A seasoned development practitioner, bringing more than 18 years’ experience with United Nations in program design, institutional capacity building, strategic partnerships and financial management, monitoring, evaluation, learning, reporting, knowledge and event management. With sound expertise in research, analysis, report writing, created impactful fact sheets, briefs, infographics and slides and effectively managed knowledge. The professional journey has been marked by a steadfast commitment to championing child rights, child safeguarding, combating child labour, promoting education, skills and social protection. The acumen encompasses international labour migration, human trafficking and migrant’s smuggling, advancing gender equality, women's economic empowerment, skills and enterprise training, reproductive health, child health, as well as addressing the pressing concerns of adolescents and youth.
Significantly contributed to the completion and launch of Child Labour Survey Reports for Gilgit Baltistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Closely worked with UNICEF and developed evidence based policy and and strategic action plans for eradicating child labour.
Designed and executed studies: child labour in domestic work, waste picking, automobile repair workshops, and capacity assessment of law enforcement agencies on child labour. The findings fed into program and policy design. Implemented programs that strengthened the institutional capacity of National Police Bureau, National Commission on the Rights of Child, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Punjab Domestic Workers Union, community watch groups, media, academia, youth organizations including Girl Guides and Scouts and fostered inter-agency linkages, leading to removal of 10,000 + children from child labour, their enrolment in school and enhanced child protection.
Established online complaints mechanism for Child Protection Institute-ICT for reporting the cases of child exploitation and child labour. Represented the ILO in various fora related to child safeguarding, consultation with development partners and UN, intra and inter agency-task force/s, networks/committees. As focal point, represented the ILO at UN Inter-agency network on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and developed monthly reports on PSEA related activities.
While heading the Global Action to improve the recruitment framework of labour migration (REFRAME) project funded by EU, contributed to develop National Emigration and Welfare Policy. Strengthened the capacity of Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment, OPF, Overseas Employment Corporation, media, Overseas Employment promoters Association, workers’ organizations, TVET institutes and community organizations for awareness raising on reliable information on foreign employment, social welfare support services to promote safe, regular and orderly migration and protecting migrant workers from human trafficking and smuggling. Established 30 Resource Centres for Migrant Workers through capacity building of Pakistan Workers Federation. Generated high quality knowledge products i.e., research reports on gender issues in foreign employment, role of sub agents, law, policy and practice on recruitment of Pakistani migrant workers, Impact of COVID on labour migration and governance, Fair Recruitment - Country Brief: Pakistan, Code of Conduct for overseas employment promoters to promote fair and ethical recruitment of migrant workers, booklets on Safe and regular migration among others.
Improving the livelihood and working conditions of workers in agro-food economy through value chain development (funded by One UN)
Provided technical support to develop high quality knowledge and training products including “Rapid value-chain analysis that identified productivity gaps and decent work deficits in the selected value chains of apple, cherry and trout fish”. Developed training manuals and materials to improve the productivity and efficiency through skills training in value added products development; established women owned enterprise; built and run trout fish farms. Built the capacity of relevant government departments on delivering improved trainings and services to farmers.
Liaison with British Asian Trust and extended technical support to partner organizations in planning; developng M & E frameworks; baselines; logframe; implementation plan; financial plans; periodic reporting; risk mitigation strategy; communication and placement plans. Convened review meetings with partners, field monitoring, against agreed financial and MLE plans and guided on corrective measures. Developed periodic reports for donor; guided partners on elements of post training support to help graduates secure employment; access financial services; market opportunities; successfully set up and run their own enterprises leading to resilience against poverty and attainment of economic empowerment.
Funded by Government of Canada, Gender Equality for Decent Employment (GE4DE) I successfully managed livelihood programs (valuing USD 3 million), empowering 11,000+ vulnerable women, men and young girls through training in high demand skills and enterprise development. Integrated gender, inclusion and diversity elements throughout the project. Developed gender responsive Competency Standards and built institutional capacity of TVET providers, implement competency-based demand-driven training courses in Textile; Garment Manufacturing; Cotton; Beauty; Fashion Designing; IT; Hospitality and Domestic work.
Strengthened institutional capacity of Women Development Department Punjab and APWA, to deliver skills training in domestic work. Established Domestic Worker’s Union in Punjab, advocated for their legal protection, which led to the enactment of Punjab Domestic Workers Act 2019.
Supported establish online system at Federal Ombudsman Secretariat for registering and addressing the complaints related to sexual harassment at work place.
Funded by Government of Canada, Women’s employment concerns and working conditions in Pakistan Porject (WEC-PK), I managed two major components of the project, and built the institutional capacity of workers and employers’ organizations by gender mainstreaing in their processes, system and policies. Supported development of Gender Equality Policy and Action Plans, formation of Women Committees in Pakistan Workers Federation, which resulted into enhanced participation of women in Trade unions, improved leadership skills and stronger collective voice, demanding PSEA and gender responsive measures for the women workers. Monintored the field, advised on corrective actions as per M&E Plan and ensured that implementation led to sustainable results.
Commissioned research study on mobility issues of women in labur force, and identifying regional good practices. Based on the findings and reccommendations, advocated with the Govt of Punjab for establishing Rapid Transit System, which later culminated into the launch of metro lines and buses in Punjab, providing access to safe, economical and rapid transport to women.
Supported the ILO Office develop funding proposal for five-year project on gender equality and decent employment, liaison and negotiated with the donor, and succeeded in securing funds of CAD 8 million for the new project.
Represented the ILO at strategic forums including INGAD, NCSW, One UN, GBV.
Established partnerships and executed training programs for public and private healthcare providers, which enhanced their sensitivity to clients, improved service delivery, and greater clients’ satisfaction. Supported develop a Primer "Introduction to Medical Demography and Population Studies", which was adopted by all medical colleges.
Managed Internship Program, which enhanced the capacity of 50 fresh university graduates and supported them secure jobs in reputed organizations.
Facilitated the selected district governments develop action plans to improve rural health services.
Provided technical inputs to review and adapt the Trainers\' Manual on Sexual and Reproductive Health for adolescents and youth in Pakistan, which was used for capacity building of relevant organizations. Led the first ever national survey "Transition to Adulthood: Education, Work, and Marriage among Adolescents and Youth in Pakistan" including design of tools, training 120 enumerators from four provinces, monitoring of teams through field visits, and provision of guidance to ensure high quality data, supported data analysis and report writing.
Led several research studies and evaluations using PRA, quantitative and qualitative research tools.
I have worked with her for almost three years. She is an enthusiastic employee and colleague. She can work well with other people and also individually. But she is really more of a leader than a follower. She can manage and supervise other employees as well. Little or no supervision is needed when she is working. She has a reliable working habit that gives you the assurance that you can always count on her.