Management Reports, Audited Financial statements, Treasury section, Cash Flow Management, all works supervision for bank/Treasury matters i e., offers/imports returements etc., Product Costing, Store Consumptions, Fiixed Cost, Stock Valuation, weighted average stock valuations, Taxation fully supervision, Insurance section full supervision, Fixed Assets Register maintenance, inventory management i.e., physiscal audits on monthly basis of all factory, liason wiith external auditors for finalization of Audited Financial Statements, liason with Internal Auditors, Dealing and suppervision of SECP matters i.e., submission of Annual SECP forms, handling and dealing all cash related matters, supervision and dealing of all receivable, Payable matters including agings customers/vendors disputes, Sales retentions, dealing with all daily/weekly/monthly and yearly reconciliations etc. and any other task given by CFO/CEO
Tax, Costing, Receivables, Payables, Financial Reporting, Bank matters Loans etc.
Supervising and handling complete matters regarding Billings & Invoice Section
Supervising and handling complete accounts of project