
Mr. Gohar Ali Shahbaz is working in Integral Global Consulting (A project of CDC) in Polio Eradication Initiatives of Balochistan, Pakistan. He received Master of Science in Public Health in 2022, Masters in Sociology in 2019, MBA in 2008, and Masters in Economics in 2007. Mr. Gohar has more than 15 years of experience in project management, monitoring and evaluation, data management, analysis and visualization and humanitarian development projects. He has been involved in five emergency response activities in the capacity M&E and Data analysis. He has contributed to design six large donor funded projects and lead more than 28 evaluations and assessment studies, mainly for DFID, CDC, BMGF, USAID, OFDA, ECHO, EU, DANIDA, SIDA, AusAID, and UN agencies (WFP, UNICEF, UNOCHA, UNHCR and FAO).

He has worked with WHO, UN-WFP and INGOs including Save the Children, Jhpiego and ACF International. He has in-depth knowledge of data management and analysis, data quality assessment, risk assessments, surveys, designing log frame and results-based management framework, designing MEAL system, and analytical reports.


Pakistan Polio Eradication Initiatives
REFANI Pakistan study was a cluster randomised controlled trial (cRCT)


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Provincial Data Analyst
Integral Global Consulting
Mar 2023 - Present | Quetta, Pakistan

·     Provide technical assistance for optimal data usage through statistical analysis of SIAs, Surveillance, & Essential Immunization data, applying triangulation, using visualizations, and critical thinking for interpretation of results and assessment of the impact leading to the generation of practical recommendations for actions.
·     Leading Provincial task team for Information and Data Management and overseeing the Provincial Campaign Control Room to ensure the seamless achievement of objectives within the province
·     Responsible for data analysis, and reporting on activities in compliance with the NEAP, the Surveillance and Outbreak Response Plans, and other global and national guidelines used at the national, provincial, and district levels for investigation of AFP cases and assessment of environmental surveillance in the province/districts and review weekly/monthly surveillance data.
·     Maintain and manage other data sources that are not centralized like refusals data, HRMP/Population linkages surveys, zero dose data, household clusters, population movement data and incorporate in risk assessments.
·     Manage the risk assessment and maintain and update GIS shape file up to UC level.
·     Developed the criteria of Low Performing UCs for identification of the UCs with sub-optimal performance following each SIA.
·     Developed guidelines for Routine Data Quality Assessment (RDQA) and ensure implementation for improved quality of SIAs data
·     Pre-campaign analytical support - Based on agreed indicators and score weightage identify the low-performing UCs after every campaign and share with PEOC for next campaign planning, monitoring of low performing UCs.
·     Support provinces and districts in campaign performance analysis during the campaign phase daily, identify and share key findings with provinces/districts for immediate attention.
·     Perform in-depth post-campaign review at province/district/UC level after each SIAs and present to PEOC/DEOC/UC with key findings and interpretation for action to improve performance during next campaign.
·     Ensure the highest possible quality, adequacy, accuracy, integrity, and legitimacy of data (via regular data checks, cleaning, design of internal automatic data verification tools), effective operability and efficient use of all existing data sources.
Participate in capacity building activities of the Data assistant /officers at different levels, including teaching, mentoring, and advising on data usage, analyses, triangulation, visualization, mapping, and interpretation.

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Programme Assistant-Risk Assessment and Decision Support
World Health Organization (WHO)
Oct 2017 - Feb 2023 | Islamabad, Pakistan

·      Support the National Emergency Operations Center’s (NEOC) operation cell for countrywide operation including data analysis, GIS mapping, presentations, data quality assessment, coordination and monitoring of polio activities. Regularly review and highlight data discrepancy for rectification.
·      Maintain management information system of Supplementary Immunization Activities (SIAs) data. Lead in data analysis of polio supplementary immunization activity, measles rubella campaign, COVID19 vaccination, vitamin-A data & provide regular updates to NEOC core team, provincial & federal offices.
·      Support RADS cells activities, annual workplan, project control, correspondence, and reporting.
·      Contribute to planning, budgeting, programme design, development of framework & risk analysis. Support in donors report, external programme reviews by various international agencies.
·      Develop the tools on Open Data Kit (ODK) for real time electronic data collection and submission.
·      Contribute to development of tools, KPIs, guidelines, data quality assessment tools, performance matrix and its implementation.
·      Manage COVID-19 data, daily data analytical reports/updates for response activities to NCOC and other stakeholders.
·      Conduct training of provincial and district levels staff on monitoring tools, data analysis, data quality. Carry out micro-plan quality assessment, campaign monitoring, lot quality assurance sampling and surveys.
·      Carry out qualitative data analysis of monitoring, evaluation findings & recommendations for following up during programme implementation.
·      Maintain and analyze data trigger for concerning issues in the field, follow up with provinces for quality SIAs.
·      Monitor polio campaign, provide on job supportive supervision to field teams, support DEOC for quality campaign & compliance with SOPs.

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Programme Associate-Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM)
United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
Oct 2016 - Oct 2017 | Quetta, Pakistan

·      Lead implementation of VAM workplan at provincial level, operationalize VAM strategy for sub-office.
·      Focal point of provincial food security working group, provide technical analysis, interpretation & recommendations.
·      Plan, design & conduct market assessment, surveys, food security context monitoring. Develop and manage electronic data collection in ODK.
·      Conduct food security, nutrition, markets, resilience analysis. Compile primary, secondary data & prepare reports on food assessment needs.
·      Contribute to design baseline study, result based monitoring, and timely feedback to partner organization for smooth implementation of programme.
·      Support in preparation of monthly price & food security bulletin.
·      Maintain coordination with government, NGOs, and participate in inter-agency markets, food security assessments & DRR activities.
·      Support implementation of food security and vulnerability monitoring system, capacity building of government & partner staff on food security analysis and mapping.
·      Contribute to Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) by providing analytical inputs. Organize IPC & dissemination workshops at provincial level.
·      Assist country strategic planning process, track implementation, contribute to budgeting & annual workplan with government line departments.
Support provincial office for communication, liaison, advocacy in meetings, organizing workshops, trainings & seminars.

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Deputy Study Manager
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Sep 2015 - Oct 2016 | Dadu, Pakistan

·      Support the four arms longitudinal cluster randomized control trial of the effectiveness & cost-effectiveness of different cash transfer programmes on child nutrition status.
·      Design research protocols for pilot testing and baseline survey, reviewing survey questionnaires and contribute for technical inputs and finalization.
·      Lead formative research and process evaluation, finalize site specific data collection tools (both quantitative and qualitative).
·      Support the proposal development, designing & implementation of research study, & methodology. Draft survey questionnaire, conduct mock exercise, prepare data analysis and reports.
·      Work with the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) Principal Investigator for study area selection & intervention.
·      Design data management plan with protocols, data flow hierarchy, data action steps, pilot site specific data collection tools for REFANI team.
·      Develop architecture of relational database, set up electronic data collection system, design & implement data quality assessment.
·      Design routine data quality assessment tool and organizing activity plan by managing the team of 76 staff members.
·      Develop training manual, conduct trainings for research team, design knowledge sharing mechanism and data visualization for stakeholders, partners and ACF components.
·      Generate monthly/periodic visits reports to highlight the challenges, field experiences and successful interventions.
·      Liaison with relevant government depts. and community members for intervention of project.
·      Support in donor report, data cleaning, data analysis and write up (providing preliminary drafts) of the study findings for peer review publication/s.
·      Analysis of the data using NVIVO, SPSS and mapping the activities using QGIS. 
·      Supervise research team of 76 staff members (Field officers, FSL Field Officers, Data Collectors, and Research Mobilizers), train and supportive supervision.
·      Prepare & forecast budget for research activities, managing administration, HR and procurement plan.

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Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Jun 2015 - Sep 2015 | Dadu, Pakistan

·      Lead the Data Quality Audits (DQA) periodically to ensure quality of collected data and sharing lesson learnt with stakeholders.
·      Carryout Quality Improvement and patient Safety (QIPS) assessments and training on scoring protocols.
·      Coordinate with contracted organizations for data collection & report their progress on monitoring plans.
·      Monitor and validate quality of data collection in DHIS, MIS & other reporting tools used by contracted organizations.
·      Develop monitoring checklists, tools and guideline for on job training & coaching for MCHIP programme.
·      Monitoring visit to primary, secondary, and tertiary care health facility to ensure compliance as per set standard protocols & action plans are developed & implemented.
·      Improvise data analysis, comparative trend, presentations, monthly and quarterly reports.
·      Provide guidance to community mobilization team for systematic monitoring of community support groups.
Prepare monitoring reports along with recommendation for quality intervention. Monitor and document dropout status of health facilities in the respective district.

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Program Quality & Accountability Supervisor
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
Apr 2014 - Jun 2015 | Dadu, Pakistan

·      Establish PQA functions, acquire best practices from field in accountability, M&E & learning mechanisms & integrate possible approaches into the program
·      Prepare training module of PQA, project cross cutting theme & conduct training for programme staff. 
·      Ensure that PQA activities in project proposal narratives are implemented in-line with HAP, SPHERE, ACF and donor guidelines.
·      Conduct baseline, endline assessments, KAP, PDM, SMART & SQUEAC for nutrition, HHFS/HDDS/IDDS surveys for food security, and undertake beneficiaries’ cross verification (inclusion & exclusion criteria).
·      Lead in capacity building for staff on RBM indicators, M&E, data quality, tracking mechanism, accountability & human-interest stories.
·      Develop, design survey tools, prepare analytical report & provide recommendation for improvement.
·      Carry out process & progress monitoring compliance, set up accountability to beneficiaries’ system at field.
·      Conduct process evaluation, organize dissemination workshop for evaluation results, good practices & lesson learnt.
·      Coordination with stakeholders and provide technical inputs at the district level working groups.

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Senior Officer Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
Save the Children
Oct 2011 - Jan 2014 | Badin, Pakistan

·      Implement & manage MEAL systems at hub level for more than 29 emergency and early recovery projects/grants during flood emergency in southern Sindh.
·      Collate, compile, analyze program learning & report all development & emergency response interventions.
·      Design LFA, develop M&E plan, monitoring indicators for output monitoring, prepare field monitoring reports, conduct debrief session to improve project interventions.
·      Design & execute rapid need assessment, baseline, PDM, post intervention assessments. Prepare work plans, budget, sampling, trained data collectors on tools, quantitative & qualitative data analysis & reports.
·      Establish & manage complaint & feedback mechanism for communities, investigate & resolve complaints & share feedback. Coordinate with Transparency International for complaint resolutions.
·      Compile & present draft reports, preliminary data analysis & FGD reports of both quantitative & qualitative research studies.
·      Conducted situational assessment in flood emergency 2011 at Southern Sindh, flood emergency in 2012 at Northern Sindh, IDPs crisis South Waziristan in 2012, measles outbreak in 2013 & drought assessment in 2014 at southern Sindh.
·      Review data tracking tools/formats/databases & work closely with MIS team for data quality & consistency.
Investigate the serious complaints received through accountability to beneficiary mechanism.

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Program Officer M&E
Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
Sep 2010 - Oct 2011 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

During flood emergency in 2010, I have worked with TRDP which had implemented large scale humanitarian intervention at District Jamshoro & Dadu with over 16 projects/grants. My key responsibilities are,
·      Process & progress monitoring of development & humanitarian projects.
·      Data management and analysis, document best practices, case studies, success stories, lessons learnt & involve in overall project management.
·      Prepare sitrep, donor reports, monthly progress report, monitoring reports, monitoring formats and tools.
·      Formulate project implementation plan & M&E plan for the projects and to share the progress report with donor.
·      Support district Flood Information Relief Cell (FIRC), humanitarian clusters, early recovery working group for technical inputs & contingency plan.

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Assistant Accounts Manager
Nadeem’s Event Management and Caterers
Sep 2009 - Sep 2010 | Lahore, Pakistan

·      Prepare, examine, analyze accounting records, financial statements, financial reports, assess accuracy & procedural standards.
·      Supervise routine financial matters including petty cash, invoices, ledger, procurement, maintain asset, liability & capital account records.
·      Reconciled inventory/stock reports, facilitate audit procedure, manage account payables/receivables & reconciled bank statements, creditors, and debtors’ ledger.


Health Services Academy Islamabad
Masters, Masters in Science, MS Public Health‎
Public Health
Grade B
University of Sindh
Masters, Masters in Arts, MA Sociology‎
University of Sindh
Masters, Masters in Business Administration, MBA‎
University of Sindh
Masters, Masters in Arts, MA Economics‎


Expert Communication Report Writing
Expert Communication Skills
Expert Coordination Skills
Expert Disaster Response And Preparedness
Expert Financial and Budgeting Skills
Expert Humanitarian Standards
Expert Immunization
Expert Knowledge of Spreadsheets
Intermediate KOBO Toolbox
Expert MS Office
Intermediate Nvivo
Expert Open Data Kit
Expert Power BI
Expert Program Analysis
Expert Proposal Development
Expert QGIS
Expert Quality Assurance
Expert SPSS
Expert Statistical Analysis Tools Command
Expert Tableau


Intermediate Punjabi
Expert Sindhi
Expert Urdu
Expert English

Gohar Contacts

Awais Ali
Zaryab Kaka
Khimchand Sanja
Thardeep Rural Development Programme (TRDP)
Zafar Hussain
Iqrar Hassan Hisbani
Islamic Relief Pakistan