• Ensure compliance of the university as well as HEC and other related accreditation bodies rules and regulations in coordination with all stakeholders
• Plan, coordinate and administer the courses Pre-registration and Add/Drop activities according to the academic calendar of the university
• Coordination with Advisors, Coordinators, and the OIS team regarding the resolution of issues about the students
• Coordinate with the departments regarding timely completion of classes schedules and faculty assignments, etc.
• Communicate and disseminate the information among the students, faculty, and departments regarding academic affairs
• Preparation of various reports regarding low-performing students, degree completion time etc. and dissemination among all stakeholders
• Process internal/external credit transfer (migration) cases, after validating the policy guidelines
• Processing and validating that the student has met all the requirements for the award of degree and forward the case to OCE for issuance of transcript/degree
• Participation in various forums including Board of Studies, Board of Faculty, Equivalence Committee, and other related committee meetings of all university-wide MS/MPhil/PhD programs
• Review and process applications in the software regarding course registration, semester leave, ID blocking including transfer of credits.
• Supervise the university graduation ceremonies by assisting the graduate’s procession with representatives of the respective school.
• Comprehensive knowledge of rules and regulations of governing and accreditation bodies.
UMT is a premier, research-intensive private university dedicated to academic excellence. Our thinking, research, creative activity and people positively impact the world.