
CURRICULUM VITAEnMuhammad Qasimn n1. Postal Address - Opp Niaz petrol Pump Peer Manzoor Colony Chowk Qazafi Multan.nn2. Contact Number- 0346-8285232,0315-5431784nnPERSONAL PROFILE n n 1. Fathers Name Muhammad Akram n 2. NIC 36302-3044970-7n 3. Religion Islamn 4. Nationality Pakistanin 5. Date of Birth 02-05-1987n 6. Domicile Multan (Punjab)n 7. Marital Status SinglennEDUCATIONnnDegree/Course Board Subjective YearnMatriculation Multan Board Science 2005nD.A.E S.I.T Multan (Lahore Board) Electrical 2006 to 2009nB-Tech(Pass) Allama Iqbal College of Technology Multan. Electrical ContinuennCOMPUTERnn1. Operating system (Window Xp)n2. MS Office(MS Excel,MS Word,MS Power Point,MS Access)n3. In page, Adobe photo Shop InternetnnGOALSnnI am very hard working person. I have ability to learn from the working environment. Now I am in position to formulate, develop and implement the strategic plans and themes to maintain and enhance the reliability of any organization.


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Booking Assistant
Faisal movers Bus service
Mar 2010 - Jan 2012 | Multan, Pakistan


Government College University
Diploma, D.A.E‎

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