I am a full-stack developer with 3 years experience in web development. I have been programming in RoR for more than 2.5 years. My primary specialization is full-stack development with emphasis on the backend and Agile approach.
My primary skills are:
✓ Ruby ( ver. 1.8+), Ruby on Rails ( ver. 3.0+)
✓ JavaScript, Jquery, AngularJs
✓ API-development
✓ HTML5,CSS3, Bootstrap, Sass, HAML, ERB, SLIM
✓ Heroku, Amazon servers, EC2, S3
✓ Cucumber - RSpec
✓ APIs: Facebook -Twitter - LinkedIn - Geo-coder - Google Maps
✓ Web-Services
Version Control:
✓ GIT (Github, Bitbucket, Unfuddle)
✓ PostgreSQL
✓ mongoDB
Being a responsible and reliable person I like to challenge myself with new technologies and gain new experience.
Ruby on rails developer.
My first job, start during university life.