Instant IT Solutions
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Instant IT Solutions

Who we are

Information is one of the most treasured assets within todays business. It is essential piece, if fits right any business will grow rapidly. At Instant It Solutions , our only aim is to help business to unlock the power of information by using intelligent SharePoint Solutions.

We use latest approach, which blends different technologies and produce cutting-edge business applications, specialist understanding of their business. Our capabilities combine creative design, innovative technology, and business intelligence to deliver unique insights to our clients and empower them to evolve their businesses.

From past few years, we\'ve helped leading firms in different sectors in Denmark to better understand the information which they have stored into their Data ware Houses. We know what information is important to their business need. And its our goal to help business owners to use this information in order to make better decision s and drive business development.

What we do

SharePoint Development - We can help you discover the ways a SharePoint implementation can make your business better. We provide SharePoint solutions ranging from strategic design, branding, consulting, implementation, development, governance, capacity planning and training.
Branding - Our design experience enables us to provide you with a made-to-order look and feel for your SharePoint portal that reflects your company\'s character.

Training - We train internal employees, after we deploy share point solutions.

Workflow Automation - We have extensive experience helping you transform and automate your traditional offline/paper based processes into SharePoint.

Internet Sites - SharePoint\'s capabilities can stretch far beyond your firewall, enabling you to create some great internet facing sites.
Solution Development - We develop customize SharePoint solutions in Visual Studio to enhance the power of SharePoint. So SharePoint fits your business needs.