I am an AI Engineer with more than 2.5 years of experience in AI with studies in BS in Computer Science. I would like a job where my experience in AI, supported by innovative decision-making and systems engineering abilities, will result in an expanded clientele and a more profitable organization.
An AI Developer with more then 2 year experience in current company. During this time i worked in many Computer Vision related projects i.e. 3D Mesh and Texture Generation, 3D Model Animation from CAM feed/ video, Style Transfer, Unseen Images Generation etc and in the field of NLP i also part of project whic include interactive chatbot, Cross Language Translation, Speech to Text etc. Currently working on applying AI in marketing domain.
I successfully completed 3 month internship as a Jr. Data Scientist. During this tenure, i enaggaged with Computer Vision Tasks in Deep Learning. I learned MRCNN, YOLO and other Machine Learning and Deep Learning Tools and Technique.