I am full stack developer (Angular, Node Js, Express JS, and Mongo DB). I am also a data scientist with a work experience in different machine learning models. I implemented different models using the different algorithm. I worked on the large dataset (petabytes). I also worked in ElasticSearch, Kibana, and logstash (ELK). I worked on different database types.
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It is remote healthcare monitoring application. It provides Virtual ICU, Telehealth, Doctor appointments and prescription writing and much more. It has Admin Portal, android and IOS applications. I am working on Admin Portal. My core responsibilities are
Translating UI/UX design wireframes into code.
Building reusable components like date picker, time picker, image picker, html editor etc.
Form validations.
Work with backend developers to integrate APIs.
Worked on admin dashboards that uses Amchart and Chart.js libraries.
Work on JavaScript Socket programming for patient continuous monitoring using different devices.
A4 size page printing.
Key technologies that I used.
Angular 2+ (Currently working on angular-10)
Angular Material
Material theming
Flexbox and flex-layout NPM package
Amcharts and Chart.JS
During this period, I worked in team on development of ADMIN Portals for e-commerce, health care and accounting applications. I worked on making html from PSD and then code its Logic in Typescript. I worked on making dashboard, different forms and tables. Following are some technologies, I worked on.
Angular (6+)
Angular Material
Angular Flex Layout package (fxLayout)
agm (Angular Google Maps)
Dragula (For drag and drop)
I analyzed the twitter and vehicle insurance data.I made models for frequency and severity of actuarial data that calculates pure premium of each subscriber.I did clustering on Twitter data and then visualize it using Plotly and D3.js.