
•Having 10 years of experience in Citi Housing (Pvt.) Ltd. Sialkot starts as Accounts officer and here then promoted to Finance manager. •Solid command in working on Oracle (Accounting Software) and Microsoft office 2016. •Have massive knowledge of International Accounting Standards (IAS), Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, Withholding. Tax rule 2007, Sales Tax Act 1990 and Provisional Employees Social Security act 1965. •Detail-oriented, efficient & organized professional with an extensive experience of bank reconciliations, inter project reconciliations, cash handling and reconciliation, finance management, financial accounts,making master budget and setting internal controls. Moreover, also have experience of returning of file of individual salaries person and business man and their registration in FBR RTO. •Efficient in multi-tasking. •Have the ability to quickly identify problems as well as provide appropriate solutions. •Energetic & self-motivated with a high degree of cultural sensitivity. •Can work under pressure & meet deadlines.


کمپنی کا لوگو
Accounts & Finance Manager
Citi Housing (Pvt.) Ltd.
مارچ ۲۰۲۰ - موجودہ | Sialkot, Pakistan

Ø  Reporting of funds flow on daily basis to G.M finance, CFO and G.M Coordination to CEO.
Ø  Reporting of Daily Collection Via What’s app messages and Excel Reports
Ø  Bank reconciliation of all banks, daily as well as on monthly basis.
Ø  Cash reconciliation Report on daily as well as monthly basis.
Ø  Inter-Projects reconciliation on weekly basis.
Ø  Supervise accounting matters and make financial reports of commercial projects i.e. Citi Parlour (service sector), China Citi Restaurant, Citi Mart (Retail Business), Opera Cinema & Citi Fitness Centre (Service Sector)
Ø  Coordination of external auditors for preparation and audit of Final Accounts.
Ø  Role as a team leader and resolve issues with team, set standard operating procedures for better internal control and accounting operations.
Ø  Coordination with other departments regarding better internal controls and smooth accounts & finance operations
Set Internal Controls with Sales, Marketing & recovery team and Operations regarding receipts and recovery from customers and easiest payment procedures for their convenience. 

کمپنی کا لوگو
Citi Housing (Pvt.) Ltd.
اپریل ۲۰۱۵ - فروری ۲۰۲۰ | Sialkot, Pakistan

Ø  Coordination with Banks regarding fund management and cheques clearance.
Ø  Coordination with external auditors regarding supporting and observations.
Ø  Coordination with external auditors regarding preparation of final accounts.
Ø  Coordination with other departments for payments and advances adjustment.
Ø  Coordination with sales and marketing team, operation team regarding receivables and provide them detail regarding receivables and bounces of receipts cheques.
Ø  Get approval of daily payments from CEO via G.M Coordination through mailing daily demand.
Ø  Manage accounts, receivables and Payables.
Ø  Prepare Vendors cheques for signature of chairman.
Ø  Supervise the distribution of petty payments.
Ø  Supervise W.H. Tax deduction from suppliers, contractor’s U/S 153 from employee U/S 149of income tax ordinance 2001
Ø  Supervise work of Account officers.
Ø  Supervise & Check Journal Vouchers.
Ø  Supervise & Check cash payment, bank payment vouchers and cheques.

کمپنی کا لوگو
Citi Housing (pvt) Ltd.
مئی ۲۰۱۳ - اپریل ۲۰۱۵ | Sialkot, Pakistan

Ø  Enter bank and cash payment vouchers
Ø  Enter bank and cash receipt vouchers

Ø  Petty cash, Utility bills, Invoices Payments

Ø  Enter journal vouchers of advance adjustments.
Ø  Enter journal vouchers of Contractors, Suppliers & Vendors Bill
Ø  Maintain sperate Ledgers of Contractors, Suppliers & vendors
Ø  Preparation of accounts payable report for management accounts on monthly basis
Ø  Preparation of accounts receivable report for sales & marketing team
Ø  Coordination with bank

Ø  Disbursement of Salaries, fuel and other perquisites available to employees.

Ø  Deduction of W.H. Tax from salaries U/S 149 of income tax ordinance 2001.
Ø   Deduction of W. H. Tax from contractors and supplier’s U/S 153 of income tax ordinance 2001.

Ø  Preparation of W.H. Tax deduction list of Contractors, Supplier & Employees and Send to Taxation Manager for Generation of PSID
Ø  Deposit PSID at Bank, Get CPR from Bank & Provide Tax Deduction Certificate under Rule 42


Institute of Cost & Management Accountancy of Pakistan (ICMAP)
سرٹیفیکیشن, CMA‎
Financial Reporting, Cost & Management Accounting, Taxation
Virtual University of Pakistan
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان بزنس ایڈمنسٹریشن, MBA (Finanace) - Equivalent to M.S‎
ماسٹرز, ماسٹرز ان کامرس, M. Com‎
Accounting & Finance
CGPA 2.8/4

پیشہ ورانہ مہارتیں

ماہر Accounting
ماہر Accounting Skills
ماہر Accounts Finalization
ماہر Accounts Management
ماہر Accounts Receivable Command
ماہر Accounts Reconciliation
ماہر Accounts Software Command
ماہر Activity Based Costing
ماہر Analytic Reporting
ماہر Analytical Processes
ماہر Analytical Skills
ماہر Bank Management
ماہر Bank Reconciliation
ماہر Bank Reconciliation on
ماہر Bookkeeping
متوسط Budget Development
ماہر Budgeting & Forecasting
متوسط Business Development Strategies
ماہر Cash Flow Management
ماہر Cash Flow Reporting
ماہر Cash Handling Experience
ماہر Construction Cost Control
ماہر Corporate Finance
ماہر Corporate Financial Reporting
ماہر Cost Accounting
ماہر Cost Allocation
ماہر Costing Management
ماہر Employment Forms Processing
ماہر Field Task Management
ماہر Financial Accounting
ماہر Financial Analysis
ماہر Financial and Budgeting Skills
ماہر Financial Controlling
ماہر Financial Modeling
ماہر Financial Planning
ماہر Financial Reporting
ماہر Financial Service Management
ماہر Financial Statement Analysis
ماہر Financial Statements Management
متوسط Financial Strategy And Planning
ماہر Grace Under Pressure
ماہر Income Tax Ordinance
ماہر Internal Audit
ماہر Internal Controls
ماہر Invoice Processing
ماہر Management Skills
ماہر MS Excel
ماہر Operations Management
ماہر Oracle Knwoledge
ماہر Payroll Processing


ماہر انگریزی
ماہر پنجابی
ماہر اردو