Over five years of experience in Java SE/EE and Spring based software development. Interested in pursuing a Full Stack Java Developer Position.
Technical Skills and Expertise:
Design and develop enterprise level web applications utilizing Java EE (Servlet, JSP, JSF, JPA, JMS, JAX-WS), Spring (IoC, Testing, Transaction, DAO, ORM, Spring Data, Web MVC, Thymeleaf, Security), Hibernate
Browser programming using JavaScript, jQuery, DOM, CSS and AJAX
Design and develop socket-based applications using both synchronous socket and Java 7 NIO.2 (Asynchronous socket channel), Swing clients using JTable, TableModel
Design Skills: Object Oriented Analysis and Design, ArgoUML, Design Patterns
App Server/Container: GlashFish, JBoss, Tomcat
TDD: JUnit, jMock, Mockito, Hamcrest, Spring MVC Test Framework, Spring Test DBUnit, WindowLicker
IDE/Tools: Eclipse, STS, Maven
Version Control Systems: CVS. SVN, Git with GitHub
Working as a Full Stack Java Deloper, development Enterprise Applications.