
Hi! I’m Faizan. I’m a developer dedicated to bringing cool experiences to life.I am much interested in mobile and web technologies. I have worked on multiple sites during my career and have been able to learn a lot of every single one of them.

The ambition of my life is to turn out to be a victorious software engineer and creative solutions provider.I am always open to work on new technologies or entering new areas with interesting problems to solve.


Company Logo
PHP Web Developer
Athars Solution
Feb 2015 - Aug 2015 | Sahiwal, Pakistan

Work as php Web Developer.


COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Bachelors, Bachelors in Technology, BSc(Hon's) in Computer Science‎
Introduction to programming
CGPA 3.36/4


Intermediate Ajax
Beginner Amazon AWS Command
Beginner Android Management
Beginner C#
Beginner Codeigniter
Intermediate Coordination Skill's
Intermediate CSS3
Intermediate Git
Expert GUI Framework
Intermediate JavaScript
Beginner jQuery
Beginner JSON
Beginner MS SQL Server
Expert MySQL
Beginner NodeJs
Expert NosSQL
Intermediate Object-Oriented Software
Beginner Query Language
Beginner Ruby
Intermediate Ruby on Rails
Beginner SQLite
Intermediate WHRPP
Intermediate Windows
Intermediate WP CLI


Intermediate Urdu
Intermediate English