutrition activities and identify areas of concern. Lead the development of a referral mechanism and communication strategies and train nutrition project staff in case detection and referrals between community and OTPs/ BISP facilitation centres/ hospitals in the respective districts, Submit workable solutions for identified challenges, demonstrate understanding of multi-sectoral approach to malnutrition and ensuring that nutrition project beneficiaries are linked with other sector interventions and provide guidance to project staff on the integration of a nutrition component into other sectors as appropriate such as food security, Health, WASH and disaster prevention and preparedness. Facilitate the development/adaptation of nutrition education training manuals and facilitator\'s guide based on existing provincial nutrition protocols and curricula including training follow-up.

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Health Promoter Supervisor (Nutrition Project)
Médecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-OCB-PAKISTAN)
Nov 2022 - Nov 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Responsibilitues: To supervise the 12 Health Promotion Officers (HPOs) and round about 60 Community Health Workers (CHWs) team and update of the HP strategy (target population, key messages, communication methods, chronogram of activities, monitoring tools, To identify indicators in order to monitor HP activities, results, achievement and use of concrete tools to measure and follow up those activities, Train project staff in areas of developing ATFCs and mobile nutrition sites for population cannot access the nutrition services, To develop and design IEC Material and key messages on Nutrition and Health Promotion, To supervise, organize and carry out assessment and research on the impact of HP activities, Organize, train, and supervise the team of Health Promotion related staff in terms of:, Planning and organizing their work (areas, days, absences, visits, holidays, etc), Elaboration/improvement of materials and identification of strategies for delivering the information to the community, Reporting: collect reports of each HP officer and report his/her activities, Collect and report to the project coordination any information linked to the health situation of the population, Organize and conduct health awareness session for the MSF’s staff (medical and non- medical)

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Reporting & Communication Coordinator
Goth Seengar Foundation-GSF GRASP Project PPAF
Jun 2021 - Sep 2022 | Sukkur, Pakistan

Responsibilities: Project Development and Planning: Work with project management team to develop detailed implementation plans, will manage and implement the Rural Mobilization, two Access to Finance outputs, SMEs (Male/Female) are trained in appropriate environmentally sustainable technologies value and enhance marketed volumes. Appropriate financial solutions designed and mobilized for MSMEs, Short listing and training needs assessment (TNA) of local BIOs, CRPs, SMEs, Producers/Farmers, women entrepreneurs, and follow-up mentoring, Product awareness/communication material, Continuous engagement with all stakeholders (beneficiaries - MSMEs, GRASP Partners, Government Departments, Banks/FIs, market players, BIOs, LSO, COs, etc.) at UC, Districts and Provincial Level.
Communication and Reporting: To contribute to achieving GRASP Project vision by streamlining & disseminating its achievements, sharing best practices through varied set of products/activities at district and provincial levels and contributing towards overall sector development. It strives to brand/position/market PPAF-GSF at District & Provincial levels as an inclusive, transparent and learning institution transforming the lives of the poor and marginalized across Pakistan.

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Project Manager
Marvi Rural Development Organization (MRDO)
Jul 2020 - May 2021 | Khairpur, Pakistan

To Manage the team of District Coordinators , Communiy Mobilzers and Paid Vulnters for COVID-19 Project in Khairpur.Coordinate with respective ECP and NADRA offices to facilitate Women CNICs in respective districts, to conduct briefing meetings with respective district authorities introducing CNIC registration initiative and operational procedure in the targeted areas, Collaborate and coordinate with respective stakeholders, prepare training work plan in consultation with stakeholders, coordinating field visits to mobilize communities for women CNIC registration. Listed women for NICs at either the closest NADRA Registration Center (NRC) or through Mobile Registration Vans (MRV),  To provide an independent assessment of the quality of the government’s response to COVID-19 at the district level. Will serve as the “district watcher” and employ a standardised methodology to systematically assess the quality of the government’s district-level response to COVID-19, Interviews with relevant government officials, members of National and Provincial Assemblies.

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Project Manager
The Aware Foundation-TAF
Oct 2018 - Jun 2020 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

To Manage and Supervise the team of Project as Project manager in District Jacabad, To conducting FGDs with Councilors, Local Government staff, Conducting KII from elected representatives (MPAs & MNAs) regarding local government and Peace, Promotes pluralism, tolerance and peace through education and capacity-building programs. To engages civil society actors, particularly religious leaders, to build their capacity and empower them to play a critical role in countering violent extremism (CVE) and preventing the spread of intolerance and violence that stems from inappropriate use of religion. Project Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the project, including overall coordination, planning, management, implementation, monitoring & evaluation and reporting of all project activities, Prepare TORs for key inputs (i.e. personnel, sub-contracts, training, and procurement) and submits these to the management for clearance, and administers the mobilization of such inputs.

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Project Manager
Marvi Rural Development Organization (MRDO)
Nov 2017 - Sep 2018 | Naushahro Feroze, Pakistan

Aims of Project: Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) is supporting FAFEN for implementing a nationwide program, “Citizens’ Observation for Transparent and Accountable Election in Pakistan”
Act as a focal person for all project activities, Manage the implementation of all election observation activities and initiatives to ensure timely and effective results, Ensure all activity reports and deliverables are timely, To linkages development with ECP and NADRA voter registration and CNIC registration, complete adhere to the defined quality standards and are submitted at designated online system promptly, Ensure hiring/recommendation of high quality and qualified candidates for District Coordinators (DC), Master Trainers, Constituency Coordinators (CC) and their Assistants (as defined in the Grant SOW).

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Districts Project Coordinator-Tando Allahyar , Sanghar & Umerkot
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Sep 2015 - Feb 2017 | Sanghar, Pakistan

To supervise the team in three District with UNICEF Safer School Project, Support operation of the agreed program implementation strategy;  day-to-day coordination to implement Programme activities under the key program components; Assess technical requirements of the national and state governments as well as district and city administrations, and take steps for coordinated and timely provision of high-quality technical inputs based upon his assessment in the form of technical advice, tools, guidelines, knowledge products, to conduct FGDs with teachers, parents and education staff regarding safer school

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Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation Officer
Indus Resource Centre-IRC
Mar 2015 - Oct 2015 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Objective 1: Surveys & Assessments: Facilitate program department in need assessments, baseline, end-line and post distribution monitoring surveys in terms of forming data collection tools, sample size, training of data collection team.
Objective 2: Project design and implementation: Desk review for all the project and give feedbacks and ensure alignment to minimum standards; Provide technical inputs in program development process and facilitate in log frame formation (e.g. indicators, MOVs and risk & assumption matrix development)
Objective 3: Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop M&E Plan and tool with coordination with the Regional Manager and get it approved from immediate the MEAL Manager; and follow the M&E Plan during project implementation.
Objective4: Accountability: Ensure accountability at field level during program implementation by orienting program team and beneficiaries during activities, 
Objective 5: Learning: Support MEAL Manager in organizing monthly/midyear/annual review meetings and lessons learnt workshop;

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Project Manager
Indus Resource Center
Jul 2014 - Feb 2015 | Badin, Pakistan

Responsibilities: To Manage and Supervise the team of FSL as Project Manager in District Badin, to design and execute FSL project work plans and to revise as appropriate to meet the goals and objective of the project. Responsible for planning, program design, and to ensure its proper implementation at the field level, To define program implementation modalities (targeting criteria, mobilization modalities, local partnerships, participant training curricula, monitoring systems, staff schedules, etc.) through the development of program SOPs and scope, in coordination with the Regional Office, Provide technical support to teams in designing, planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating project nutrition activities.

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District Coordinator
Indus Resource Center
Jan 2014 - Jun 2014 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

Responsibilities: As District Coordinator supervising the STEAP Project at District Level, to constitute district level citizen groups and facilitate their meetings, Coordinate with district level NADRA and ECP offices for observer’s accreditation and citizen’s registrations, Coordinate implementation of program activities in the designated districts to ensure effective program outcomes, Submission of online reports with required MOVs in a timely and professional manner.

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Assistant Field Logistician Specialist-Jacobabad
Oct 2013 - Nov 2013 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Responsibilities: Ensuring the vehicle fleet maintenance which includes planning and overseeing timely preventive and curative maintenance of all project vehicles according to MSF standards and Instructing and monitoring drivers on correct driving habits and standard checks, Managing and following up orders which includes collecting logistics orders coming from different departments or health facilities; drawing up and following up orders according to the procedures in force; providing technical support to the storekeeper, makes local purchases according to MSF OCA supply procedures and ensures reception conditions of freight or arriving material as well as the organization and setting up of materials before its shipment

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District Long Term Observer-DLTO
Indus Resource Center
Jan 2013 - Oct 2013 | Dadu, Pakistan

Responsibilities: To supervise the project team of Election Observation at District Level, to implement the project activities during the pre and post-election phases,To assist the EOM in the recruitment of Constituency Long Term Observers (CLTOs), To coordinate with ECP and NADRA for voter registration and CNIC registration, conducting regular meetings with NADRA regarding MRV, To observe and report the pre-election, Election day and post-election  environment in the district including the nomination process and compliance with the code of conduct of political parties and candidates, election preparations by the ECP and executive, complaint redresses by election authorities and other similar processes, To take interviews from DEC, SSP, DCO and all political parties of district, Leading Team of Observers in District Dadu, (350 Short Term Observers).

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Community Facilitator
WWF Pakistan
Jan 2012 - May 2012 | Dadu, Pakistan

Responsibilities: Community sensitization on the program objectives and methods to stimulate & eventually promote the understanding and participation of the target population, Responsible for organizing/strengthening communities into viable, conducting surveys for Biogas plant project and also Assist in organizing training and other events for local communities and other partners at project sites, Keep regular record of field activities (daily & weekly) and submit fortnightly reports to the Field Supervisor, Responsible for giving trainings to Masons and Villagers regarding Bio Gas.

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Site Coordinator
WWF Pakistan
Jan 2011 - Sep 2011 | Thatta, Pakistan

Responsibilities: Supervising and Managing project activities at project site district Thatta; Implementing project with the specific components at site which include the provision of clean drinking water with installation of water filtration plants and mobilization of communities in alignment and collaboration with stakeholders; Supervising the team of 60 water distributors and plant operators at field level; Identifying and developing formal links between local partners.

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Logistic Junior
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Aug 2010 - Dec 2010 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

Responsibilities: Monitoring maintenance activities of infrastructures, management of non-medical stocks and equipment according to MSF standards, Ensuring the check and follow-up of facilities under the line manager's supervision through daily visits to the facilities and reporting any anomalies or problems, evaluation of the rehabilitation needs and following up minor building rehabilitation work according to supervisor's instructions; checking that premises observe security norms and monitoring the consumption of mechanical and electrical vehicles/machines/devices, Planning and manage distribution of various items  together with the line manager the in field.


Government Jinnah Law College Hyderabad
Bachelors, Bachelors in Law, ‎
Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Islamic Law
University of Sindh
Masters, Masters in Arts, Sociology‎
University of Sindh
Masters, , Master in English Literature‎
CGPA 2.0/4


Expert data monitoring
Intermediate Ability To Lead the Team
Intermediate Ability To Meet Deadlines
Intermediate Accuracy Management
Intermediate Achievable Development Plans
Intermediate Adaptive Management
Intermediate Admin Task Management
Intermediate Administration of Financial Management
Intermediate Administrative Skills
Expert Advocacy
Expert Advocacy Campaigning Handling
Intermediate Advocate of Teamwork
Beginner Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
Intermediate Agile Project Management
Intermediate Analatical Skills
Expert Analytical and reasoning skills
Intermediate Analytical Review
Expert Analytical Skills
Intermediate Analytical Writing
Intermediate Answering Inquiries
Intermediate Appropriate Engagement
Intermediate Aseptic Technique Knowledge
Intermediate Assessments and Distribution
Intermediate Audit Assignment Handling
Intermediate Aware Of Child Protection Concept
Expert  Adobe Premiere Pro
Intermediate Base Management
Intermediate Basic Understanding of Statistical Data
Intermediate BBQ Knowledge
Intermediate Behavior Change Communication
Intermediate Binding Knowledge
Intermediate Budget Monitoring
Intermediate Budget Tracking & Reporting
Intermediate Budgeting
Intermediate Budgeting Skills
Intermediate Build Strong Teams
Expert Business Analysis Monitoring
Intermediate C++ Knowledge
Intermediate Capacity Building
Intermediate Capacity Building Management
Intermediate Capacity Building Skills
Expert Capacity Development
Intermediate Capacity To Directly Contribute To Research
Intermediate Case Management
Intermediate Challenging
Intermediate Child Advocacy
Intermediate Child Nutrition Care
Intermediate Child Protection
Intermediate Child Protection Case Management
Intermediate Child Protection Development


Expert Sindhi
Intermediate Urdu
Intermediate English

Ayaz Contacts

Ali Raza
Pakistan Council Of Research In Water Resources (PCRWR)
Ayaz Soomro
Pakistan Institute Of Development Economics
Nasir Ali Panhwar
World Bank / Sindh Irrigation Department