Qazi Group of Companies
33 关注者

Qazi Group of Companies

Our group of companies serving in diversified fields . Housing construction , bike , automobile, telecom and food business

QAZI Group of Companies introduced several projects in due course of time and brought a revolutionary change in the field of residential plots, agricultural farms and villas. For the first time a 100% money-back guarantee was introduced in purchase of plots and flats. The buyers were advised and given opportunity for visiting sites before buying, in order to make decision without any compulsion or reservation and to be ensured that the realities would not be hidden from them.

Leaping forward to explore and expand the business by facing challenges and removing obstacles in the way, the QAZI Group of Companies grew with the pace of time, and at present it includes many independent companies under its fold.

With the foremost thanks of God and due to the untiring efforts of all the team members, the QAZI Group of Companies is considered at present a serious, reliable and trustworthy name in the business circles.

QAZI Group of Companies is a member of the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and regularly annual taxes payer to the government.