We are  Looking to hire Assistant Manager Finance for our office based in Bahria Town Karachi. Candidate should be an ACCA Member (Articles Completed) or (CA-inter/Finalist).

  • Candidate should possess good leadership skills and responsible for managing company finance, accounts, tax, and conduct internal audits as well.
  • Must know about all the Tax related matters (Annual, Monthly, Quarterly Tax Returns Filing), and legal issues.
  • He is responsible to assist the CFO in Finance Related Matters. Supervise management finance team , improves
  • Control systems and able to minimize the risk to achieve the financial objective of the Company.

Experience: 5 to 7 years.

Salary: Market Competitive

نوکری کی تفصیلات

کل عہدے:
1 اشاعت
نوکری کی شفٹ:
پہلا پہر
نوکری کی قسم:
نوکری کا مقام:
کوئی ترجیح نہیں
28 - 50 سال
کم از کم تعلیم:
ڈگری کا عنوان:
ACCA Member with Articles or CA (Inter)
کیریئر کی سطح:
تجربہ کار پیشہ ور
5 سال - 7 سال
اس سے پہلے درخواست دیجیۓ:
فروری ۲٦, ۲۰۲۳
تاریخِ اِشاعت:
جنوری ۲۵, ۲۰۲۳

SCORE (Pvt) Ltd.

انجینرنگ · 11-50 ملازمین - کراچی

Karachi – Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) Project The Karachi – Hyderabad Motorway (M-9) is a Six Lane, 136 KM long Motorway that connects two major cities Karachi & Hyderabad of Sindh province. The project is open for traffic and is the first project in Sindh province of its kind. The project includes the construction of several bridges, underpasses, interchanges, service road, fence and provision of ETTM/ITS facility. It will bring enormous economic benefit to the less developed parts of the country. Hyderabad – Karachi, a four Lane Express Way was converted into six Lane Motorway. Project activities were undertaken on BOT basis for 25 years with an estimated cost of Rs 44.20 Bn. The project was smoothly executed despite being flooded by heavy traffic connecting Karachi, an economic hub of Pakistan, with rest of the country. With construction of M-9 as per standard specifications, travelling time between Karachi and Hyderabad has considerably reduced from 120-150 to 75-90 mins ensuring safety protocols.

آپ کو کس حوالے سے برتری حاصل ہے؟

اپنے بارے میں ہماری پیشہ ورانہ رائے اور تقابلی جائزہ حاصل کیجیۓ
اپنی سی وی کو موءثر بنانے کیلئے ہماری ماہرانہ مشاورتی ٹیم سے رابطہ کریں
روزی پریمیئم کو آزمائیں

ملتی جلتی نوکریاں

Assistant Manager Finance / Taxation

ARM Group of Companies, کراچی, پاکستان
جنوری ۳۱, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Assistant Manager Finance

Electropolymers Private Limited, کراچی, پاکستان
جنوری ۲۴, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Assistant Finance Manager

Souvenir Trading Company, دیپالپور, پاکستان
جنوری ۲۲, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی

Assistant Manager Finance / Taxation

ARM Group of Companies, کراچی, پاکستان
جنوری ۲۱, ۲۰۲۵ شائع ہوئی
تمام دیکھیں
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