
Pen and Scissors are the two tools that I have had the longest acquaintance with. I belong to Sibi, Baluchistan. The majority of Sibi lives below the poverty line. I belong to a poor family where the only bread winner is my father, who is a tailor. In order to survive our wretched lives, I labor with my father in evenings.  The reason for me to work with my father is to support my education. And I believe that education is the only tool that brings collective betterment in a society. My devotion towards my career can be seen from the fact that I was sponsored by the Government of Baluchistan for my studies from 8th grade till Higher Secondary Education. Apart from attaining academic accomplishments, I have also been part of several extra-curricular activities; I was a part of Sibi Scout training, debating contests, and am presently a member of Active Citizen (British Council) that disperse  awareness regarding Covid-19 in my region.

I recently completed my BS-Business Administration from Mir Chakar Khan Rind University, Sibi. It is the very first University established in the underdeveloped region of Baluchistan.

Furthermore, I am dedicated, enthusiastic and sincere with my work. 


Social Action plan


کمپنی کا لوگو
State Bank of Pakistan
اگست ۲۰۲۲ - اکتوبر ۲۰۲۲ | Quetta, Pakistan

I have three years of teaching experience. I provided instruction to the students in several Sibi institutes and academies.


Mir chakar khan rind university sibi
بیچلرز, بیچلرز ان بزنس ایڈمنسٹریشن, ‎
Management Sciences (Accounting Finance)
CGPA 3.9/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

متوسط Business Development
ماہر Call Handling
ماہر Children Workshops
متوسط Composition Knowledge
متوسط CRM Command
متوسط Customer Services
متوسط Essay Writing
متوسط Event Hosting
متوسط HR Policies Knowledge
متوسط HRM
ابتدائی MS Excel
متوسط PPT
متوسط Presentaion Skills
ماہر Quality Control Cutting
متوسط Receptionionsit Task Handling
متوسط Receptionist Task Management
متوسط Recruitment
ماہر Subject Command
متوسط Teacher Evaluation
ماہر Teaching Skills
ماہر Team Building
ماہر Team Coordination
ماہر Team Management
ماہر Time Management
متوسط Understanding of IELTS Format
متوسط المهارات المعدنية
متوسط المبيعات عبر الهاتف


ماہر اردو
متوسط پشتو
متوسط انگریزی
متوسط سندھی

آپ کن کمپنیز کی پیروی کر رہے ہیں