
I have done MA Sociology from University of Peshawar and have more then 10 years of extensive experience in community development, program management, development implementation, sustainable livelihood, enterprise development, micro finance and social protection. I worked with International NGO Qatar Charity as Livelihood Officer and socail organizer in District Swat and Lower Dir in its Malakand Integrated Early Recovery and Rehabilitation Program MIERRP and Dir Integrated Development Program (DIDP) in District DIR-Lower, While in national NGO National Rural Support Program (NRSP) as Enterprise Officer Social Organizer in District Mardan, Dargai and Swabi and in local NGO Holistic Understanding for Justified Research Action (HUJRA-VSO) as Legal Aid Mobilizer in UNDP funded Project in District Swat. My working experience in rural areas and with the local community give me an edge to understand the prevailing situation well and act accordingly even in tough situation and environment and to timely monitor and respond in an effective manner. I am a proactive team member and my flexibility components give me the upper hand all the time when it comes to an additional task. I have the belief to accomplish the tasks in strict deadline.


Socail Organzier
Qatar Charity
Mar 2015 - Oct 2019 | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

Major Tasks & Responsibilities:
•To represent & introduce Qatar Charity into communities, its goals and objectives of the WASH programs
•Identification of villages, development of village profiles, conduction of broad based community meetings (BBCM) for introduction of Qatar Charity program.
•Reactivation/formation or already existing communities organization (CO), Village organization (VO), Water user committees (WUC)
•Social assessment of assigned working villages for WASH related activities.
•Arrange and deliver hygiene session in the community
•Development of database for WASH and other programme activities.
•Facilitation to CBOs office bearers on functions & procedures for smooth functioning of CBOs affairs.
•Close coordination with COs, civil society, social workers, influential, religious persons and concerned line department officials for smooth running of program.
•Submit daily/weekly/monthly reports of the activities and participate in office meetings as per requirement.
•Any other program relevant assignment given by immediate supervisor.

Legal Aid Mobilizer
Apr 2014 - Dec 2014 | Saidu Sharif, Pakistan

•To identify and capacitate paralegals in the targeted communities and formation of village committees. •Facilitate in development of IEC material and messages on different advocacy issues and human rights for communities and the general public for information dissemination. •Collection and dissemination of information between communities, organization project staff, and stockholders •Collect updated information on risks and gaps in basic services to the communities and identfied gender-based violance in the communities to help them•Assist line manager in preparing detailed implementation plan and reviewing a monthly, quarterly basis. •Actively engage with communities, coalition, Govt: and order stakeholders. Represents HUJRA-VSO and push the agenda forward with relevant stakeholders according to organization strategy. •Compile and present discussion papers about legal aid issues to the HUJRA head office. •Provide updates on the implementation of policies/ guidelines provided by district administration or any other relevant line agencies •Provide weekly and monthly updates on risks and responses in the field to the relevant section in HUJRA. •Preparation of case studies/ success stories • Weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, and other required progress reports to the supervisor

Livelihood Officer
Qatar Charity
Sep 2009 - Jan 2014 | Dir, Pakistan

•To design livelihood strategies for early recovery of the post conflict population of Malakand and also for sustainable livelihood
•To conduct surveys, PRA and different assessment in the thematic area (Livelihood) for income generation purpose in District Swat
•Support regular data collection, conduct analysis of data and prepare reports in collaboration with the other supporting units.
•Support the implementation of baseline and other surveys, such as project reviews, and mid-term and end-of-project reviews.
•Support the Social mobilization team in developing a detailed implementation plan for the livelihood sector of QC
•Close coordination with program team for timely implementation of QC interventions.
•Develop linkages with the both Government line departments, NGOs and private sector organizations to ensure that technical assistance to be provided as agreed by the line department and private sector organizations reaches the relevant NGOs and community based organization and vice versa
•Identify, with Livelihood working group, the villages/union council where livelihood rehabilitation activities are not going on, and work in a way to ensure that these locations are covered fully.
•To document and design monitoring systems to see the impact of early recovery and QC other interventions
•Preparation of case studies/ success stories
•Submit daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and other required progress reports to the supervisor

Social Organizer and Enterprise Officer
National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)
Mar 2006 - Sep 2009 | Mardan, Pakistan

•Program introduction and formation of community organizations in the rural areas
•Planning, implementation and monitoring of social mobilization including credit program.
•Developing ground for formation of Community Organizations in rural areas.
•Arrangement of activists’ workshops to keep a close liaison with community organizations for the purpose of accelerating social mobilization in rural areas.
•conducted PRAs and FGDs in the community
•Attending meetings of community organizations on daily basis
•Focusing on the main components of NRSP social mobilization and also verification and approval of credit cases among the CO’s for credit cheque processing.
•Monitoring of village branches (NRSP) by conducting regular visits to further streamline the program related activities.
•Applying the policies and procedure of NRSP to ensure cent per cent recovery of the loans issued to CO’s respective members.
•The basic theme and objective of EDT training is to Identify, research, secure and implement new social enterprise opportunities for the targeted groups and CO’s of NRSP.
•The time period for each EDT was 6 days having 25-30 participants approximately. The EDT was designed and planed on learning by doing basis which is the effective way of training.
•Arrangement of community organization meetings for Enterprise Development Training orientation.
•Undertake specific enterprise development training.
•Keeping close liaison with all the concerned staff of EDT assigned for World Bank study.
•Studying and evaluation of need assessment in the target area of world Bank
•Detail program orientation including the main purpose to the CO’s of NRSP
•Creating a value chain for long term impact (Backward and Forward linkages) i-e arranging different workshops for the benefit of entrepreneurs like livestock, agricultural and poultry.
•Monitoring and Evaluation of EDT and analyzing the response from the participants.
•Overall the training was a valued added activity and as a result of the EDT many of the participants applied for the easy loan offered by NRSP to uplift their businesses in more efficient and dynamic way.


University of Peshawar
硕士, , Masters in Arts‎
Research Methodology, Community Development, Social Statistics and Principles of Sociology
等级 A


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