
I have 2 year banking experience as Business Development Officer . 6 month experience of working as Teller at Bank .

I  had a working in Mb islamic bank .

Now i am currently working in Enrichers Investment Group as Customer Relatioship officer from March till now continue ..... 


Development Marketing Officer
MCB Islamic Bank
Dec 2021 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

working on dormant accounts 
Customer dealing 
Account opening
Data entery 
MIS working

Research Analyst
Platinum Comunication
Jun 2021 - Nov 2021 | Lahore, Pakistan

Working on provide data 
Research on companies portpolio
Clients researching 
In put data 


University of the Punjab
硕士, , Political science‎
Masters political Science
所占比重 70%
University of the Punjab
学士, 贸易学士, ‎
Accounting & Finance


熟练 Computer Literacy
中级 Data Managing
熟练 Multitasking
熟练 Ability to Maintain Professionalism
熟练 Ability to Promote a Positive Image of the Bank
初学者 Account Mapping
中级 Accounting
中级 Accounting Skills
初学者 Accounting Software
初学者 Accounts
初学者 Accounts Adminstration
初学者 Accounts Coordination
初学者 Accounts Creation
初学者 Accounts Finalization
初学者 Accounts Management
中级 Accounts Payments Handling
初学者 Accounts Receivable Command
初学者 Accounts Reconciliation
初学者 Accounts Software Command
熟练 Admin Task Planning
熟练 Administration Knowledge
熟练 Administrative Management 
熟练 Admistartive Assistance
中级 Aesthetic Procedures Knowledge
中级 Alternative Financial Services
初学者 Amazon Wholesale
初学者 Analytical Skills
熟练 Answering Inquiries
熟练 Aseptic Technique Knowledge
中级 Audit Assignment Handling
中级 Auditing Skills
初学者 Bank Reconciliation
初学者 Bank Statements
中级 Banking
中级 Banking Knowledge
初学者 Bookkeeping
初学者 Bookkeeping Knowledge
中级 Branch Operations
熟练 Business Development
熟练 Business Development Skills
中级 Cash Management
初学者 Claims Handling
熟练 Client Dealing
中级 Committed to Customer Services
熟练 Communication and Interpersonal Skills
初学者 Communicational Skills
中级 Computer Proficient
初学者 Content Management
熟练 Cross Cultural Communication Skills
熟练 Customer Relations


中级 英语