
I have started my career as a teacher at city school pre junior branch Sukkur after 2 years of my service there I was offered by Dadabhoy institute of higher education Sukkur campus,i have joined the institute and served there till 2013..At the same time I am doing MS in computer science also my field of study or major subjects are databases and multimedia systems I have finished all my course work,I have done two courses from IBA karachi due to my shifting then finally got my degree with 3.1 GPA.now.i am looking for suitable job best fit to my skills.


کمپنی کا لوگو
dadabhoy institurte of higher education
جون ۲۰۱۰ - مئی ۲۰۱۳ | Sukkur, Pakistan


Sukkur Institute of Business Administration
ایم فل, MPhil‎
Computer Science


ماہر انگریزی

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