1. Ensure 100% implementation of the standards on the defined working area at the cabinet line.

2. To check standards, work instructions & practices of Cabinet Line to ensure adherence to all defined quality parameters. 

3. Responsible for Verification of 1st sample of each station of the Cabinet line.

4. Counter checks of all major critical processes, like U-shell, Evaporator bending, Booster line, cabinet pre-assembly, and foaming.

5. To ensure that there would be no D-Shaped & Short Foaming complaints from the market.

6. To identify & implement practical solutions for the reasons of rejection & rework on the Door line.

7. To conduct vigilance tests of Quality Inspectors. 

8. To complete tasks assigned by the LQA Section Head and QA Manager.

نوکری کی تفصیلات

شعبہِ افعال:
کل عہدے:
1 اشاعت
نوکری کی شفٹ:
پہلا پہر
نوکری کی قسم:
نوکری کا مقام:
کوئی ترجیح نہیں
25 - 35 سال
کم از کم تعلیم:
ڈگری کا عنوان:
BSc (Mechanical/Electrical)
کیریئر کی سطح:
تجربہ کار پیشہ ور
کم از کم تجربہ:
2 سال (Relevant Industry Experiance)
اس سے پہلے درخواست دیجیۓ:
فروری ۲۳, ۲۰۲۵
تاریخِ اِشاعت:
فروری ۱۷, ۲۰۲۵


تعمیراتی · More than 5000 ملازمین - لاہور

Haier Industrial Park is now a large facility in Lahore with 2 million units per annum designed capacity to manufacture, assemble and produce high-end home appliances and electronics. After 21 years of development, Haier has become the No. 1 home appliance brand in Pakistan. Currently Haier Air Conditioner is ranked #1 in market share for numerous years along with Haier Washing Machine. Haier Refrigerator is ranked #1 in market share. Haier Pakistan after producing Haier Air conditions. Refrigerators and washing machines extended its production to deep freezers, commercial air conditioners, televisions, microwaves and cooking appliances. The success achieved by Haier Industrial Park has brought many benefits for both Pakistan and China. By creating thousands of professional jobs for skilled and non-skilled workers, Haier Industrial Park has not only given the country a high-quality manufacturing base for home appliances but it has also stood up for community building, Haier has always been forefront to help the people of Pakistan in natural calamities such as flood and covid pandemic.

آپ کو کس حوالے سے برتری حاصل ہے؟

اپنے بارے میں ہماری پیشہ ورانہ رائے اور تقابلی جائزہ حاصل کیجیۓ
اپنی سی وی کو موءثر بنانے کیلئے ہماری ماہرانہ مشاورتی ٹیم سے رابطہ کریں
روزی پریمیئم کو آزمائیں

ملتی جلتی نوکریاں

Engineer Quality Assurance

Interloop Holdings Pvt. Ltd., فیصل آباد, پاکستان
فروری ۱۳, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Quality Assurance Engineer

The Moon Group Investment LLC, لاہور, پاکستان
جنوری ۲۹, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Modisoft, کراچی, پاکستان
فروری ۱۲, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Modisoft Pvt Ltd, کراچی, پاکستان
فروری ۱۳, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی
تمام دیکھیں
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