Qadbros Engineering (Pvt) Ltd

Qadbros Engineering (Pvt) Ltd

Qadbros Engineering (Pvt) Ltd. is an ISO certified company (certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance) running a heavy engineering & manufacturing facility. Incorporated in 1989, the company has fast progressed to become the country's largest heavy machining facility.

With the machine shop equipped with an array of large and extra-large machine tools, single-piece components weighing up to 70 tons can be machined in-house. The company carries long years of experience of manufacturing heavy plant & equipment for the sugar, cement, steel, chemical and power plants under license of world renowned technology partners. The company's reference list includes major projects at home as well as customers located in many countries of the world. The company has elaborate engineering & design facilities manned with experienced professionals using a wide range of computer software for various applications.

In recent years, with technology assistance from our foreign partners, Qadbros Engineering has emerged as one of the world's most competitive manufacturer of plant & equipment for cane sugar factories. The company takes pride in having manufactured and supplied sugar cane crushing equipment to the world's largest sugar cane crushing plant in South East Asia. The company has also recently supplied the largest sugar cane crusher installed within the cane sugar industry in USA.

Not only is Qadbros Engineering a highly quality conscious company, it boasts an impeccable record of 19 years of on-time delivery to local as well as overseas customers. As a result of its high performance over the years, the company has repeatedly earned flying colors from our local and overseas customers as well as our foreign technology partners.

Our founding fathers hard work of the past, our success of the present and our vision of the future all stem from our unstinting commitment to quality. To provide the best value in every product and service which we offer to our customers, all companies of the Qadri Group implement quality standards through the various stages of research & development, design, production planning, manufacture, delivery and aftersales service.

Our Foundry shops are equipped with in-house metallurgical testing facilities manned by experienced technicians trained to ensure compliance with the various international standards relevant to our scope of manufacture. Our Heavy Engineering & Machining facilities are equipped with physical testing facilities and non-destructive testing facilities including ultrasonic testing of cast, fabricated and machined components using state of the art equipment.

Ongoing training of the members of our Quality Assurance team is one of the cornerstones of our plan to achieve ever high quality benchmarks. We spare no effort in organizing/using such training in-house as well as by external agencies including our foreign technology partners. We draw strength from the rich experience and knowledge of our world renowned technology partners whose design, manufacture and quality assurance experts are readily available to assist us in complying with the required international quality standards.

As a professionally managed organization, we look forward to the new millennium with the zeal to work for the land where we were born.
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