With over 8 years of experience in project planning, management, construction supervision, and successful implementation of projects across various sectors. My expertise spans projects funded by the World Bank and the Government of Pakistan, focusing on integrated community-based development, community infrastructure, building, and road projects. I have a proven track record in delivering results in areas such as monitoring and construction supervision of government infrastructure (schools, basic health units), flexible and rigid pavements, street pavements, solarized drinking water supply systems (DWSS), public health initiatives, and WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) programs. Educational background with a Master's degree in Civil Engineering committed to continuing professional development, excellence in project execution, and strongly emphasizing sustainable development.
The World Bank-Community Support Project (USD 9 million) targets 400,000 beneficiaries for their basic human needs identified and prioritised by the local community. The multi-sector development project includes implementing solarised clean drinking water, PCC access roads, street pavements, water and sanitation facilities, flood protection walls, irrigation channels, and the design, construction, and rehabilitation of schools, health facilities, and livelihoods.
As a project manager, I have supervised a diverse range of infrastructure and development projects, including clean and potable drinking water supply systems, flexible pavements (asphalt mix roads), rigid pavements (PCC access roads), flood protection walls, school construction, street pavements, and water and sanitation schemes.
The establishment of a Bus Terminal at District Swat (PKR 81.352 M) was a project funded by the Government of KPK. The project includes constructing a main building, road and walkways, pavements, parking shades for vehicles, bore hole, pump room, external and internal electrification, water supply line and plumbing works.