
 I have been in the process of several development related experiences and performed in National International Organizational, and my conclusive overall experience with the NGO sector is more then thirteen years with different national and international organizations of Pakistan, I'm differently able person and had completed apprenticeship among Community Appraisal Motivation Program CAMP and contributed as Provincial Coordinator of Balochistan. Hence, rendered services with Islamic Relief Worldwide, as project coordinator, I had rendered my services as Project Officer (Livelihood) with  CRS, American Refugee committee,  Institute for development and practices, now I am contributing as project manager with Muslimaid Pakistan.


BDRP 2019


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District Coordinator Benzir Noushnuma Program
Tameer e Khalaq Foundation
Aug 2022 - Nov 2024 | Sibi, Pakistan

Rapid Nutrition Assessment:                                                                                                        o   Conduct a rapid nutrition assessment in the targeted Union Council using MUAC tape to establish baseline information.

Staff Involvement in CMAM Services:

o   Actively involve staff in providing CMAM (Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition) services, including community outreach activities. Engage in mobilization, sensitization, absentee tracking, default tracing, and home visits.
Community Mobilization & Screening:

Organize and conduct community mobilization sessions.
Screen and register clients using MUAC tape and ensure appropriate placement in feeding programs, following CMAM protocols.

Provision of Supplementary and Therapeutic Foods:

Provide supplementary and therapeutic foods to identified clients in line with established protocols.

Referral and Follow-up for Severe Malnutrition Cases:

Refer and follow up on children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) who have complications or no appetite, directing them to the appropriate SC (Stabilization Center) for further treatment.

Registration and Referral for Malnutrition Management (MM):

Register target children and pregnant/lactating women (PLW) for MM services.
Ensure the appropriate referral process is followed for further treatment and management.

Distribution of MM Supplements:

Distribute MM supplements to target children and PLW in accordance with the relevant protocols.

Education on Supplement Use:

Provide education to mothers and caretakers on the proper use of MM supplements to ensure effective management.

Vitamin A Registration:

Register target children for vitamin A supplementation as per established guidelines.

Establishment of Breastfeeding Corners:

Set up breastfeeding corners in target centers to encourage and support breastfeeding practices.

Nutrition Awareness and Hygiene Promotion:

Conduct nutrition awareness sessions in health facilities and communities.
Promote hygiene practices as part of the overall health and nutrition education efforts.

          Other responsibilities   

Build and maintain relationships with stakeholders and allied organizations pertaining to project activities
Provide training and guidance to project team, Project documentation as detailed by project protocol and individual project contract requirement
Prepare qualitative and quantitative project progress reports to be shared with the donor
Perform specific project related activities in accordance with role as either project lead or project team member
Ensure that documentation and other project information is correctly entered into the appropriate spreadsheet or database
Conduct regular coordination meetings with the field team(s) for progress updates.
Keep track of lessons learned and share it with the management
 Represent the programme at external meetings and other coordination meetings as necessary
Facilitate monthly field operation meetings and preparation of meeting minutes.
Foster a positive, productive and professional work environment and professional relationships amongst staff; facilitate productive working relationships with the Head office.
Worked with Project Manager to coordinated day to day activities, ensure the project is implemented according to agreed standards and timeline, monitorined and reported to project, managed to project activities and maintaining a good relationship with key stakeholders.
 Ensure smooth operation of the project activities, including timely narrative reporting to the Project Manager 
Submit an Internal monthly report on progress of the project; and other reports as necessary
With support from the Project Manager, organize advocacy meetings/conferences and ensure that workshops and other events are well organized and coordinated
In-consultation with the Project Manager, develop project work plans and revise as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements.
Manage day to day operational aspects of the project and scope.

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FSL and Cash Officer
International Rescue Committee
Nov 2020 - Apr 2021 | Jhal Magsi, Pakistan

Established systems for project execution support and developed Strategic Planning through assisting cross-functional project managers in the successful completion of their projects.
Participated in the development of a Cash Transfer implementation strategy for IRC project in consultation with Team Lead and Head of Office, worked closely with Finance, and the senior managers for designing CT programs, Contributed to the development of Cash Transfer & Livelihoods Programming Assuring Program Quality.
Overall ensured that project meet stated objectives within the timeframe and on budget, Ensure IRC Cash Transfer project demonstrate adherence to international and national standards, including LEGS, Sphere, and others, with support from the program management and program quality team, ensure accountability to beneficiaries, gender sensitivity, and inclusion are adequately addressed in programming.
Lead assessment process, including planning and reporting, to determine needs, Ensure technical quality and accuracy of Cash Transfer program reports from baseline collection to final evaluation.
Conducted regular field visits to verify quality/ progress of program interventions and provide technical guidance and advice to the field teams.
Line manages Cash Transfer team and other staff as needed, Ensured the development of detailed and technical program work plans, and support their implementation in coordination with team.
Ensure staff capacity building around program interventions, Strong coordination with other projects, cluster partners and district authorities on project implementation and information  sharing,
Represented the IRC to relevant early recovery working groups/clusters, agencies and ministries on food security and livelihoods issues, as and when required, Coordinated with other components and projects in KP/Baluchistan.
Close coordinated and integration of activities with the other projects, ensured compliance.

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Food Security & Livelihood Coordinator
Muslim aid pakistan
Jul 2019 - Apr 2020 | Chaghi, Pakistan

Support Project staff in implementation of and all decisions related to project and field activities.
Strengthen monitoring, periodic review and evaluation systems, including monitoring of activities at field/Centers level and ensuring progress of program against established performance indicators, assembling monitoring database to generate reports related to skills program, and coordinating mid-term and final evaluations, where appropriate.
Manage ongoing programs & Ensure program quality through implementation of project review systems, comprehensive M & E systems and project staff development.
Ensure the effective, timely and consistent use of monitoring and evaluation tools for all program and program related activities based on Muslim Aid best practices.
Ensure timely and accurate narrative and financial reporting of BDRP project implemented in Chagai , closely coordinating with others as necessary.
Provide technical support to Project team in preparing budgets and oversee the Annual Budgeting.
Process (APP) work closely with program Coordinator /PC to ensure ownership of budgets by respective budget holders.
Ensure participation and involvement of the beneficiary community in the design, planning and evaluation of the program, and that the program is implemented in a consultative, participative and gender sensitive way
Establish and maintain relations with all stakeholders, internally and externally, and ensure that all activities are planned in a participatory, process driven approach, in line with local needs and assessments.
Explore new, strategic programming areas with field, staff, and other stakeholders, as appropriate.
Ensure the internal review process at field level of all skills project activities enlightening of the proposals and related to Muslim Aid by working closely with the program  Coordinator /PC and ensuring project format and quality are in compliance with MAP program quality guidance and external do

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District Support Manager
People's primary healthcare initiative balochistan
Dec 2018 - Jun 2019 | Sibi, Pakistan

To Facilitate as a Communication Bridge between the Head Office & District Office.
To ensure that District Support Unit (DSU) response towards all the enquiries from Head Office regarding project activities and basic health units (BHUs) management is conveyed to the concerned quarters well in time.
Ensuring implementation of all decisions and policy of the DSU, regarding Project activities and BHUs management.
To attend meetings at District level chaired by the Deputy Commissioner, District Health Officer etc.
To maintain effective discipline of record keeping related to Project activities and BHUs management in the light of instructions by the District Support Manager (DSM) or Head Office.
To plan and execute routine repair and maintenance (Infrastructure, equipment etc.) at BHUs according to the policy/instruction given by the DSM/H.O.
To plan and arrange for distribution of supplies to the BHUs in the light of instructions/policy given by the DSM/H.O.
To ensure compilation report on monthly medicine expense in the BHUs latest by 10th of every month.
To visit BHUs in order to monitor the provision of Primary Health care services at BHUs.
To conduct inquiries against Paramedical, support and class IV staff working in BHUs, as and when ordered by the DSM.
To maintain and update record of personnel working at BHUs..
Assisting DSM in maintenance of discipline, effective management and supervision of Project activities in BHUs.
Any other duties assigned by DSM

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District Coordinator
Dec 2017 - May 2018 | Sibi, Pakistan

Ensure coordination with different stakeholders e.g District Officer and other line department for acquiring general support.
Organize the training events for field staff and volunteers.
Taken lead for planning and implementation of the capacity building events for the Community Health Workers as per training manuals
Provided supportive supervision to social organizers/outreach workers for supportive supervision of CHWs community
Established OTPs into district in different villages and rural community.
Plan, develop and undertaken need based capacity building trainings of field staff on nutrition interventions
Plan, coordinate and supervise the implementation nutrition activities at community and facility level as per approved standards
On job coaching of project staff and community health workers
Maintain close liaison with PPHI and Department of Health to carter the clients that are referred by CHWs to the facilities managed by PPHI and Department of Health.
Management, planning, designing, implementation, monitoring, quality assurance and compliance with the protocols of nutrition interventions.
Provide support to District Project Officer for preparation of weekly, monthly and annual work plans and also generate reports accordingly.
Perform any other official task assigned by the Supervisor/Management.

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Provincial Coordinator
May 2015 - Aug 2016 | Quetta, Pakistan

Ensure the internal review process at field level and ensure thatl project activities are wel contacted  enlightening of the proposals and ensuring project format and quality are in compliance with CAMP program quality guidance and external donor regulations.
Ensured project activities Rule of Law Program are coordinated and affectivelye implementation of the project.
Supported to Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in coordinating and conducting trainings at the provincial, districts.
Assisted to Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in meeting with line departments in planning and coordinating.
Represented to CAMP overall coordination, of the project activities at the provincial level for the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of the services provided and the activities will be carried out according to the project desired requirements.
Supported into project planning, implementation and monitoring at the provincial levels. Represented
at all from and every plat forms to CAMP, provide affective mechanism to develop capacity of local organization so they could manage affectively.
Conducted training for partner and developed capacity plan to carry out to program activity, supported
in planning and budgeting.
Coordination and collaboration with development partners and other key stakeholders.
Ensured effective results-based management of the project in compliance with CAMP policies and procedures.
Support the activities contracted out to partner NGOs in Rule of Law Program awareness.
Provide technical support to the Partner Organizations so they could carry out smoothly implement the project activities.
Assist in the preparation of appropriate extension materials using Rule of Law Program approaches in local languages.
Organize meetings and wo norkshops which promote dialogues and inputs from development partners into key project outputs at the provincial level.

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Program Manager
Smart Pakistan
Feb 2015 - Apr 2015 | Quetta, Pakistan

Assist in implementation of on-going capacity building initiative for TVET institutions this also includes  review and update the existing capacity building plan for TVET institutions.
Supported TVET Form in implementation of on-going TVET activities in target area and ensure delivery of quality trainings.
This also includes review of trades identified through market survey and introduce new trades oriented
towards increasingly serving the poor and disadvantaged in target districts and capacity building of trainers/instructors.
To provide technical support to Local Communities in identification and selection of well reputed public and private Technical & Vocational Education & Training (TVET) institutes for vocational skill development of target groups. These include meeting negotiations and Signing MoUs for provision of trainings in target districts.
To identify and develop strong collaboration with employers and enterprises (industry) for exploring  employability of TVET graduates as these are significant players in TVET sectors.
Develop appropriate relationships with Communities and organizations, offering support as required
without being directive and being open to two-way learning.
To take lead in developing/reviewing guidelines/SoPs for the implementation of TVET activities and  harmonize methodologies among local Communities.
To carry out frequent field visits, monitor and support on-going trainings in target district and ensure  the quality of training is up to the agreed standard.
Conduct periodic reviews with Communities to track the progress towards achievement of planned activities specific results mentioned in result framework
To co-ordinate and liaise with government line departments/ministries, TVET institutions, UN/INGOs,
CSOs and other relevant stakeholders to involve them in project activities, take their assistance as needed.

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Project Coordinator
May 2013 - Jan 2015 | Quetta, Pakistan

Support Project staff in implementation of program (establishment of centers, training of trainers, developing market linkages, etc.) and all decisions related to project and field activities.
Strengthen monitoring, periodic review and evaluation systems, including monitoring of activities at field/Centers level and ensuring progress of program against established performance indicators, assembling monitoring database to generate reports related to skills program, and coordinating mid-term and final evaluations, where appropriate.
Manage ongoing programs in the areas of vocational skills & Ensure program quality through implementation of project review systems, comprehensive M & E systems and project staff development.
Ensure the effective, timely and consistent use of monitoring and evaluation tools for all program and program related activities based on Islamic relief best practices.
Ensure timely and accurate narrative and financial reporting of EQATTVSEW project implemented in Quetta, closely coordinating with others as necessary.
Provide technical support to Project team in preparing budgets and oversee the Annual Budgeting Process (APP) work closely with Area program Manger/APM to ensure ownership of budgets by respective budget holders.
Ensure participation and involvement of the beneficiary community in the design, planning and evaluation of the program, and that the program is implemented in a consultative, participative and gender sensitive way
Establish and maintain relations with all stakeholders, internally and externally, and ensure that all activities are planned in a participatory, process driven approach, in line with local needs and assessments.
Explore new, strategic programming areas with field, staff, and other stakeholders, as appropriate.
Ensure the internal review process at field level of all skills project activities enlightening of the p

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Project Officer Livelihood, DRR & WASH
Sep 2011 - Apr 2013 | Naseerabad, Pakistan

Develop project plans, coordinate and prioritize work within departments by providing project leadership, direction, training and assistance to project team.
Planning with Partner organization about livelihood Infrastructure, Kitchen gardening & CPI Schemes.
Conduct  capacity  building  trainings(area  assessment,  beneficiary  assessment  and  schemes identification) for CRS/Partner Staff.
Monitors and ensures timely and orderly implementation of all CRS and Livelihood activities.
Maintains close contact with district and other stakeholders at Tehsil and UC level to keep them informed About CRS-Livelihood interventions and progress.
Provide technical expertise in development of the Social feasibility, Technical BOQ, of CRS Livelihood, WASH, and DRR and in all projects.
Assisted in the reviews, designing and planning of expanded Cash, Voucher, CPI and Kitchen Gardening program and, guide partners in the design and costing of community / household interventions/activities that can be accomplished through the provision of Livelihood Deliverables.
Ensure appropriate beneficiary targeting through the introduction of formal guidelines, andtraining  to  partner  organizations.  Ensure  the  use  of  standardized  mechanisms  by  partner organizations that enable efficient, secure and accountable utilization of resources.
Establish processes/systems that capture the information essential to ensure best possible reporting of financial, narrative and statistical information as may be required by government, donors and CRS.
Undertake visits to view project outputs and beneficiaries, inspect disbursement points where CRS Cash and Livelihood Vouchers are distributed in the flood affected areas , in order to ensure that progress is made in the achievement of project objectives.
Prepare timely and orderly project narrative reports, analytical and critical reports on the progress of operational projects, in the scope of cash and LIVELIHOOD programs  Implemented

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Assistant Program Manger-WASH & Shelter
Oct 2010 - Aug 2011 | Jaffarabad, Pakistan

Providing support to the program Manager & program Officer in developing concept papers and proposals for submission to major donors.
As per managements guidelines, manage day to day running of the projects by spending time in the field and providing coordination and technical support to the activities.
Provide timely updates to the program Manager on the ongoing project/initiative for effective decision making.
Provide support to the Program Manager in establishing key contacts and identifying potential partners.
Ensuring that the policies and guidelines are followed, in project/program development in terms of timely submission of reports, proposals and financial information.
Visit field sites to maintain contact with communities and structures formed under the project.
Engage with Government to maintain rapport building and information exchange.
Ensure Capacity building of subordinate staff.
Develop monitoring plan in close collaboration with the Program Manager & ensuring adherence to implementation plans.
Provide technical support in preparation of key documents (for example, detailed implementation plans, log-frames, M&E plans, monthly and quarterly reports).
Ensure progress and relevant issues are highlighted with management and that timely decision- making in carried out to facilitate smooth-running of the projects/ Programs.
Maintain files and folders on reporting for easy accessibility.
Ensure that the reports are prepared in line with the requirement and recommended formats,ensuring timeliness by building staff capacity.
Liaise and collaborate with other internal departments to ensure smooth functioning of system.
Responsible for directly and indirectly overseeing all operational issues in the areas of logistics, storage/warehousing, asset management, field equipment/facilities maintenance, and vehicle management  for all offices Sibi, Naseerabad & Jaffarabad.

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Monitoring And Evaluation Officer
Balochistan Program BRSP
Jan 2009 - May 2010 | Quetta, Pakistan

Ensuring that the progress review meetings are conducted regularly as planned.
Ensuring that ensure that all quarterly and annual monitoring reports and special project related reports   are   produced   on   time   and   that   these   are   circulated   to   the   concerned
Develop appropriate questionnaires and other project Related Formats.
Carry out project monitoring and Supervision and Kept informed to Program Manger about progress of activities.
Ensure that Beneficiary Registration and selection Process is fair, and data analysis as well as activity indicators are followed up and harmonized.
Assisted in the revision of the project log frame matrix, particularly in the areas of performance indicators and their measurement.
Assisted in the development and finalization of the project Work Plan and keep it updated in accordance with project activities and timeframes as relevant.
Develop the overall framework, for project M&E, for mid-term project review, impact assessment, final evaluation, develop project Performance Monitoring Plan with relevant data collection systems.
Review the quality of existing data in the project subject areas, the methods of collecting it, and the degree to which it will provide good baseline statistics for impact evaluation.
Develop baseline data for each project component and for all project indicators. With collaborated CR partner , review their existing approaches and management information systems and agree on any required changes, support and resources.
Develop a plan for project-related capacity-building on M&E and for any computer-based support that may be required.
Organize and undertake training with collaborating partners on M&E as required

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Research And Teaching Fellow
Institute for Development Studies and Practices
Jul 2006 - Nov 2008 | Sibi, Pakistan

Provided extensive knowledge into designing of the course and conduction of main streaming gender and development( MGDS) at district, Moreover participated and contributed in other institutional activity of IDSPs.
learnt conceptualised and enhanced understanding on Gender and development and teaching.
Well conducted course and actively supported into networking and coordination of intern, district , financial and administrative matters.
Provided extensive support to make sure their technical and conceptual understanding on general human rights, provided technical and expert opinion.
Provided extensive support into dear learning ideas during field assignment been provided according to their desired needs and ideas of interns.
Conducted internal reviews according to the needs of the entrance and district team and other relevant stakeholders.
Provided extensive and expert opinions financial and record keeping and other relevant matters of the districts.
Provided extensive and expert opinions to learning areas those are mentioned into their learning needs.
Coordinated with lead faculty members of mainstreaming in gender development and teaching mechanism arrived.


University of Sindh
M-Phill, ‎
Rural Development
University of Balochistan
Masters, Masters in Arts, IR‎
international law
Percentage 53%
University of Balochistan
Bachelors, Bachelors in Science, bachelor‎
Economics, Geography, Mathematical Statistics
Percentage 57%
Balochistan Board
Intermediate/A-Level, Faculty of Science (Pre-medical), FSC‎
Percentage 46%
Balochistan Board
Matriculation/O-Level, Matric in Science, Matriculation‎
Percentage 44%


Expert Ability To Meet Deadlines
Intermediate Access Control Management
Expert Analytical Skills
Intermediate Child Nutrition Care
Intermediate Communication Skills
Expert Community Engagement
Expert Community Facilitation
Expert Configuration Switches
Expert Conflict Resolution
Expert Continuous Controls Monitoring
Expert Coordination & Networking
Expert Coordination Abilities
Expert Coordination Skilla
Expert Creative Writing Skills
Expert Data Management
Expert Data Monitoring
Beginner Digitization
Expert DRR
Expert Ecellent Communication Skills
Beginner ERP Modules
Expert ERP Systems
Expert Evaluation Skills
Expert External Liaison
Expert Financial and Budgeting Skills
Intermediate Funds Management
Expert Good Coordination Skills
Expert Handling Assignments
Expert Human Resource Management
Expert Hygiene Standards
Expert Leadership
Intermediate Livestock Management Training
Expert M&E
Expert Managing Large Teams
Expert Microsoft Office 1
Expert Microsoft Outlook
Expert Monitoring & Evaluation Skills
Expert Monitoring Analysis
Expert Monitoring Performance
Intermediate MS
Intermediate MS Excel
Intermediate MS Excel Dashboards
Expert MS Office
Expert Negotiation Skills
Intermediate Negotiations Skills
Intermediate Nutrition Management
Expert Operations Management Of Chillers
Intermediate Organizational Project Management
Intermediate People Management
Expert Planning Skills
Expert PR Campaign Management


Expert English
Expert Sindhi
Intermediate Saraiki
Expert Balochi
Expert Urdu

Syed Contacts

Iftikhar Ahmed Leghari
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Fakhrullah None Mr.
Islamic Relief Pakistan