
I am an energetic Project Management and capacity Building specialist with Masters's in social sciences, Bachelor's in Education, IT Certificate, Mass Communication Certificates and Project Management. I have more than 13 years of diversified working experience in the areas of communication, project management, Community Development/ Empowerment, humanitarian relief/ Response Data management, and human resource management. I have an excellent command of Project management practices and community I have provided professional inputs into br Communication Support Officer Polio (Chip Training Consulting Pvt. Ltd.) (UNICEF)br Media, Communication, Reporting Research Specialist (Governance Policy Project Balochistan (World Bank)br Project Management, Monitoring and coordination between Donor and implementation Partner (BSDSB) (CONCERN World Wide)br Project management, Planning and implementation of vocational training (Mercy Corps) (BPRM)br Project implementation (Mercy Corps) (BPRM)br Community Mobilization and empowerment WESS (UNHCR)br institutional development of community village and Local support organizations WESS/ (PPAF)br formation of PTCs, teacher trainings, School Assessment and infrastructure br Monitoring and Evaluation Relief International (RI)br Surveys with UNHCR, EXERT, MSI, WESS, Taraqee Foundation, BSDSB, BRSP, Relief International./p/div


project manager
project Management
Communication and Reporting specialist
communication Officer polio vaccination
Communication, Media and Reporting Specialist


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CHIP Training & Consulting Pvt. Ltd
Sep 2018 - Present | Quetta, Pakistan

 The Communications Support Officer will lead their respective teams and work closely with partners in the field to drive all Health (Polio) communications effort at the district level by:
‒       Translating the National and Provincial level polio communications strategy to the town/tehsil
‒       Developing targeted social mobilization and communications plans
‒       Monitoring effectiveness of the activities once implemented by the field team
During campaign
§  Coordinate at District Emergency Operation Centre for Polio (DEOC) for quality collaboration in all communication-related activities.
§  Identify communication issues at different levels and communicate them to concerned quarters/partners to obtain their support to address them.
§  Support UCOs and Social Mobilizers with communication issues during campaign days in the field.
§  Continue to support social mobilization activities needed during the campaign/ Ensure implementation of the communication strategy/plan for the high-risk Union Councils and high-risk groups.
In between campaign
§  Supervise and support Engagement with families of missed children especially refusals
§  Identify the communication issues at the District level and develop town/tehsil level evidence/issue-based communication/community engagement plan in consultation with DEOC. The plan should be based on social profiling of refusals for effective engagement in between campaigns
§  Ensure the social component of the micro-plans is updated by the communication staff (HRMP, social profile, etc.)
§  Follow up with the data team for updating and analysis of data on relevant communication indicators including coverage of refusals etc
§  Update/ lead on challenge mapping exercise at town/tehsil level and ensure that the same is updated regularly
§  Ensure the highest level of coordination and collaboration with the DEOC (DPO, DC or CEO) on all PEI activities as per the NEAP.
§  Formation of town/tehsil level coalition (Religious, political, trade unions, lawyer’s associations, chamber of commerce, teachers’ associations, etc) to create enabling environment for vaccination
§  Participate in the DPEC meetings for campaign preparedness and provide technical input on communication
§  Facilitate follow up on the decisions made in the DPEC meetings related to communication interventions and social mobilization
§  Be actively involved in monitoring and supervising the implementation of communication and social mobilization activities prior to the campaign at the Union Council and community levels
§  Ensure AIC / team training are supervised/supported by for the IPC component
§  Supervise and monitor SM/HTH mobilizers
§  Maintain a media mapping of the relevant journalists and media outlets (including print, radio, social media, and television) in each town/tehsil
§  Identify and enlist any blockers (persons/ institutions who are hindering PEI program delivery at the field) and propose strategies for engagement 
§  Ensure a crisis communication plan is developed and in-place
§  Ensure quality training for UC level communication staff and HH social mobilizers
§  Generate and Submit the report on activities (including social mobilization/community engagement) by end of every month/campaign cycle
§  Develop town/tehsil level evidence/issue-based communication plan
§  Challenge mapping of the town/tehsil available and updated regularly
§  Update micro-plans by UCCO/SMs, based on challenge mapping and social profile etc.
§  Participate in the DPEC meetings for campaign preparedness and provide technical input on communication
§  Supervise and support tracking and engagement with families of missed children
§  Crisis communication plan developed and shared with DEOC
§  Ensure Training of the Communication staff at UC and area-level on IPC
§  Generate a monthly report of the CE activities
§  Support the Community Based Vaccination provincial teams in preparing, finalization and roll out of area-specific strategic community engagement plan based on missed children data.
Support Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) Balochistan in preparing a monthly work plan of provincial activates in support of social mobilization for Polio Eradication Initiative, Expended Program on Immunization synergy. Work in close liaison with WHO- Religious and Social Affairs Officer to coordinate the activities of Religious Support Persons ( RSPs) Network focusing on refusals (Missed Children) to polio vaccination on religious grounds.

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Governance & Policy Project Balochistan Provincial Assembly (PAC) (World Bank)
Jan 2018 - May 2018 | Quetta, Pakistan

• Developing communication strategy for Baluchistan Government of its Public Accounts Committee.
• Communication plan for PAC Baluchistan.
• Coordination with Assembly members Auditor General Pakistan and DGPA.
• Monitoring progress and develop reports
• Develop a mechanism for state citizen trust development Baluchistan Province
• Media communication and press releases
• Inter provincial communication of PAC
• Research work for policy development

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Legends Society
Sep 2017 - Dec 2017 | Killa Abdullah, Pakistan

§  Coordination with Election commission Pakistan, NADRA, and Media Persons.
§  Management of the day to day activities at the field level
§  Communication with donor USAID, TEDA, Ministry of information Pakistan
§   Supervision of the project activities and other Human and financial resources 
§   Preparation of annual plan and support M&E Framework
§  Reporting to donor and other stakeholders.
§  Conflict management at staff and field level

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Bright Star Development Society Balochistan BSDSB
Sep 2016 - Aug 2017 | North Wazirstan, Pakistan

§  Supervision of all project activities
§  Management of activities
§  Donor communication
§  IP coordination
§  IP progress review
§  IP support in reporting and other documentation
§  Budgeting
§  Reporting
§  Planning
§  Conflict resolution  
§  Staff management

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Mercy corps
Mar 2016 - Sep 2016 | Quetta, Pakistan

project managment
donor coordination
monitoring and evaluation

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Water Environment & Sanitation Society
Aug 2015 - Mar 2016 | Quetta, Pakistan

§  To supervise regular data collected by field staff.
§  Assurance of data quality and quantity through random verifications and validations
§  To analyze and discuss findings based on regular field monitoring visits
§  Provide technical support on M&E and evidence-based recommendations with relevant project management
§  Ensure the implementation of the activities according to the devised project implementation plan
§  Develop M&E system for the Project and for the government counterpart/stakeholders;
§  Assist the Project Manager in preparing other relevant reports;
§  Assist in coordinating across the available components of the Project to ensure effective implementation of M&E
§  Provide feedback to the Project Manager on project strategies and activities;
§  Develop monitoring and impact indicator for the project success;
§  Monitor all project activities, expenditures, and progress towards achieving the project output
§  Develop project monitoring plan
§  Facilitate team in project data review
§  Share learning from M&E process with the manager Program
§  Promote the culture of two-way learning in the organization
§  Report writing
§  Assist manager in event conduction
§  Assist donor in field visits

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Mercy Corps International
Sep 2014 - Aug 2015 | Quetta, Pakistan

health practices.
Deal with Antenatal, natal postnatal care and birth preparedness and complication readiness
Monitor and supervise the dissemination of health messages
Facilitate field supervisors in field activities
Coordinate with project manager for planning and implementation of health and livelihood component.
Assist project officer training and marketing for seeking employment for male and female
Identify relevant IEC material.
CMWs and CHWs training for the creating and increasing community awareness
Establishment of a network of community leaders, stakeholders, members groups and committees for increased community mobilization
Arrangements for workshops, trainings and seminars
Responsible to coordinate and develop partnership with local CBOs and NGOs for improving community mobilization.
Work closely with MEL to ensure necessary data and indicators for project activities.
Reporting to project manager
Monitoring visits of activities

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Water Environment & Sanitation Society (WESS)
Apr 2012 - Sep 2014 | Harnai, Pakistan

. Develops and maintains a detailed project schedule which includes administrative tasks and all sites involved in the project.
2. Coordinate meetings with other partner organizations POs.
3 Organize workshops, seminars, conventions, exposure visits and other activities linked to capacity building and support organization management.

4. manuals preparation for teacher trainings and assessment of education committee
5. coordination with parent school management committee (PTSMC)
6. File all project documents (hard and soft copies.
7.Reporting to project manager .
8 .Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities.
9.Facilitate the project staff in the formation of community organization CO, village organization VO and local support organization LSO.
10.Poverty score card survey conduction
11.Budget preparations
12 Coordinating project staff and scheduling to ensure that projects are planned forward, that they do not conflict with each other, and that project tasks are completed within the project schedules.

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Water Environment & Sanitation Society
Nov 2009 - Mar 2012 | Quetta, Pakistan

§  Preparing annual training Plan keeping in view the needs of BHUs district Quetta.
§  Monitoring visits of BHUs for smooth implementation of the project activities.
§  Conduct training sessions on first Aid and the spread of epidemic diseases.
§  Coordinate with the interfaith religious council for health for arranging orientation training for religious leaders
§  Supervise and monitor at random dissemination of health messages during Friday prayers
§  Facilitate field supervisor community in arranging an international day in community mega-events
§  Coordinate with the project manager for planning and implementing community-based activities of health and livelihood
§  Assist project training and marketing for seeking employment for trained Afghan refugees
§  Facilitate field supervisor community preparing a monitoring plan for community-based training
§  Responsible to coordinate and develop partnerships with local CBOs and NGOs for improving community mobilization.

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Relief International
Jan 2008 - Nov 2009 | Jaffarabad, Pakistan

§  Monitor project activities at the district level.
§  Coordination with staff and clusters
§  Conducting meetings with district Administration
§  Monitoring Reports
§  Annual Monitoring Plan
§  Indicator setting for tracking work quality and progress
§  Staff meeting for gap sharing and their possible solutions


University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan
Masters, Masters in Arts, Master In Social Sciences‎
Social Sciences (Political Science)
University of Balochistan Quetta Pakistan
Masters, Masters in Arts, Pashtoo‎


Expert Ability To Create Creative Content
Expert Ability to Pay Attention to Detail
Expert Ability To Present Concepts Verbally
Expert Ability To Work In Diversified Environments
Expert Ability to Work Independently
Expert Accountability
Expert Accounts / Manager
Expert Admin Task Management
Expert Adobe Phoo Shop
Intermediate Adobe Technical Communication Suite
Intermediate Advance Level English
Expert Advocacy Strategy
Expert AI Programs
Expert Analytical Review
Expert Analytical Skills
Expert Assessment Skills
Intermediate Basic Understanding of Statistical Data
Expert Behavior Change
Expert Boiler Components
Intermediate Business Partner Relations Management
Expert Capacity Development
Expert Case Management
Expert Change Communication
Expert Close Attention to Detail
Expert Coaching Skills
Expert communication & networking
Expert Communication Skills
Expert Communication Strategy
Expert Communicator and Presenter
Intermediate Community Emergency Response
Expert Community Leadership
Expert Community Mobilization
Expert Community Projects
Expert Complex Decision Making
Expert Computer Profcient
Expert Computer Proficient
Expert Concept Planning
Expert Configuration Switches
Expert Contract Managment
Expert Coordination Abilities
Expert Critical decision making
Expert Critical Thinking
Expert Cross Platform Campaigns
Expert Csutomer Services
Expert Customer Acquisition Skills
Expert Customer Service Systems
Expert Data Analays
Expert Data Analytics
Expert Data Management
Expert Demonstrated Strong Monitoring And Evaluation


Expert Urdu
Expert Pashto
Expert English