
Experienced Professional having the Masters in Sociology with graduation in the field of commerce and has extensive knowledge and skills in English and computer operating.
Since I started my career journey in development and humanitarian assistance sector I have worked for an International and United Nations organization which includes, World Health Organization, World Food Programme-United Nations (UN-WFP) Action Against Hunger-ACF International, Nutrition International, Medecins Sans Frontieres-MSF-OCA, Save the Children, The Johanniter International Assistance, Women empowerment Pakistan at multiple districts province of pakistan. I have round about Ten years of experience in Nutrition related projects specifically Community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) Conditional Cash Transfer (BISP Project/Ehsaas Nashonuma) , Fortification of Wheat Oil/Ghee, WASH, Health medical emergencies related interventions, organizing facilitating training events for government officials, partners, and stakeholders of the project. I have acquired the skills in community mobilization, external internal coordination communication skills, effective outreach management skills, changing the behavior of targeted communities, involving the stakeholders at field level, facilitate organize official mission visits, and enforcing the community volunteerism for the better adoption and coverage of the programmatic activities. Has the potential to plan and implement the activities at field level and monitor and supervise the staff through effective management of resources with a view to achieve the output and maximize the impact through the incorporation of participatory approaches in line with the compliance of all humanitarian and accountability standards.




کمپنی کا لوگو
District Coordinator
International Rescue Committee
نومبر ۲۰۲۳ - ستمبر ۲۰۲۴ | Larkana, Pakistan

کمپنی کا لوگو
Nutrition Officer
United Nation World Health Organisation
نومبر ۲۰۲۲ - مارچ ۲۰۲۳ | Quetta, Pakistan

Assist the planning, implementation, and monitoring of strengthening/ establishing nutrition stabilization centers in CERF supported nutrition stabilization centers in Balochistan province  Coordinate, prepare and submit periodic (daily, weekly and monthly) reports on nutrition screening data, referral and patient outcomes in Nutrition stabilisation centres.  Assist in providing inputs to Nutrition bulletin and strengthen coordination with provincial nutrition department, other partners and other UN organizations and attend nutrition meetings in the province.  Provide support to nutrition programme as requested by supervisor .

Support the planning, implementation and reporting of emergency nutrition interventions through monitoring of project activities and ensuring that resources are utilized on efficient and effective manner.  Operationalize nutrition screening of under five children in camps, communities and health facilities in the province  Prepare and submit daily reports to WHO Provincial and country office on nutrition screening data.  Develop a referral mechanism for children identified to be malnourished through routine screening, to OTP or nutrition stabilisation centres using a standard criteria.  Coordinate with other UN agencies and stakeholders to ensure complementarity of the nutrition response in the flood emergency area.  Collect and keep proper and updated record of all nutrition supplements, medicines and equipment of support provided to Nutrition Stabilization Centers/ camps/ facilities/ therapeutic supplies in the province.  Conduct field visits to monitor and provide technical support to ongoing nutrition interventions.  Provide training in Nutrition in emergency, Growth monitoring, Infant young child feeding in emergencies, community management of acute malnutrition and Inpatient treatment of SAM children with complications to relevant staff in the flood affected areas.  Through coordination at provincial level, develop a monthly report on the progress of the emergency response, highlighting the challenges, gaps and success stories.  Develop monthly bulletins .  

کمپنی کا لوگو
Programme Associate
United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
جنوری ۲۰۲۰ - اکتوبر ۲۰۲۲ | Islamabad, Pakistan

Supervision and monitoring of all field activities of BSA (Programme) to ensure that selected chakki mills have adequate installation of mixing equipment provided by WFP, its calibrations and setting flow rate of premix as per standards prescribed by Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority;
Act as a point of contact for Chakki Mills Association, flour milling industry and district food department for effective coordination and collaboration ensuring district level planning and timely implementation of project activities;
Provide support to WFP project team in monitoring the capacity building activities for the staff of respective mills, food inspectors, laboratory staff and District Focal Person on fortification and quality assurance and quality control processes to promote sustainable and adequate fortification of wheat flour;
Ensure uninterrupted supply of micronutrient premix to the chakki mills in the allocated territory, according to their requirements, through oversight supervision of all BSA (Programme);
Ensure smooth supply of Iron Spot Test Kits to chakki mills for monitoring of fortified chakki flour at production, market and house hold level through close monitoring of all BSA’s in allocated project districts; 
Ensure that BSA (Programme) undertake timely collection of samples of chakki flour mills on regular basis and its receipt at identified labs;Oversee and/or review the work of all BSA (Programme) ensuring adequately fortified chakki flour is produced and supplied in market and among consumers;
Ensure timely availability and recording of data for review and analysis by the WFP project team;
Provide support to the National Consultant in planning and undertaking awareness raising activities at the district level to generate demand for the fortified chakki flour in coordination with designated organization/agency; 
Provide support to WFP Chakki project Team in regular collation of information and data from the chakki mills for its analysis and generation of monthly reports;
Identify issues and bottlenecks related to chakki fortification activities in the field, timely sharing with the WFP Chakki project team for mitigation measures;
Provide support to WFP project team in devising and implementing innovative approaches to the project;
Perform any other duties as may be assigned by WFP project team.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Technical Associate
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
اگست ۲۰۱۹ - جنوری ۲۰۲۰ | Karachi, Pakistan

§ Support in designing and implementation of Trainings.
§ Support in development of training materials and other IEC material.
§ Follow up and support on field level implementation as per technical standards;
§ Monitoring quality of implementation as per technical standards.
§ To support technical design of entire programme
§ Support in development of work plans along with follow-up on work plans, reporting tools and monitoring formats.
§ To assist technical backstopping at the field level
§ Regularly (at least 50% of time) visit the field to provide on the ground technical backstopping;
§ Support in organizing TWGs (Technical working groups) in collaboration with partners;
§ Participate in field level meetings for review of programmes, providing technical solutions in collaboration with divisional team members;
§ To ensure inclusion across programming and within/by the team
§ Support mission level qualification for gender marker;
§ Encourage inclusion within recruitment, training and promotion;
§ Ensure inclusion within programme planning, implementation and reporting

کمپنی کا لوگو
District Nutrition Coordinator
Women Empowerment Pakistan
جنوری ۲۰۱۹ - اگست ۲۰۱۹ | Mirpur Khas, Pakistan

 District Nutrition Coordinator will work under direct supervision of Project Manager for effective implementation of all CMAM program activities mainly outreach component.
 Responsible to monitor the performance of field supervisors, community health worker and beneficiaries’ feedback by conducting at least two field visit in a week.
 Identify specific technical gaps in project implementation teams and organize internal training for them in close collaboration with Project Manager.
 Facilitate donor missions, conduct quarterly review with guidance of Project Manager.
 Closely monitor that appropriate systematic treatment protocol is respected for SAM treatment and active CMAM components are working as per standard protocols.
 Facilitate Quarterly review meetings/workshops.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Food Fortification Officer
Nutrition International
فروری ۲۰۱۸ - مئی ۲۰۱۸ | Karachi, Pakistan

 Coordinate all wheat flour fortification related activities in field including meeting with key stakeholders i.e. Food Department, Food regulatory authorities, Health Department, Flour Mills Association, flour milling industry and nutrition development partners etc.
 Plan and conduct trainings/capacity building activities for wheat flour mill staff, food inspectors, laboratory staff and District Focal Person on fortification and quality assurance and quality control processes to promote sustainable and adequate fortification of wheat flour.
 In close coordination with provincial manager, assist Provincial Food Department, Food regulatory authorities, Health Department and wheat flour industries in district level planning and execution of program activities.
 Provide technical support to flour mills for installation of micro-feeders, its calibrations and setting flow rate of premix as per standards prescribed by Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority.
 Coordinate with premix distributor/s through provincial manager to ensure uninterrupted supply of micronutrient premix to the flour mills in the allocated territory, according to their requirements.
 Ensure smooth supply of Iron Spot Test Kits to flour mills and food inspectors for monitoring of fortified wheat flour at production, market and house hold level.
 Conduct regular visit of flour mills and market to ensure that adequately fortified wheat flour is produced and supplied in market
 Collect samples of fortified wheat flour from all the flour mills on a regular basis, carry these samples to Quality Control Laboratories (QCL), ensure its testing and share feedback with flour mills and enforcement bodies for ensuring compliance.
 Ensure notification and monthly meeting of District Food Fortification Committee (DFFC).
 To record and circulate approved minutes of DFFC meetings to all stakeholders and to follow up with relevant departments to ensure that decisions taken in DFFC

کمپنی کا لوگو
Health Promotion Supervisor (Health & Nutrition)
Medecins Sans Frontieres
جنوری ۲۰۱٦ - فروری ۲۰۱۸ | Naseerabad, Pakistan

 Coordinate, monitor and supervise the community based promotion and mobilization activities related to the Nutrition program and outbreak prevention/surveillance and health promotion activities in the hospital waiting areas near to: (ATFC/ITFC/IPD & Nursery)
 Plan, design, implement and evaluate comprehensive community health education and health promotion programs for promoting health seeking behaviors at community level and at facility level; and to perform related work as required.
 Increase the knowledge of communities, patients and caretakers regarding health, hygiene and nutrition issues.
 Ensure community involvement and participation in Health, Hygiene and Nutrition activities
 Promote beneficiary coverage through introducing MSF services to communities by mapping the intervention areas and assigning the areas to the CHWs.
 Responsible for the health awareness of individuals, groups and enabling them to make healthy choices;
 Keep records of supervision and actions taken from own activities and activities of the CHWs
 Support the establishment of a proper functioning referral system to relevant health and nutrition services
 Supervise the Nutrition Screening in community
 Providing feedback to the Nurse Supervisor / Medical Team Leader in issues related to the use and improvement of IEC materials (e.g. brochures, leaflets, flipcharts)
 Arrange and facilitate training and refresher courses and workshops for HEs/CHWs on health promotion & prevention from communicable diseases, Nutrition/Malnutrition, ANC/PNC & FP, and Breast Feeding & Hygiene etc.
 Communicate immediately to line manager regarding any new issue in the community
 Keep good Knowledge of basics of infectious diseases, public health education, community participation, hygiene and sanitation (HCWM).
 Write weekly and monthly reports on Community Health Worker activities and Health Educator’s activities
 Close collaboration with Medical teams, CHWs and

کمپنی کا لوگو
Outreach Supervisor (Nutrition)
The Johanniter International Assistance
مئی ۲۰۱۴ - دسمبر ۲۰۱۵ | Kandhkot, Pakistan

 Train and supervise the CRP along with the outreach supervisor
 Ensure that all the village in the union council are reached through community mobilization and screening for malnutrition
 Ensure that the screening target is achieved as per project proposal
 Ensure that identified MAM and SAM children are linked to OTP/SFP and malnourished PLW are linked to SFP
 Ensure that screened under five children are also linked to EPI program based on their immunization status
 Ensure that screened Pregnant and Lactating Women are linked to ANC and PNC respectively
 Ensure that polio eradication activities are coordinated and supported with the community mobilization and involvement
 Support the CRPs in forming the mother groups at each villages and conduct community IYCF counseling for the groups
 Work closely with IYCF counselor and apply her technical guidance in conducting counseling sessions and training CRPs
 Ensure that appropriate IEC materials are used during all community level activities
 Work closely with the government LHW and build her capacity to run the outreach activities independently in the future.
 Participate actively in tracing and linking the absentee and defaulter of OTP/SFP beneficiaries
 Ensure that health, hygiene and nutrition messages are addressed properly during the community mobilization/sessions
 Any other relevant tasks assigned by Nutrition Coordinator or Provincial Head

کمپنی کا لوگو
Health & Hygiene Promoter-(Health)
Save the Children
فروری ۲۰۱۳ - اگست ۲۰۱۳ | Shikarpur, Pakistan

 Develop material on Health & Hygiene
 Develop Carry out community assessments within in field areas to assess the issues pertaining to hygiene
 Impart session to children and parents on significance of health practices
 To work for the promotion of health practices at community level
 Regular field visits of to various field areas to observe the WASH facilities
 Conduct meetings with community and figures such as parents, teacheretc
 Written and verbal reporting on progress on weekly basis
 Assist the Medical Officer in all other issues related to the development and implementation of the Health program
 Follows all Save the Children policies and procedures
 Undertakes any other tasks assigned by supervisor

کمپنی کا لوگو
Community Mobilizer- (Nutrition)
Save the Children
اکتوبر ۲۰۱۲ - فروری ۲۰۱۳ | Shikarpur, Pakistan

 Assist in the implementation of the Nutrition program in a manner that promotes gender equality, democratic decision-making and is all-inclusive
 Mapping of target area.
 Identify target communities and mobilize community groups
 Aware and facilitate communities and conduct meetings with community members including community gate keepers
 Maintaining data and reports of community mobilization sessions and meetings.
 Liaison with other partners/ stakeholders working in the target area.
 Support to CMAM follow-up cases
 Any other task assigned by supervisor.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Community Mobilizer (Nutrition)
ACF International | Action Against Hunger
اگست ۲۰۱۱ - مئی ۲۰۱۲ | Dadu, Pakistan

 Community sensitization on the program objectives and methods to stimulate & eventually promote the understanding and participation of the target population. Community sensitization starts at village- and community-leader levels and eventually extends to the entire population.
 Elicit community involvement in case finding, referral, encouraging attendance and minimize defaulters. Follow-up issues related to low attendance rate and defaulters and the underlying problem and propose appropriate solution
 Support to the Community Nutrition Volunteers (CNVs) during screening (active case finding)
 Prepare activity plan for the screening exercise in consultation with the CNVs and OTP/SFP Team Supervisors
 Seek and provide feedback on screening programme implementation schedule and activities plan as appropriate to enhance coverage and maximize impact
 Participate in the selection of the decentralized mass screening sites to ensure access and high coverage
 Organize and facilitate regular community screening sessions for CNVs with the guidance of OTP/SFP Supervisors
 Provide technical support to CNVs on mobilization, active case finding, defaulter tracing and home follow up visits through follow up trainings and on job coaching and supportive supervision
 Consult with the OTF/SFP Supervisors and Deputy Nutrition Program Manager as necessary and liaise closely with other relevant partners (community leaders etc.) regarding progress nutrition activities
 Regularly supervise CNVs for patient follow-up to investigate the reasons for absence and ensure the nutritional messages delivered are in adherence with the messages prepared for the program
 Ensure ongoing community mobilization activities including satisfactory active case finding, referral & follow-ups.
 Ensure quality of screening exercise and adherence to protocol through active supervision
 Establish good relationship with the Taluka and UC authorities and community leaders
 Establish a go

کمپنی کا لوگو
Health Promoter( Nutrition, Health, WASH)
Medecins Sans Frontieres
نومبر ۲۰۱۰ - مارچ ۲۰۱۱ | Dadu, Pakistan

 Promote health services provided to the population and healthy behavior by giving key messages
 Prevention of diseases to reduce spread of infection and support to conduct the studies or data collections
 Identify and report information about diseases and health seeking behavior of the communities
 Spread health promotion messages to promote the health services provided
 Participate in design of health promotion messages and convey them according to the defined methodology
 Train and Supervise the HP teamto implement different activitiesin different places
 Daily and weekly planning of the activities together HP expat define the tasks for the team members
 Monitor and report daily and weekly activities to the supervisor.
 Gives feedback on issues or questions asked by patients and team so the HP supervisor can find the appropriate answers.
 Attend trainings, medical lectures and meetings when asked by the supervisor.


Shaheed Benazir University of Nawab Shah
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان آرٹس, M.A (Sociology)‎
Rural Development, Rural Sociology, Social Development Studies
فی صد 60%
University of Sindh
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان بزنس ایڈمنسٹریشن, B.A (Commerce)‎
Business Administration, Politics & Economics
فی صد 70%
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Hyderabad.
انٹرمیڈیٹ / اے لیول, , Intermediate A-Level‎
Maths, Physics, English
درجہ A

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Good understanding of SPHERE standards
ماہر CLTS
ماہر Good public relations.
ماہر management
متوسط mgmt & analysis
ماہر PATS
ماہر SLTS
متوسط 1284433
متوسط 360 Assessments
متوسط 3D Creative Skills
متوسط 8D Problem Solving
متوسط Ability to demonstrate initiative
متوسط Ability To Lead the Team
متوسط Ability To Meet Deadlines
متوسط Ability To Meet Short Deadlines
متوسط Ability to Pay Attention to Detail
متوسط Ability to plan and work within agreed time
متوسط Ability To Provide Strategic Program
متوسط Ability To Think Creatively
ماہر Ability To Travell
متوسط Ability to Work In a Diverse Team
متوسط Ability to work in a fast paced
متوسط Ability To Work In Multicultural Team
متوسط Ability to Work Independently
ماہر Able To Deal With People
متوسط Able To Lead A Team
متوسط Academic Libraries
متوسط Academic Program Management
متوسط Access Control Management
متوسط Accountability
متوسط Accountability Mechanism
متوسط Accounting
متوسط Accounting Skills
ماہر Accounts / Manager
متوسط Accounts Management Skills
متوسط Active Reports
ماہر Activity Coordination
متوسط Adaptability and Flexibility
متوسط Adaptability And Resilience
متوسط Adaptability Skills
متوسط Adaptable to Changes
متوسط Adaptive Management
متوسط Adaptive to change
متوسط Admin & Procurement
متوسط Admin Assistantce
ماہر Admin Task Management
متوسط Admin Task Planning
متوسط Admin Tasks Management
متوسط Administration
متوسط Administration Knowledge


متوسط بلوچی
ماہر سرائیکی
ماہر سندھی
متوسط اردو
ماہر انگریزی

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