
I am highly motivated and dedicated young man having conceptual and technical skills in programming and always ready to solve the tasks and want to join an organization where I can grow my professional skills and strengths.


PayAsYouGo Management System (Product base Web Application)
School Management System (Web Application)
School Management System (Desktop Application)
Online Advertisement Service
Social Network Web Application


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Software Engineer
Nov 2015 - Present | Karachi, Pakistan

Major Responsibilities are Software Design, ERD Schema, Software Development and Software Deployment.

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Hidaya Institute of Science & Technology (HIST)
Feb 2015 - Sep 2015 | Jamshoro, Pakistan

This was java essential training internship program of 8 months at HIST, where I was assigned to work by web design and development with client and server-side technologies. The focus was on improving technical and programmatic skills and addressing market-driven software challenges. I have fulfilled their tasks very efficiently within a very short time and have satisfied them with my technical and diligent skills.


Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology
Bachelors, Bachelors in Science, BS(Computer Science)‎


Beginner Ajax
Beginner Android Management
Beginner Assembly
Beginner C#
Intermediate Coordination Skill's
Beginner GUI Framework
Beginner Hibernate 3.1
Beginner JavaScript
Intermediate MySQL
Intermediate SQL Queries Handling
Beginner Struts2
Beginner WP CLI


Intermediate English