MERN stack developers focus on developing web applications using the MERN stack, which is dominated by MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. They are well versed in making full-stack applications that cover both aspects of development front-end and back-end.
MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) stack development is the term used to describe web application development processes using the followingMongoDB
It is a NoSQL type document oriented database for data storage and management.
This data storage scheme can be scaled up easily and is very adaptable.
A framework that runs on top of Node.js used to create web applications.
It provides developers with a fast, flexible and modular foundation for building powerful APIs and web servers.
JavaScript library for creating user interfaces and interactive experiences.
Reusability of user interface components characterizes this component-based approach which also makes it declarative as well as high-performance towards an efficient UI creation process.
JavaScript runtime environment for scalable and high-performance server side applications
The rver built with this technology is lightweight, event-driven, non-blocking feature ensuring great speed in such solutions.