20 years safe and secure professional driving experience International Organisation,s non accident record , clean driving record br/as a driver working with international staff and national staff .International staff pick and drop office to home home to office.br/staff Mini coaster duty airport pick and drop .knowledge of speed limit. knowledge of field visit Punjab kpk and Sind province.br/(1) basic first aid training ,br/(2) basic fire fighting training . br/(3) basic security training .br/(4) knowledge of daily vehicle checking and clean,br/(5) knowledge of oil tyre water Viper lights, tools br/ checking before trip vehicle document checking br/br/(6) knowledge of vehicle maintenance. vehicle sound knowledge ,br/(7)knowledge of hill area driving. ultimate driving experience . br/(8) traffic rules knowledge ,br/knowledge of traffic signal.br/(9) I am Nan smoker . I do not smoke are do not any drugs br/( 10) all types of vehicle driving and mechanical knowledge br/(11) knowledge of log book maintain per trip br/(12) knowledge of fuel slip record submit to line supervisor br/(13) knowledge of GPS map smartphone use
(14) knowledge of 4×4 vehicle
(15) knowledge of armored vehicle
Hashoo job continue
1 years