Saqib Lughmani is an international development professional and a senior lawyer having over 19 years of strong experience working in developing, fragile and conflict affected situations. Since 2007 he has held senior management roles on projects and programs funded by DFID, ADB and a variety of other donors. He has managed programming in the fields of security and justice reform community based dispute resolution customary justice local governance stabilization marginalized empowerment and civil society strengthening. He has ample experience in designing and carrying out researches (both qualitative and quantitative) and evaluations (including remote evaluations) in the field of international development having excellent analytical skills. He has delivered technical advisory services to a range of organizations in the fields of justice, governance, rule of law, gender mainstreaming, WASH and mass transit.
Mr. Lughmani is a Ph.D. Candidate (Governance and Public Sector), graduated with Masters of Science (MS) in Management and Bachelor in Laws (LLB) from renowned universities. He possesses excellent command over English, Urdu, Pashto, Hindko and Punjabi Languages. He is an internationally recognized master trainer on Sphere Standards with national recognitions in the fields of DRR, CLTS, Assessments, Humanitarian Governance, ME, Local Government and Rule of Law. He has been a part of the capacity building team which trained two batches consisting 60 newly hired Public Prosecutors as part of In-Service training. He is the principal and the co-author of multiple research publications and articles. He facilitated Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Working Group as National Coordinator on behalf of UNDP Pakistan at Islamabad. He remained a member of Technical Committees on Policy Development to formulate Behavioral Change Communication (BCC), Drinking Water and Sanitation Policies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
Lead Consultant - Students Social Adjustment and Learning Abilities Survey - Accelerated Learning
Program (ALP) INSPIRE-II, Project Swat - IDEA – CARE International (Nov-Dec 2017)
Lead Researcher for Policy Research for Center of Excellence – CPEC (Jun-Nov 2017)
Team Lead for Final Evaluation Study for Concern Worldwide’s Project in South Punjab (Nov 2016 - Jan 2017)
Lead Consultant for Care International on Development of the Standard Operating Procedures for inclusion of DRM in government development process (PC-I) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (Aug - Sep 2016)
Lead Consultant for HOPE’87, German Cooperation and YOU on “Skill Development Training for Educated Youth Programme in Post Conflict” (September-December 2016) – Developed five training modules and imparted trainings on Management, Project Management, Human Resource Management etc.
Consultant for Rule of Law Courses with Education Testing and Evaluation Agency GoKP
Provide access to vulnerable people especially women and girls for Free Legal Aid with involvement of Bar Association, NGOs and communities
Consultancy services on M&E, Human Rights, Governance issues, Public Sector Management, Gender Responsive Policing, Community Policing, Government Citizens Engagement and Alternate Dispute Resolution in Rule of Law and Access to Justice Projects in Pakistan
Worked as Regional Lead Monitor (Rule of Law) programmes with ABACUS for The Foreign and Common Wealth Office (FCO) covering conflict pool projects on youth development.
Worked as Lead Trainer on Humanitarian Governance for Care International and CWS P/A
Capacity building initiatives for Elected Representatives, Prosecution, Judiciary and Law Enforcement Agencies to provide effective and timely justice services to the people
Capacity building on Sphere Standards, M&E (Theory of Change), Human Rights, Governance, Rule of Law and Disaster Management
Research studies on Rule of Law and Governance related is
Coordinate, supervise and manage all research, monitoring and evaluation activities;
Provide support and guidance to international consultants in Research and M&E;
Provide high quality advisory support on all rule of law matters to the programme team, implementing partners and line departments;
Assist the Team Leader on technical issues related to programme;
Represent Coffey on behalf of Team Leader at high level official meetings with government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa;
Contribute in desk research to provide appropriate knowledge of the global best practices in the rule of law sector and apply best fit approaches to the programme
Facilitate in development and implementation of long-term goals and objectives to achieve the successful outcome of the programme;
Contribute to the design of log-frame indicators, milestones and means of verification;
Contribute to designing evaluation and monitoring strategies and activities with a focus on inclusiveness;
Contribute to the analyses of evaluation data and report writing as an outcome;
Contribute to the design of KAP and baseline surveys;
Provide supervisory support and assistance to staff working on KAP and baseline surveys;
Contribute to the analyses and reporting of KAP and baseline survey data;
Engaged members of Provincial Assembly in Rule of Law related activities;
Liaise with KPK government senior representatives; providing them information on monitoring and evaluation approach and results and seeking their inputs where required;
Liaise and coordinate with programme implementation staff to ensure monitoring and evaluation supports and contributes to their activities;
Facilitation in development of M&E and Reform Mechanism in provincial government security and justice sector
Conduct training need assessment (TNA) for Home, Prison, Probation and Police Department(s) for communication, investigation and other needs
Provide training on Research and M&E
Develop Programme LFA on Rule of Law
Develop Projects\' Designs for Police Investigation, Police Prosecution, Alternate Dispute Resolution; Community Policing; Correctional Services; and Gender Responsive Policing
Develop Projects\' LFAs
Led the project teams in the development of a Theory of Change
Develop Programme Level M&E Plan
Design and Supervise Baseline Study for Justice and Security Situation in KP
Develop Data Management System
Consult Government Stakeholders for training need assessment (TNA) and training design
Develop Performance Management Plan
Engage, Capacitate and facilitate government departments and implementing partner organizations
Develop a monitoring & evaluation system to improve data collection, synthesis and analysis on early recovery projects
Draw up an M&E action plan with clear indicators that specifies the responsibilities of implementing agencies for prescribed deliverables
Strengthen and ensure coordination with provincial and district level government counterparts for adaptation of monitoring framework and reporting mechanism
Ensure accountability through the continuous assessment of results, the impact of projects and systems; and the performance of the stakeholders involved
Design and conduct special assessment and evaluation surveys; strengthening field research surveys and ensures dissemination of research
Support IM Unit and facilitate availability of data/ progress at web sites and other mediums
Provide strategic advice, and undertake technical studies, upon request, on issues related to the implementation of projects
Provide technical assistance in data collection, data management, and information management for decision-making
Document lessons learned in the design and implementation of a M&E system
Develop and produce periodic performance monitoring reports
Prepare and present an annual performance report on the achievements to key stakeholders
Review budget utilization and propose any budget revisions, if needed
Strengthen the understanding of M&E for early recovery, and to design and implement training programmers dedicated to the implementation of a specific M&E system for ER
Conduct training need assessment (TNA) for government line agencies including KP-PDMA; GB-P&D and partner organizations on disaster response and M&E
Develop resource materials and manuals for M & E training programs and other capacity development initiatives
Perform additional duties as focal point for early recovery in all clusters and working groups at national level; as National Coordinator for Pakistan DRR Working Group; and, as National M&E Exp
Liaise and coordinate with the stakeholders for the successful implementation of the WATSAN and BCC and Youth Life Skill activities.
Provide technical support to local partner in developing, designing and implementing WASTAN, BCC and Youth Life Skill activities.
Organize and facilitate events for capacity building of stakeholders in WATSAN BCC
Develop IEC material for WATSAN, BCC and Youth Life Skill activities
Document of success stories and process report
Conduct training need assessment for partner communities, organizations and government officials on disaster response and disaster risk reduction capacities
Develop BCC training manual
Participate and contribute to capacity building and consultation workshops at national level
Performing additional role of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer for Scaling up rural sanitation project at national level for UN-H in floods response 2010.
Developed M&E Framework, Plan and Baseline Questionnaire.
Liaison and Coordination with Members Provincial Assembly, Provincial and District authorities, TMA and other local stake holders in Watsan and Gender sector for successful implementation of the project activities.
Providing technical support to local implementing partners in developing, designing and implementing Watsan Programme.
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of projects’ ‚activities at provincial level‚ adopting participatory approaches.
Conduct TNA and Organize events for capacity building and consultation of stake holders regarding Gender and WATSAN related topics.
Developing Progress Reports for UNH WATSAN Section projects‚ on behalf of country office and recording best practices for dissemination.
Managing an office setup through administrative and financial functions.
Participation and contribution to national level capacity building and consultation workshops.
Representing UN-HABITAT at provincial level to advocate for UN-HABITAT agenda.
Member of Technical Committees on Policy Development for BCC, Drinking Water and Sanitation at KP.
Proposal Development for acquiring funding through new projects. Negotiating potential interventions/ projects with donors.
Facilitating in performance monitoring of going flood response and other projects.
Advocated for protection of Housing, Land and Property (HLP) rights in flood affected areas
Performing additional role of Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer for Scaling up rural sanitation project at national level for UNH. Developed M&E Framework, Plan and Baseline
Developed a comprehensive plan to gauge the process of identification of PTCs , Schools and building their capacities through Participatory Rural Appraisal.
Auditing performance, quality and grants issued for school construction and rehabilitation.
Designing and ensuring a sustainable peer to peer learning approach through formation of children committees.
Supervised RME section covering program and projects
Facilitated projects planning, performance monitoring, evaluation, developed project monitoring mechanism.
Facilitated organizational log-frame development for strategic program
Facilitated in development of overall framework for M&E, e.g., annual reviews/ planning, assessments, M&E, MIS initiated projects progress
Regular member of Senior Management Team
Monitored and documented relief activities in different parts of Pakistan.
Regular sharing of success stories/ case studies/ impacts of project through publication
Support management in incorporating gender issues in M&E system.
Development for TORs and hiring of consultants for program and projects.
Carry out regular monitoring visits and conduct social audits/appraisals in the working areas
Developed appropriate project filing system and prepared Annual Project Reports for 2007-09
Proposal writing to get projects contributing to the organizational mission and vision
Conducted TNA of partner community organizations and government counter parts focusing capacity needs for DRR and CBDRM
Held sessions on DRR, PM&E, M&E systems and Accountability Mechanisms like Sphere Standards for projects staff, community, government line agencies and other organizations
Compiled evaluation/ end project reports of different projects for management information/ decision making including Education, Livelihood, Disaster Response and Health
Focal point for USAID funded Revitalizing, innovating and strengthening Education project (RISE) and Pilot Project on HIV-AIDS Design
Facilitating development of monthly, quarterly, six-monthly and annual work plans/ reports
Supporting in implementation of M&E work plans in zonal and project offices
Support field staff in introducing effective and relevant participatory PM&E processes.
Visit field for identifying issues, concerns, gaps, experiences, successes, failures, etc. for mutual learning, experience sharing and performance improvement.
Providing guidance and support to team to prepare periodic reports and documents.
Facilitating Planning and reporting process of Sungi projects working in districts.
Introducing and motivating staff members about the importance and usefulness of performance monitoring mechanisms.
Supporting implementation of planned activities, events and other interventions.
Analyzing data to generate in time information/ feedback for planning and strategic changes
Facilitating Quarterly Reviews, Donors’ Missions, Stakeholders' Meetings/ Conferences.
To regularly carry out the situational analysis related to livelihood program
Planning and implementation of Yearly Plan of Operations for livelihood program
To provide regular inputs to the In-charge FSU and PC-Livelihood for progress reporting
To facilitate/ participate in communities and partner organizations planning and implementation meetings related to the livelihood program.
To support and conduct the monitoring related activities for livelihood program.
To submit regular Note for Record (NFR) after each field visit.
Providing trainings to community organizations on Social Mobilization/ Gender
To regularly participate in experience sharing and learning events of the team.
Management of the base camp
Taking care of the finance, Inventories and stock
Recruitment and training of the field based staff
Facilitation/ monitoring of Field Officers, Ware House and Distribution Managers
Arrangement of Distribution of NFI (USAID & DFID) and food (WFP)
Hiring of Community Liaison Officers and their training/ facilitation
Coordination with elected members of National and Provincial Assemblies; other agencies like Army, local and international organizations
Compilation of daily reports and submission to Coordination at main base
Conflict resolution
Implementation of School Management Plans in villages through social organizers
Daily, weekly and monthly reporting to District Program Manager
Ensuring community contribution for school infrastructure
Support for quality education as per strategy of NCHD-Universal Primary Education (UPE)
Identification and training of volunteers
Monitoring, Facilitation and coordination with social organizers
Conducted Base Line Surveys, trainings on health education
Preparation and Implementation of Detail Implementation Plan (DIP)
Preparation and Implementation of Village Development Plan (VDP)
Formation of union council level Volunteer Network Forum (VNF)
Enrollment of 5-7 years old children and prevention of dropout
Provided feeder teachers on need basis as per criteria of quality education
PTAs activation, literacy walks, opened Adult Literacy Centers
Capacity building of volunteers, local departments and elected representatives
Conducted trainings of volunteers on ORS and village wise implementation
Nice person and having strong educational and professional background.
Saqib blends creativity and innovation with organization and strategy and we worked together in Sungi Development Foundation in Pakistan.