
  • A career that leads to professional and personal development in an organization training and coaching values. Its human resource and reward performance and where. I can utilize and improve my professional skills in an effective way and for the growth of organization by coming up challenges. I have very close experance off flood 2010 and 2022 beacause im also belong to the flood affected area , ihave work as a volounteer during the flood we have rescue many peoples on boats and we deliever food , medicine , and safe drinking water to peoples on boats and also pak army,s helicopters @ flood affected areas off taulka Mehar KN Shah and taulka Johi in very criticle condition also we arranged free medical campus on suprio bnad and FP bnad near by uc faridabad and khan jo goth area and uc burira and uc choor qamber and uc chandan etc. And when flood water level goinig on low condition i have joined an IO NGO and still today im together with flood affected comunity all over Dist Dadu and Qamber shahdad kot.

  • And Also ihave a good experance and knowledge about monitring ,

  • Also ihave a gd experance in logestic department .

  • Also ihave a lot off experance in medical feild practicle i know all medicine gruop,s and there usage , and all medical tests , ultrasound, and treatment .

  • Worked in DRR Project in District Dadu Sindh- Funded by WFP 


Multipurpose Emergency Evacuation Center-Village Burirra


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Data Collection and Trainining On (PGI) and (SGBV)
Pakistan Red Cresent society
Nov 2023 - Jan 2024 | Dadu, Pakistan

Data collection on( SGBV )Sexual Gender Base Violence in All over Dist Dadu.
conduct Community Session
organize Shcool Session on Child protection
organized community Sessions on Child labour.

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Coordination Metings With FP Off DC Dadu
acted Pakistan
Jul 2023 - Oct 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Progres and Coordination meetings with FP Dadu and All Dist Ac meetings

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We Have Conduct A Sesion On Hygienes ,Wash ,DRR
acted Pakistan
Mar 2023 - Oct 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

We have conduct a session on CBDRMDRR, WASH,HYGINE, and Rescue ,

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Social Mobilization Officer-DRR
ACTED Pakistan
Apr 2023 - Sep 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Identification of Hotspot and absolute Vunlerable communities of the District Dadu.
Conduct Broad Based Community Meetings at targeted communites
Formation of Village Disaster Management Committees
Village Profiling of Commuites with the help of VDMCs
Facilitate my superviser to organize 5-Days Training of VDMCs on CBDRM in targeted communites
Conduct Risk Assessment Activity in targeted communites
Organized 3-Days Disaster Mitigation Plan of targeted Communites.
Supply and provision of Emergency DRR toolkit to DDMA for  2 Teshil of District Dadu
Provission of DRR Emergency Community Toolkits for 12 VDMCs 
Identification of potential Sites for Construction of Multipurpose Emergency Evacuation Centers in Faqeer Bakhsho Village, Village Burirra and Village Mado
Identification of Raised Plateform at Village Qamber and Identifcation of potential Site for culverts in Johi

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DRR Traings DRM Trainings and Also We Have DDMA trainings
Acted Pakistan
Mar 2023 - Sep 2023 | Mehar, Pakistan

We have made a 4 (MPEEC )multiprupose emergancy evacaution center in 2 ucs Burira & uc Choor Qamber Taulka Kn shah Dist Dadu Also toolkit distribute in DDMA and 12 VDMC  villages

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DRR Traings DRM Trainings and Also We Have DDMA trainings
Acted Pakistan
Mar 2023 - Sep 2023 | Mehar, Pakistan

We have made a 4 (MPEEC )multiprupose emergancy evacaution center in 2 ucs Burira & uc Choor Qamber Taulka Kn shah Dist Dadu Also toolkit distribute in DDMA and 12 VDMC  villages

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Nutrition Assistant . . . Nutrition Project (PLW) Pergnant And Lactating Women In Qamber Shadadkot
ACTED Pakistan
Mar 2023 - Jun 2023 | Shahdad Kot, Pakistan

We have work on CMAM and sesion on nutrition in uc gaji khuhawar, uc Dhoori , and uc Chukhi in Dist Qamber shahdadkot and give them 15 kg wheat floor and 5 leter oil and 24000 cash payment through there mob acounts .

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ACTED Pakistan
Mar 2023 - Jun 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Identification of Communities 
Formation of Disaster Management Committees
Training on CBDRM 
Training on First Aid

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Work Experance
ACTED Pakistan
Feb 2023 - Apr 2023 | Khairpur Nathan Shah, Pakistan

Worked in Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) in Dist Dadu Taulka K N Shah & Taulka Mehar in Different  UcsUc Mitho BabarUc paryaUc PyaroUc Nao GothUc PorachooUc littan& Also PDM in Dist Qamber Shahdad Kot In Defferent Ucs. 

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MEAL Monitor in GBV Project
Acted Pakistan
Feb 2022 - Apr 2023 | Dadu, Pakistan

Conduct Social Mobilization Session
Registration of potential Benficiares 
Robust feedback and Complaince Mehanism
Facilitatition of Community Resource Persons 
Monthly Work Plan
Submission of Report

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Community Moblizer
ACTED Pakistan
Oct 2022 - Dec 2022 | Dadu, Pakistan

WFP projectAssessment of affected household Flood 2022.

Food Distribution .Verify Benificary Data Through MIS Registry Sheet.Working In following uc of mehar taulka 
Uc Littan
Uc Khan Jo Goth
Uc saeed pur
Uc Charro
Uc faredabad
Uc mangwani 
Uc kolachi 
Uc porachoo

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8 Years Working Experance As A Ma,le Nurse In Dadu Mehar Larkana
Mar 2009 - Mar 2021 | Dadu, Pakistan

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Community Development Officer / Social Mobilizer
Sep 2013 - Nov 2014 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

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Team Leader
SRSP Sindh Rural Support Programme
Oct 2013 - Oct 2014 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

Work in WFP Emergancy Food project in jacobabad & thull in Defrent ucs

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Ofc Admin
Feb 2014 - Aug 2014 | Jacobabad, Pakistan

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Community Development Officer / Social Mobilizer
Sindh Rural Support Program (SRSP)
Oct 2010 - Nov 2013 | Dadu, Pakistan

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Community Development Officer / Social Mobilizer
Sindh Rural Support Program (SRSP) WFP
Dec 2010 - Sep 2012 | Mehar, Pakistan

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Ofc Admin
(SRSP) Sindh Rural Support Programe
Jan 2012 - May 2012 | Mehar, Pakistan

All over ofc administration Vehicle feueling Trainings arrangment All over ofc seting Guest welcome Team support Orginazation support

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DRR Training DRM training In SRSP 2010
Sindh Rural Support Programme
Apr 2010 - Apr 2011 | Mehar, Pakistan

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Private School Teacher
Aug 2008 - Nov 2009 | Mehar, Pakistan

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Male Nurse
Chandka Medical College
Jan 2002 - Jul 2008 | Larkana, Pakistan


sindh universty jamshoro
Bachelors, Bachelors in Arts, graduation‎
Grade B+
GOVT: degree Collage Mehar
Intermediate/A-Level, , ‎
Pre Medical
Percentage 60%
Govt: High School NO 1 Mehar
Matriculation/O-Level, , ‎


Expert Agri Knowledge
Expert Agriculture Knowledge
Expert Assessment Skills
Expert Assessments and Distributions
Expert Awareness
Intermediate Banking Knowledge
Intermediate Branch Operations Management
Expert Building Community
Expert Business Development Strategies
Expert Business Restoration Techniques
Expert Can Handle Difficult Situation
Expert Capacity Building
Expert Child Nutrition
Expert Climate Change
Expert Command On MS Office
Expert Communication Skill
Expert Communication Skills
Expert Community Building
Expert Community Engagement
Expert Community Facilitation
Expert Community Health
Expert Community Leadership
Expert Community Meeting
Expert Community Mobilization
Expert Community Work
Intermediate Computer Knowledge
Intermediate Computer Proficient
Expert Conflict Resolution
Expert Contract Management
Expert Coordination And Presentation Skills
Expert Coordination Skills
Expert Coordination Skillss
Expert Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
Beginner Cultural Sensitivity
Expert Customer Service Skills
Expert Data Collection
Expert Data Entry
Expert Data Management
Expert Data Managment
Expert Delievry Planning
Expert Demonstrate Cleaning Skills
Expert Dispensing Practices
Expert DRR
Expert ERP Familiar
Intermediate ERP System
Intermediate ERP System Familiarity
Expert Evaluation Skills
Expert Evaluation Skills
Expert Excellent Communications Skills
Expert Facilities Management


Expert English
Expert Urdu
Expert Sindhi