
Hosh Muhammad is a humanitarian worker with the Master Degree in Sociology from Pakistan, having approximately Thirteen years hands on experience in social development sector with reputable organizations in the field of program especially programmes including GRASP (Growth for Rural Advancement Sustainable Progress) Flood Emergency Response 2022, (MPCA, NFI Food Distribution, WASH, Livestock Management) Education Above All, Sindh Community Mobilization Programme, Sindh Reading Program , TB DOTs, WASH, Nutrition, Health, Polio Eradication Livelihood sector, Research, Endline Evaluation, Impact Assessment, Harvesting, Client Satisfaction Survey, Post Distribution Monitoring, Development of tools on Comcare, Kobo Collect and ODK and MEAL and strong where my work was highly appreciated. I am confident that my broad-based skills set are easily transferable into any position

Have sound experience skilled in Management of MEAL, Programme Implementation and Capacity Building team. Livelihood, WASH, Nutrition, Health projects, Communication Coordination It includes followings

Monitoring Evaluation Accountability Learning
Communication and Coordination
Training Developments
Team player
Enjoy working in strict deadlines stretching condition
Conflict Management
Quality reports writing.
Strong leadership and communication skills
Analysis Analytical Skills, Advanced skill in MS Excel and handle the large database.
End month MPR report presentation in monthly meeting.
Developing Log frame and project indicators
Designing baseline survey and its questionnaires
Data cleaning and analyze
Developing success stories on the impact of project activities.

Having the ability to handle complex assignments effectively possessing the confidence, working as part of a team or independently with will to travel any part of the world.


Educate a Child


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MEAL Manager
Goth Seengar Foundation
Dec 2023 - Present | Sukkur, Pakistan

Develop the M& E data base for the project and LFA
Retrieve the data from data base as and when required by the lead Prgram Manager
To support in all aspects of monitoring, reporting, and information management
Undertake regular monitoring visits to project areas; submit regular monitoring reports, progress and shortfalls
Work closely with the different project team and coordinate/harmonize the data collection by the project staff and databases
Develop and Maintain an improved record keeping system to ensure that project’s programmatic progress is checked & reported on periodic basis against timelines for activities
Documentations of project activities, case studies lessons learnt and compiling the reports for all running project interventions / activities
Facilitate external consultant for mid-term and final evaluation
Conduct impact assessment and prepare good practices document
Lead and support the field M&E Officers at different projects 
Prepare MEAL monthly, quarterly and Annual reports
Prepare the project communication materials as and when required and guided by donor

Perform any other work as assigned by Head of Programs / GSF Snr Managemen

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Snr MEAL Officer
Mercy Corps International
Dec 2022 - Nov 2023 | Sukkur, Pakistan

• Support the project Coordinator in planning and overseeing of all monitoring activities of the response including implementation of M&E plan.
• Provide support in compiling project data, monitor data quality, and track progress against 2 performance indicators and targets.
• Carry out On-Site Data Verification (OSDV) and Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) of the response partners and Mercy Corps own operations.
• Conduct regular filed visit to conduct process monitoring and verification of information.
• Support MEL Manager in the implementation of performance monitoring plan, SAAD data aggregation, and support storage of documents.
• Assist in review of data base, and data tracking tools of program activities, ensure data quality for collating reliable and consistent data which meets minimum reporting requirements of donors and Mercy Corps MEL. Community, Accountability and Feedback Mechanism:
• Support MEL Manager to ensure implementation of all CARM related activities including training of Mercy Corps and Partner staff, identifying community sensitization activities based on project nature, ensure that the community is aware of the CARM mechanism.
• Ensure that all feedback received at the field level (through available channels such as suggestion box, face to face feedback etc) is shared with the Country CARM focal point as per agreed guidelines 

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MEAL Officer
Human Appeal Pakistan
Nov 2022 - Dec 2022 | Qambar, Pakistan

Job Description:

To roll out and manage MEAL mechanism as per commitments of HAP;
To establish, manage and strengthen Accountability to Beneficiaries mechanisms, this also includes capacity building of partner organizations on this theme;
To carry out regular field monitoring of program interventions and produce  monitoring reports on the given format, conduct debrief sessions with relevant program staff and develop an agreed action plan;
To carry out follow-up monitoring visits to materialize actions agreed in action plan, also maintain ‘Monitoring-Action Plan Tracker’ at field level;
To establish and manage Complaint and Feedback Mechanism which facilitate beneficiaries/communities to register complaints and share feedback;
To assist MEAL Coordinator in carrying out preliminary first inquiry report in case of serious nature of complaints filed by beneficiaries/communities;
To maintain complaints and feedback tracking database and do follow up on complaints to reach a resolution involving relevant project/program staffs;
To assist MEAL Coordinator in identifying key compliance/quality questions and parameters capitalizing on the existing checklists and minimum standards for monitoring project performance;
To assist in reviewing data bases and data tracking tools of diverse projects in order to maintain data quality for collating reliable and consistent data which meets minimum reporting requirements of donors and HAP;
Development and design of databases according to the requirements.
To assist in planning and implementation of baseline surveys, monitoring and evaluation exercises and impact assessments when needed;
Produce field visit reports, monthly reports and assist in donor reporting.
To Lead the Post Distribution Monitoring with beneficiaries
Any other tasks given by line manager

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Monitoring Evaluation & Reporting Officer
American Refugee Committee
Jul 2018 - Jun 2022 | Karachi, Pakistan

Activity/Process Monitoring
•      Consolidation of teams work plan and Planning for monitoring specific field activities.
•       Submission of the field visit reports in accordance to agreed timeline.
•       Undertaking field level monitoring activities/tasks in full compliance to agreed standards/parameters.
•       Following up with the Regional Program Manager on the implementation status of monitoring findings.
Compliance Verification
•      Monthly review of the means of verification against outputs/activities undertaken during the month.
•       Apply all the relevant data standard to verify the data submitted by the field team.
•      Reconciliation of hard and soft records to ensure a quality evidence exists for the reported achievements.
•      Reviewing program reports to ensure the correctness of the reported progress.
•      Providing feedback to the program team to improve the reports.  
•      Maintaining regional level program information to quickly respond to needs of different meeting/events/briefing notes.
•      Leading regional office level reviews and providing feedback to regional project manager.
•      Escalating any serious issues/concerns according to escalation matrix at appropriate level.
Data Collection and Handling
•      Leading Key Informant Interviews and In-depth Interview an in compliance to research standards/protocols.
•      Transcription and reporting of the qualitative data collected in the field.
•      Leading/supervising data entry into EMIS or other interfaces as applicable.
•  Supporting country office MER team in qualitative/quantitative research designs and implementation of the case study and success story design, implementation of assessment and survey designs
Feedback and Complaints Mechanism
•      Recording beneficiaries feedback and feedback log and sharing that with country office MER team.

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Field Officer/ District Team Leader
IRC Pakistan
Sep 2017 - Jun 2018 | Shahdad Kot, Pakistan

• Facilitate and lead the team (Community Mobilizers and Nutrition Associates) in the implementation of program activities with particular focus on school and community activities with women, men and children;
• Identify and engage SMC Members men, women and children in the community to educate and mobilize to achieve the project deliverables at the district level as well as community level.
• Establish contacts with community stakeholders to strengthen capacity of community groups including SMC executive and SMC Sub Committees members
• Effectively engage and coordination with district education and district establishment, administration during implementation of project activities as well as for monitoring and ensuring sustainability
• Provide training assistance to and advise SMC members on project activities; Ensure maximum participation of children, men and women in sub-committees of different thematic programs with gender mainstreaming
• Liaise and work with community groups and project to ensure accountability and best use of project resources;
• Conduct regular field visits and report back on monthly basis;
• Regular reporting on progress to senor management and donor agencies USAID on the developed MIS online

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Monitoring Evaluation & Research Officer
Plan International Pakistan
Jun 2016 - Aug 2017 | Khair Pur Mir, Pakistan

• Design and Implement monitoring and evaluation tools for the project and carry out monitoring visits to verify the data, measure the progress and capture the leanings.
• In collaboration with the project team update the daily progress, gaps and rectification that contribute to effective project implementation.
• Generate field monitoring reports on the prescribed format and share with the TL/PM.
• Monthly track the agreed action plans and send status reports to PM and MER Coordinator at CO to improve accountability and Learning.
• Develop processes for joint monitoring with partners (government authorities/donor) and sharing the learning generated from this process.
• Ensure that project MER activities are according to the plan.
• Ensure that the project deliverables are progressing according to Project plan, and report the identified gaps/deviations to Project Manager.
• Facilitate the change management process, Monitor participation of girls, women, and excluded groups in project activities,
• Review data tracking tools/formats/databases and work closely with project team to ensure data quality, data reliability and data consistency
• Provide support in the design and implementation of project baseline, evaluations, surveys and other studies, ensuring quality standards are maintained and that learning is collated and available for future programme design and implementation
• Promote new information and communication technologies for M&E, as appropriate. • Ensure adherence to CCCD standards operational standards.
• Ensure project reports are produced in time with quality and submitted to donor through CO as per agreed standards and timelines.

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District M&E Officer
Chemonics International Inc (FIRMS Project)
Feb 2015 - Jun 2016 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

·        Provided field visit plan to M&E Manager, for weekly planned visit to IPs (Hands, VTT-Global, IRC and MDC) and field teams (TLAs - Teaching Learning Associates)
·        Provision of coordination with Stakeholder (EDO, DDO) and TWG - Teacher Working Group members.
·        Provision to fill assessment and observation forms of IPs Field teams
·        Managed implantation partners field plan with consensus of OLM/TLC (Operational logistic Manager/ Teaching and Learning Coordinator) team plan for their daily based field visits,
·        Supervised regular data collection through implementing partners and ensure quality of the data by random verifications and validations.
·        Conducted Pre & Post Monitoring of Diagnostic, Formative and Summative Assessments of students with an electronic Tablet.
·        Validated the collected data of Schools, Teachers and Students by IP. Entered & updated the data in Hard and Soft form.
·        Provided feed base support on M&E and evidence-based recommendations to District Program Manager and field team. Provision of weekly, monthly and Quarterly detail report to M&E Director
·        Submit monthly monitoring report including all the field issues and recommendations regarding TLAs performance and teachers’ observations

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M&E Officer
Indus Resource Center (Sindh Community Mobilization Program )
Dec 2013 - Feb 2015 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

·        Designed and implemented monitoring and evaluation tools for the project and carried out monitoring visits to verify the data, measure the progress and capture the leanings.
·        In collaboration with the project team, updated the daily progress, gaps and rectification that contribute to effective project implementation.
·        Generated field-monitoring reports on the prescribed format and share with the PM.
·        Monthly tracked the agreed action plans and sent status reports to PM and MER Coordinator at CO to improve accountability and Learning.
·        Develop processes for joint monitoring with partners (government authorities/donor) and sharing the learning generated from this process.
·        Ensure that project MER activities are according to the plan.
·        Review data tracking tools/formats/databases and work closely with project team to ensure data quality, data reliability and data consistency.
·        Provide support in the design and implementation of project baseline, evaluations, surveys and other

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Bridge Consultant Foundation
Aug 2012 - Feb 2013 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

• Responsible for the coordination with health care providers and local health authority
• Mapping of the HCPs in the targeted UCs.These HCPs are included both formal (MBBS) and informal HCPs.
• Organizing and managing designed activities of the project. These activities included Advocacy/ Orientation meetings. In these sessions well renowned pediatricians and general physicians will orient the HCPs about the project, and are convened them about the need of this project and answered their quires about polio and OPV.
• Onside follow up training of selected HCPs in basics knowledge about the polio in Sindh
• To provide TV,DVD and Stabilizer to install in the clinic to sensitize the community about polio immunization to demonstrate the advertise on the polio eradication through renowned meditation of Pakistani
• Post Distribution monitoring (PDMs) to learn the impact of project
• Weekly , Monthly and Quarterly reporting to M&E Officer and PM

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District Nutrition Officer
Action for Humanitarian Development
Oct 2011 - Jul 2012 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

·        Checked and updated tracking report of all activities of the AHD - Action for Humanitarian Development of District Kamber-Shahdadkot.
Build the capacity of field staf including (Nutrition assistants & Community Mobilizer on the CMAM project and ensure to implement the project activities accordioning 
·        Enhanced the awareness of all targeted beneficiaries on nutrition, disseminated information through (IEC) material on nutrition among the target population.
·        Support the team for implementation of project activities MUAC of children under the age of 59 months and PLWs and those comes in severe moderate condition then provided the nutria supplements.
·        Carried out HH - Household interviews and FGDs - Focus Group Discussions with the beneficiaries on hygiene promotion.
·        Conducted the KIIs – Key Informative Interviews to check the food consumption of the targeted groups.
·        Sensitized the (PLWs) to make sure the importance of nutrition for exclusive breast-feeding, benefits of executive breast-feeding, Complementary feeding, benefits of complementary feedings etc.

Responsible to conduct Hygiene Education session through Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation transformation (PHAST) techniques.

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laar humanitarian and development program
Mar 2011 - Oct 2011 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

·        Look after all the assignments of the PM in his absence & developed the planning of the activities.
·        Sensitized the VDC – Village Development Committees in the community demonstrations and willingness to participate in community activities.
·        Monitored the CFW – CASH FOR WORK rehabilitation (e.g. Mosques, Schools, culverts, House and paths).
·        Facilitated the community mobilizers in the field for the smooth implementation of the program, checked & updated tracking report.
·        Briefed the DONOR about the activities of the program in the field, when required.
·        Supported the field team in the registration and verification of the flood-affected groups.
·        Signed the Memorandum of Understanding “MOU” with the communities and distributed the Vouchers in the villages of Agri inputs fertilizer and vegetables.
·        Conducted Focus group discussions -FGDs with communities for the impact and outputs of activity base.
·        Monitored distribution and Post Distribution Monitoring of (CFW, UCG, Poultry, Agri input, Small Business, Small Enterprise).

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Indus Resource Center
Nov 2010 - Feb 2011 | Qambar Shahdatkot, Pakistan

To regularly carry out child protection monitoring activities using pre-designed child protection monitoring tools including surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interview and observation with the child refugees and Persons of Concern (PoC).
To conduct child-friendly, gender sensitive and age-appropriate protection information and awareness sessions on predetermined topics related to safety, power, administrative processes, and access to services
To collaborate with the Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV), Protection and Rule of Law (PRoL), and other agencies to identify child refugees and PoC for monitoring purposes and providing protection-related information and referral to refugees and PoC.
To conduct needs assessments using predetermined data collection tools in a child-friendly and appropriate manner.
To prepare weekly/monthly reports and timely submit to the supervisor for review and further actions.
Any other tasks as may be requested by the supervisor or the Protection Management team.


Shah Abdul Latif University
Masters, Masters in Arts, Sociology‎
Social Sciences, Social Work, Sociology
Grade A


Expert data monitoring
Expert mgmt & analysis
Expert Project Administration
Intermediate 20 Technologies
Intermediate 360 Assessments
Expert Accountability
Expert Accounts / Manager
Expert Achieve Results
Expert Activity Coordination
Intermediate Adaptive Leadership
Expert Adaptive Learning
Intermediate Agile Project Management
Expert analytical and communication
Expert Analytical Report Writing
Expert Analytical Skills
Intermediate Analyze Information
Expert Answering Inquiries
Intermediate At Multitasking
Intermediate Bachelor of Education (B.Ed)
Expert Basic skills in data collection
Beginner Blochi Language Command
Intermediate Budget Preparation Skills
Expert Capacity Building
Intermediate Climate Change
Intermediate Communication and Coordination Skills
Expert Communication Report Writing
Expert Communication Skills
Expert Community Analysis
Expert Community Management
Expert Community Mobilization
Intermediate Community Mobilization Skills
Expert Communoication
Expert Computer Knowledge
Expert Computer Proficient
Expert Computer Skills
Expert Conducting Strategic Reviews
Expert Conservation Awareness
Expert Cooordination Skills
Expert Coordination Abilities
Expert Coordination Skills
Expert Cross Cultural Communication Skills
Intermediate Customer Service Systems
Expert Data Analysis
Expert Data Analytics
Expert Data Collection
Expert Data Management
Expert Data Management and Collection
Expert Data Miniing
Expert Data Monitoring
Expert Detailing Skills


Expert Saraiki
Expert Sindhi
Intermediate Punjabi
Expert Urdu
Expert English


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hi dear

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Shafeeque Khoso
Regional Coordinator, Insaf Network Pakistan
Worked with you at Bridge Consultant Foundation

Hosh Muhammad worked with me.

Hosh Contacts

Ghulam Khadija wadho
Indus Resource Centre (IRC)