
A seasoned professional with a proven track record in complex project management and international development, I possess a deep understanding of Results-Based Management (RBM) and its application in achieving tangible outcomes.

Having successfully led teams across various regions, I have demonstrated expertise in project management, monitoring and evaluation, research methodology, public-private partnerships, peacebuilding, post-conflict governance, humanitarian aid, emergency response, policy advocacy, strategic communication, counter-violent extremism (CVE), and OTI projects.

My ability to navigate complex challenges, foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, and ensure efficient and effective resource allocation has been a cornerstone of my success. I am adept at identifying risks, implementing mitigation strategies, and promoting accountability and transparency throughout project cycles.

With a strong foundation in leadership, program development, financial management, human resource management, security management, and representation, I am well-equipped to drive organizational strategy and deliver impactful results. My educational background, including a Master's degree from the London School of Economics, has provided me with a solid understanding of media communication, development studies, project management, budgeting, risk management, and social change.

I am eager to contribute my skills and experience to your organization and look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your mission.


Right to be Heard--Voices for Choices


کمپنی کا لوگو
Technical Lead Programme Development & Resource Mobilization / Compliance
World Health Organziation
جون ۲۰۲۲ - جولائی ۲۰۲۴ | Mogadishu, Somalia

Between June 2022 and June 2024, I spearheaded a crucial project focused on Public Health & Nutrition Governance in Emergencies in Somalia. I meticulously developed and executed project management and resource mobilization strategies, employing a measurable monitoring and evaluation framework and results-based management approaches. Collaborating with technical focal persons from regional and HQ teams, I successfully conducted donor mapping and engagement, prioritizing the development of high-quality proposals. Concurrently, I maintained consistent engagement with traditional donors while proactively seeking opportunities with non-traditional donors at bilateral and consortium levels. Additionally, I established extensive engagement across various UN organizations to identify and develop cross-sectoral proposals, exemplified by my collaboration with UNFPA, UNICEF, and WHO to craft a one-health proposal for CERF and the Global Fund. I ensured that donors and key stakeholders remained deeply engaged through regular roundtables and information sessions, leveraging these platforms to not only keep them informed about developments but also seek their guidance to employ innovation in programmatic areas. Moreover, I adeptly crafted various impactful information products, including newsletters, case studies, human interest stories, web stories, press releases, and situational reports, to continually keep internal and external stakeholders well-informed and engaged. Furthermore, I executed survey initiatives, designed data collection tools, and meticulously reviewed, analyzed, and interpreted responses, identifying and promptly addressing issues and challenges. Additionally, I conducted comprehensive training workshops, seminars, and delivered authoritative presentations on programmatic topics and activities. I also played a pivotal role in leading field missions, providing expert guidance to external consultants, government officials, and other parties, and meticulously drafting mission summaries. Furthermore, I seamlessly coordinated budget and funding-related activities, including programme/project preparation and submissions, progress reports, and financial statements, while ensuring the preparation of related documents and reports such as pledging, work programme, and programme budget. Lastly, I effectively collected and analyzed data, identified trends and patterns, and provided invaluable insights using various data visualization methods to enable data-driven planning, decision-making, presentation, and reporting.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Team Lead / Acting COP Parliament and Civil Society Strengthening Project
Democracy International / USAID / UNDP
جولائی ۲۰۲۱ - مئی ۲۰۲۲ | Monrovia, Liberia

Led the research and technical assistance portfolio of the organization to conduct an independent analysis of public finance management and National Elections Commission of Liberia under Elections Democratic Assistance project of USAID by engaging the national and sub-national stakeholders through a systematic designed research methodology. Developed a framework of sustainability of Elections Commissions and Public Finance Management by focusing on resource mobilization, management framework for sustainability, resilience, transparency and accountability in public finance management and improvement of democratic institutions for institutionalizing the frameworks through sustained capacity building and public engagement strategies.   

کمپنی کا لوگو
COP & Director Programs (Governance, Peacebuilding, Public Accountability)
Tetratech Inc. / USAID
جولائی ۲۰۱۸ - مارچ ۲۰۲۱ | Kabul, Afghanistan

Provide strategic oversight, leadership and management while leading a USAID Initiative for Strengthening Local Administration (ISLA) project to improve Governance, public finance, participatory budgeting, policy advocacy, accountability, transparency and public engagement for improved service delivery in areas of health, education, agriculture and IDPs in Afghanistan, I have managed the project across 16 provinces using results-based project management principles. I developed and implemented sub-national governance and operational framework to help improve GIRoA’s ability to prioritize service delivery and develop central and subsequently provincial plans and budgets that represent provincial interests and public needs. Helped to have a positive impact on citizens’ needs in health, education, TVET, security, justice, gender and youth emancipation, land reforms, civil society engagement, and essential civic services. Helped the government develop and roll out a 140-member strong CSO network for public accountability at the provincial level for the health and education sector. Helped develop a 140-member CSOs-Network for provincial accountability and transparency by developing community-based -monitoring (CBM) tools; Developed Provincial Strategic Guidelines to help the government implement its Sub-National Governance Policy (SNGP); Led the development of mass media public campaigns using traditional, new media and SMS for information, education, accountability, and behaviour change of internal and external stakeholders on sub-national governance and socio-economic and cultural issues. Helped run a successful women and youth internship program by placing over 250 young graduates with government entities. Helped streamline and institutionalize capacity building of the government, CSOs and IPs on management, communication, and advocacy. Helped develop digital platforms for ministries to have meaningful and result oriented engagement with various stakeholders.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Principle Specialist (Health & Nutrition Programs, Advocacy, Networking
UNICEF United Nations
نومبر ۲۰۱۵ - جولائی ۲۰۱۸ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Working with an Emergency Child Health and Nutrition Program (Polio). Operationalizing and developing country-wide advocacy, engagement, mobilization and Crisis Communication strategy, work plan and implementation strategy across four provincial capitals of Pakistan, AJK and Gilgit Baltistan including FATA through dedicated teams and partner organisation. Managing Communication Unit at Emergency operations Centre (EOC) by developing a collaboration with all development partners (WHO, BMGF, Rotary International, JICA, CIDA, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), German, Japanese, Italian, Canadian, Australian governments). Responsibility include developing coordination between Expanded Immunization Program (EPI) and Polio Eradication Initiative (PEI) by engaging with the federal and provincial health ministries. Develop advocacy leads with parliamentarians, private sector, communities of interest including paediatricians, nutritionists, and religious groups.
Developing and building in-house and partner capacities, developing a coordination mechanism, streamlining crisis media management, community mobilization, Community of Practice Networks, religious and professional Networks,
Organizing systematic and scientific media monitoring framework to monitor over 100 print publications and over 32 national TV news networks on 24/7 basis for measuring the coverage, managing the adverse coverage and coordinating with media focal persons at federal and provincial governments on 24/7 basis. Develop evidence based leads for advocacy, mass media advertisements and social media leads besides developing IEC material, key messages, top lines and talking points for program leaders and manage/organize key and strategic events for raising awareness and promoting the causes. For effective media management, organize and conduct media sensitization and capacity building workshops by engaging reporters, sub editors, editors and columnists/editorial writers.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Director Programs
Save the Children
ستمبر ۲۰۱۴ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۵ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Leading a global Advocacy, Campaign & Lobbying under \"EVERY ONE\" banner by developing strategies, action plans, evidence-based multiple activities surrounding academia, government ministries, parliamentary leaders, media on issues, IPs and Donors of MNCH, Child Health, Child protection, participation and development. Coordination with regional and global campaign groups and donors was part of the core responsibilities. With the help of national and provincial teams, ensued strategic application of various platform of policy advocacy, NEW MEDIA, face-to-face interactions and consistent persuasion to achieve the outputs and outcomes of the program hence generate a meaningful and result-oriented discourse at national leading towards global actions. Results have been very encouraging as our team has managed to secure not only commitments in the form of new laws from parliament but also secured meaningful reforms on operational sides by engaging health managers and academia.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Key Expert: Capacity Building DRL Conflict Transformation
Internews Network, US
جون ۲۰۱۱ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۴ | Islamabad, Pakistan

As a lead trainer and moderator hosted discussion surrounding Conflict reporting and its impact on national NGOs and development sector of the country, Reporting safely from Conflict areas was taken up as a thematic area to engage policy makers and leading Anchors from media side and advocacy based NGOs from conflict zones; especially from FATA/KP, Gilgit Baltistatn, Karachi, Balochistan and inteior Sind to develop a discourse and future strategy. Leading up to policy debates/discussions, a series of training workshops were conducted by developing three-day and four-day training modules/manuals for TV, Print and Radio journalists to sensitize them on ethics, conflict and crisis reporting, importance of research and evidence-based reporting and most importantly ensure safety and security of journalists while working in/on conflict areas through ethical, investigative and objective reporting.
Key Achievements:
1- Developed Proposals for Media Mobilization and sensitization projects
2- Developed Trainees and Trainers Manuals and Modules
3- Developed Power Point Presentations for each Manual with guiding notes for ToTs participants and
4- Trained over 400 Journalists across remote parts of the country and mentoring them since then with or without any project or contract because I believe in training them so that we can get diversification and quality input from all across the country

کمپنی کا لوگو
Policy Advisor Knowledge & Programme Management (KPM)
oxfam novib
جون ۲۰۱۱ - اگست ۲۰۱۴ | The Hague, Netherlands

As Policy Advisor for Knowledge and Program Management (KPM) Bureau at the Hague Office of Oxfam Novib, was looking after developing policy leads for flagship program on Right to Be Heard (RTBH) for Asia, Africa, Middle East and Mekong regions. Developed policy papers, country strategies, advocacy and campaigns for active citizenship and Governance projects besides developing Access to Information (A2I) Policy for the Oxfam Confederation. Was engaged with development of Knowledge Hub at the Confederation level around Active Citizenship and Governance.
Key Achievements:
1- Developed global Access to Information Policy (A2I) for Oxfam cofederation
2- Developed Governance and Active Citizenship framework/programmatic approach and project leads for Horn, East and Central Africa (HECA) region, OPTI & South Asia
3- Initiated and developed Knowledge Hub on Governance and Active Citizenhsip under Knowledge and Program Management Bureau
3- Coordinated with 19 country teams across Asia, MEKONG, HECA and South Asian regions for development of Annual Plans and capacity need assessment of each country office with regard to Media, communication, advocacy and campaigning work
4- Developed Media and Communication strategy (both internal and external) for Oxfam Novib Had office in The Hague and later the same assignment was tasked to me for 19 country offices mentioned above.
5- Developed training Manuals and Modules for Advocacy, Campaigning, Media and Communication work as per regional requirements after thorough consultations and considerations of the regional and even country level environment/sensitivities

کمپنی کا لوگو
Lead Expert Citizen Voice: Parliamentary/Elections/Social Media/Advocacy
The Asia Foundation
دسمبر ۲۰۱۱ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۳ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Accountability through CSOs was a unique concept and to strengthen the capacity of CSOs in engaging citizens in a meaningful and sustainable way, special manuals/modules were developed around the topic. Emphasis was given to develop CSOs understanding of parliamentary structures in the country and how to best engage parliamentary committees, ministries and departments for ensuring transparency and accountability and bridging the trust-gap between citizenry and state institutions.
Developed detailed trainers and Trainees Manuals, conducted capacity building sessions for CSOs from across Pakistan on thematic areas of Media, Social Media, Advocacy, Lobbying, Community Reports, Campaigns and Community Mobilization.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Advisor Capacity Building for civil society and media
Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF)
دسمبر ۲۰۱۰ - نومبر ۲۰۱۳ | Karachi, Pakistan

To develop capacities of the journalists community working in remote districts of Pakistan, special hands-on and theoratical sessions were designed to building their capacities for ensuring reliable, accurate and facts based reporting. Interactive sessions were held to impart practicle expertise to these journalists in conducting interviews for TV/Radio, recording, editing on Adobe, developing research techniques.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Key Expert Cat 1 Peacebuilding (Trainings & Mentoring)
Search for Common Ground
مارچ ۲۰۱۲ - نومبر ۲۰۱۲ | Islamabad, Pakistan

To sensitize media and civil society organisations, a round of workshops were conducted in Karachi and Lahore to sensitize media and civil society organisation representatives on virtues of reporting safely and ethically. Since Media plays an important role in fanning sectarian and tribal conflicts in rural areas of Pakistan, workshops developed a batch of media persons from across Pakistan to develop news stories and articles for supporting peace efforts in their localities. Mentoring ensued these trainings which helped local journalists write ethically, responsibly and with evidence. Role of social media for rural journalists was also highlighted throughout thsi exercise.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Lead Researcher Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)
اگست ۲۰۰۹ - اکتوبر ۲۰۱۱ | Islamabad, Pakistan

As a qualified master trainer for gender, held capacity building sessions for media persons from both developed and under developed media centres of Pakistan. The modules was developed for holding interactive sessions with the media persons to sensitize them about gender, roles and responsibilities by engaging them in hands-on sessions, dialogues and conversations. These rounds helped us take the gender debate to various districts of Pakistan so that narrative coming from various parts of the country to national media centres should have not only realization about the gender roles but also highlight the plight of those working in miserable conditions across the country just because they are considered children of lesser God.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Information Analyst & Editor
Daily Times
مئی ۲۰۰٦ - ستمبر ۲۰۱۱ | Toronto, Canada

As a senior member of editorial board, my responsibility included contributing to editorial pages besides getting the maximum output from editorial team including reportings ection, editing section, magazine, features and columnists. My key achievements include;
1- Developing a community development reporting guidelines
2- Ensuring response from all concerned stakeholders before filing any objective investigative news item including point of view of the accused/aggrieved party
3- Encouraging engagement with academia for engaing more youth
4- Ensuring an active web presence of the newspapesr

کمپنی کا لوگو
DRR Consultant as Communication Specialist
جولائی ۲۰۰۹ - نومبر ۲۰۰۹ | Islamabad, Pakistan


University of Pennsylvania
سرٹیفیکیشن, Social Norms, Social Change‎
Social Development Studies, Social Environment
University of California
سرٹیفیکیشن, Initiating and Planning Projects‎
Project Management, Business Administration, Human Resource Development and Management
Cambridge Regional College
مختصر کورس, Project Management‎
Administration, Advertising and Media Management, Project Management
London School of Economics
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, (MS) Development studies‎
Developmental Studies, Media and Communication Studies
CGPA 3.8/4
University of the Punjab
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان سائنس, Masters in Mass Communication‎
Development Communication, Print Media Theory and Reseach, Radio- T.V. Production or Advertising
فی صد 64%

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Advocacy, Campaigns & Communications
ماہر Comparable Analysis
ماہر Crisis communication
ماہر Donor Engagement
ماہر Knowledge and Programme Management
ماہر Knowledge of Spreadsheets
ماہر Project Administration
ماہر Report Writing Skills


ابتدائی عربی
ابتدائی سندھی
متوسط پنجابی
ماہر اردو
ماہر انگریزی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں


جنرک پلیس ہولڈر کی تصویر
Rabiah Beg
Program Management Specialist, Tetra Tech ARD / USAID
میں آپ کے ساتھ کام کیا UNICEF United Nations

Saeed is the type of person everyone just loves being around. Strong work ethic, great personality and highly professional.

Saeed آپکے جاننے والے

Rabiah Jamil Beg
Tetra Tech ARD / USAID