UBL is looking to hire Branch Services Officers for Handling and executing all financial/non-financial transactions in accordance with bank policies and procedures while maintaining high service standards.

Compliance and Control:

  • Safeguard the cash vault, stationery, and ATM, while processing transactions, in order to maintain security and reduce the banks exposure to undue risk.
  • Report suspicious transactions to the Branch Operations Manager or Manager Teller as and when required, to ensure further escalation to compliance in a timely manner.

نوکری کی تفصیلات

شعبہِ افعال:
کل عہدے:
35+ آسامیاں
نوکری کی شفٹ:
پہلا پہر
نوکری کی قسم:
Retail Bank
نوکری کا مقام:
کوئی ترجیح نہیں
18 - 31 سال
کم از کم تعلیم:
کیریئر کی سطح:
کم از کم تجربہ:
غیر تجربہ کار
اس سے پہلے درخواست دیجیۓ:
مارچ ۰۷, ۲۰۲۵
تاریخِ اِشاعت:
فروری ۰٦, ۲۰۲۵

United Bank Limited (UBL)

بینکنگ / مالیاتی خدمات · 301-600 ملازمین -

United Bank Limited is the second largest private commercial bank in Pakistan with over 1000 branches and has an international presence in 10 countries. We are a growing bank with immense potential and prospects for employment in the offering. We are on the path rerouted for attaining excellence; to achieve our goals for more prosperity and to enhance our internal and external equity. We believe in setting the right goals for the right jobs and we strive to identify the right resources. UBL is known for redefining the career paths and growth prospects of all its employees, and we pride ourselves in that. In order to ensure their success, we provide an affluent work environment, conducive and beneficial to the enrichment of their personal grooming and one that proves instrumental for the success of the Bank. UBL is the place for you if you are willing to materialize all your deliverables in alignment with the organization's holistic vision to grow and excel.

آپ کو کس حوالے سے برتری حاصل ہے؟

اپنے بارے میں ہماری پیشہ ورانہ رائے اور تقابلی جائزہ حاصل کیجیۓ
اپنی سی وی کو موءثر بنانے کیلئے ہماری ماہرانہ مشاورتی ٹیم سے رابطہ کریں
روزی پریمیئم کو آزمائیں

ملتی جلتی نوکریاں

Branch Service Manager

Faysal Bank Limited, , پاکستان
فروری ۱۰, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی
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