
To become part of a dynamic organization where I could further explore the skills and capabilities gained in my academic and professional career.
Excellent interpersonal communication skills.
Ability to work under pressure and keep the things under control.
Ability to understand the local customs and adopt the things accordingly
Languages Proficiency in Pashto, Urdu and English

To serve in a challenging work environment for the development of down trodden communities.

Performed Artificial Insemination at Civil Veterinary Hospitals (CVHs).
Performed Pregnancy Diagnosis and Reproductive Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment.
Performed vaccination against different contagious diseases at different tehsils of Bajaur.
Conducted rapid assessments of livestock damages during flood.
Worked as a co-inspector for inspection of different CVDs and AI centers.
Conducted trainings to the farmers regarding deworming and vaccination schedules during and before outbreak of different contagious diseases especially CCHF.
Conducted survey regarding livestock damages after disasters.
Conducted training on silage and hay making and their feeding to livestock during scarcity periods.
Raised awareness in communities about environment friendly livestock practices.
Had given training to local progressive farmers and vets for breed improvement program in collaboration with FATA Rural Development Project (FRDP) Bajaur Agency.
Finalization of project SOPs, formats and detail implementation plan.
Conducting detailed assessment for selection of competitive right holders for WASH and Livelihoods interventions.
Conducting community based disaster risk management trainings and developing DRR plans.
Budgeting, reporting, financial management and coordination with relevant stack holders.
Selection and development of enterprises for successful implementation and sustainability.
Arranging tools for delivering sessions on enterprise development.
Developing business plans and maintaining of stock registers.
Disbursement of cash upon successful establishment and procurement of commodities.
Follow ups and on the job trainings to selected entrepreneurs.
Developing market linkages and value chains.
Reporting of the activities and success stories.
Arranging distribution of hygiene kits, water filters, tanks, cash grants among selected beneficiaries.
Conducted rapid and detailed assessments to identify vulnerable and assess their needs for possible livestock and poultry interventions.
Conducted assessments for distribution of animal compound feeds
Establishment of protocols for distribution of goods/livestock packages through local community elders
Distributed animals and poultry feeds at different UCs.
Provided backyard poultry to vulnerable /poor females enabling them to earn their livelihood.
Trained the local veterinarians and progressive farmers for timely immunization, control and vaccination of their livestock.
Provided awareness trainings to local vets and community for livestock and poultry welfare and rehabilitation activities like shelter and form construction, feed and fodder preservation and processing.
Undertaking and regular monitoring of distributions, trainings, assessments, fieldstaff and other related activities.
Timely communicating of the high ups regarding ongoing activities and liase with the FAO team and other concerned NGOS /INGOS.
Weekly and daily base reporting of the performed activities and related field informations to the high ups and to the FAO livestock coordinator.


Health And Rural Development Services Foundation.


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Animal Disease Surveillance Assistant.
Livestock Department District Orakzai.
Dec 2017 - Present | Orakzai, Pakistan

Animal disease surveillance,disease diagnosis and treatments.Collection of samples from diseased and healthy animals and dospatching to laboratory for different test.preventive medication and vaccination.

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Mar 2016 - Present | Kohat, Pakistan

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Jan 2015 - Present | Bajaur, Pakistan

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Jan 2015 - Present | Bajaur, Pakistan

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Pakistan Red Crescent Society.
Pakistan Red Crescent Society.
Oct 2014 - Present | Bajaur, Pakistan

Working as a volunteer with prcs pakistan.actively particopated in conducting surveys aftet floods and estimation of damages after war on terror in our area.also participated in food and non food items distribution.Also participated in different trainings provided by PRCS team.

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Feb 2015 - Aug 2015 | Peshawar, Pakistan

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clinical practice
Jan 2014 - Dec 2014 | Bajaur, Pakistan


University of Agriculture
Bachelors, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, DVM‎
Animal Sciences
CGPA 2.7/4


Beginner Community Building
Beginner Community Engagement
Beginner Handling Assignments
Beginner Reasrch and Development
Beginner Security Principles
Beginner Stress Management
Beginner Team Management


Expert English