Pakistan Petroleum Limited
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Pakistan Petroleum Limited

Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) is one of the pioneer exploration and production (E&P) companies in Pakistan oil and gas sector. On behalf of the Government of Pakistan (GoP), the Privatisation Commission (PC) is proceeding with a strategic sale of 51% shareholding in PPL along with transfer of management control.

Merrill Lynch International and KASB Securities (Pvt.) Ltd. (KASB) have been appointed as the Financial Advisor (FA) for the strategic sale. In July 2004, the GoP successfully concluded an offer for sale and initial public offering of 15% shares of PPL on the domestic stock exchanges.

The PC invited Expressions of Interests (�EOIs�) from interested parties on February 17, 2005. The Parties submitting EOIs were requested to submit and Statements of Qualifications (�SoQs�) by April 30, 2005 whereby eleven parties submitted SoQs to the Privatisation Commission. Six parties were pre-qualified to continue to the next stage of the privatisation process. As of August 2006 three pre-qualified parties were ready to proceed for the bidding. However, the privatisation process is being reviewed in the light of the supreme Court's judgment in the Pakistan Steel Mills case.