
With a doctorate in Rural Sociology and 17 years of experience in the development sector, I have found it incredibly rewarding and fruitful to work toward alleviating the plight of marginalized communities across Pakistan focusing on KP and the ex-FATA/NMDs and Afghan refugee. While employed by various national and international organizations such as United Nations International Childs Emergency Fund (UNICEF), International Organization for Migration (IOM) in CRA-N program, European Union/Human Dynamics, Citizen Engagement for Social Service Delivery (CESSD)-COWATER Inc., Canada International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Social Awareness Development Organization (SADO), Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS), and The Liaison Office (TLO), Canada and SARHAD, I was given the opportunities to work in an environment conducive to my professional skills and academic background. The presence of Afghan refugees and Temporary Displace People (TDPs) in the area gives me a chance to alleviate some of their hardships caused by the ongoing war in Afghanistan and violent extremism and militancy in Pakistan. I used my experience as a Master Trainer for a variety of target groups to increase their capabilities and resilience to cope with conflict situation and other sort of disasters and emergencies. My commanding skills are in the field of effective planning, program/project management, social research, capacities building of national societies/organizations, local government system strengthening, developing concept notes and proposals, participatory development and community engagement, community resilience social cohesion, good governance, social behavior change (SBC), early childhood development, donor coordination, networking at different level, emergency management and response, capacity building skills, team management, conflict and disaster management, monitoring evaluation and reporting writing are all areas in which I have grown professionally while working for various national and international organizations in a diversified positions and sectors. I have been working for Afghan refugees and TDPs in the areas and utilized my best efforts to present research based solutions to their suffering. Currently, I'm a Social Behavior Change (SBC) consultant with UNICEF Pakistan.


Social Behavior Change Consultant
Public Private Partnership initiative of GoKP for Improved Health Service
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Community Driven Local Development Program (CDLD), EU and GOKP
Citizen Engagement for Social Service Delivery (CESSD), COWATER Inch-Canada
Social Awareness & Development Organization (SADO)
Social Awareness & Development Organization (SADO)
Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS)


Social Behavior Change Consultant-through ASK Deve
UNICEF United Nations
Nov 2022 - Jun 2023 | Peshawar, Pakistan

The United Nations International Children\\\'s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is working for the relief assistance f flood affected population of Pakistan. There are different ongoing programs of UNICEF in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on various thematic areas like Child Protection, Health & Nutrition, WASH, Polio with the special focus on flood affected areas. As a UNICEF cross-cutting theme, Social Behavior Change is incorporated into all programs. 
Coordination, planning
  Support the Government for smooth functioning of the already established Social Behavior Change (SBC) and Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) coordination mechanisms/taskforce through regular structured meetings at provincial and district level, and strengthen inter-agency coordination group.
  Provide technical support to the Government to develop RCCE plans- tools, templates
  Develop SBC strategies and approaches and revised to respond to the situation as it evolves.
  Engage clusters/thematic areas and strengthen multi-sectoral Community engagement coordination mechanisms.
Support implementation and operationalization
  Quality assurance in implementation of community engagement, and humanitarian interventions
  Ensure participation of at-risk and affected populations in all steps of planning and implementation process.
  Identify, develop, and maintain partnerships with provincial partners, including
  UN agencies, INGOs, media, academia, research institutions; religious leaders associations, medical   associations and other relevant   organizations and coordinate their involvement in SBC and RCCE activities.
  Work with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to reach vulnerable and rural communities   with   community   engagement   activities   using   interpersonal communication and other media as appropriate.
Generate and utilize research, data and evidence
  Use data from rapid assessments and other participatory approaches (e.g Social and Behavioral Analysis, Formative Research, Risk Analysis and Community Engagement Needs Assessment; CE, SBC Humanitarian Needs Overview).
  Coordinate with AAP team to establish community feedback mechanisms and use it to inform SBC activities
Capacity strengthening
  Building onto the existing resources, adapt and or develop training material to build the capacity of Government, partners, health workers and frontline workers on SBC during humanitarian action.
  In coordination with provincial programme specialists and Islamabad office, organize and facilitate capacity building of Government staff, CSOs, Religious leaders and other relevant partners in emergency response and recovery.
Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation
  Where possible, liaise with CSOs, Government partners and UN agencies to collect, collate, analyse and report data on SBC and RCCE on periodic basis to be shared with the programme specialists in the province and Islamabad Office
  Conduct and/or participate in Monitoring and Evaluation exercises, including participation in emergency management team meetings and to assess/report on efficacy/outcome of SBC interventions.
  Train staff on developing human interest stories and documentation.

Senior Program Officer- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar
Support Agency for Rural & Human Association’s Development (SARHAD)
Jul 2022 - Oct 2022 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Support Agency for Rural & Human Association’s Development (SARHAD) is a national organization actively engaged in humanitarian activities in Pakistan with different donors agencies. Currently organization is working with GoKP, UNICEF, UNDP and some other UN Agencies for humanitarian services and to minimizing the suffering of humanity and vulnerable communities.
  Providing support and backstopping for assigned programs, ensuring all program objectives and goals are met in compliance with SARHAD and donor regulations i.e. UNICEF, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Foundation in Public Private Partnership Program, local government and education department.
  Working with field teams on project related services, and serve as primary point of contact between assigned field offices and SARHAD office. Providing technical assistance, as needed. Tracking project deliverables and financial targets.
  Preparing, review and presenting project progress reports (monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.) to ensure quality, and work with supervisor and field team to revise target goals if necessary. Appraising supervisor/management of any critical issues as they arise. Prepare presentations on progress, achievements and lessons learned to key stakeholders including DoH, GOKP and other relevant partners.
  Facilitate in planning events, workshops, field visits and team meetings. Frequent travel to field to monitor programs implementations and provide technical assistance. Contribute in documentation of program case studies, success stories and updates for internal and external dissemination
  As relevant, serve as the main point of contact for partner institutions. Represent SARHAD at meetings, clusters, conferences and workshops, as needed.
  Writing project proposals, donor coordination, fund raising and budgeting.
  Apprises field staff of regulatory and compliance requirements, including reporting deadlines.
  Guides the program development efforts and provides support to field programs.
  Engaged with Funds and Agencies on their work on health systems strengthening and sustainability; identify and act on opportunities to promote linkages between sustainability initiatives and health systems strengthening.
  Participate in, coordinate and/or lead program development and proposal preparation efforts, as needed.
  Other duties, as assigned.

Community Resilience & Social Cohesion
International Organization for Migration (IOM)-CRA-North
May 2021 - May 2022 | Orakzai, Pakistan

International Organization for Migration (IOM), in Community Resilience Activity-North Program, based at Kohat for Orakzai district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Program is designed to support community level resilience development and conflict prevention activities within the newly merged districts (NMD’s) for conflicted affected and repetriated community of Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan and Orakzai Districts within Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Province; CRA-N will pursue a multi-disciplinary and community participatory approach and will work in close coordination with the Government of Pakistan (GoP) at the regional and district level.
  Provided administrative support in the implementation of resilience focused programming within his/her Area of Responsibility (AOR) to support innovative approaches that will support the reintegration of former Temporarily Displaced Persons, enhance community cohesion, increase civic engagement while reducing marginalization and increasing resilience amongst remote communities within the newly merged districts.
  Working in coordination with the programming, engineering, M&E team Units and related project stakeholders.
  Scheduled and participated in planned project site visits, assessing the pace and quality of programming activities and providing written updates on a timely basis.
  Proposed, designed and implemented Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) activities on different thematic areas in lined with CRA-N objectives. Reporting of SBCC activities’ results.
  Maintaining CRA-North Project stakeholder’s working relationships.
  Submit bi-weekly reports while contributing to overall project deliverables as required. Reported regularly on the implementation environment within the district, presenting information to the Project Development Officer on the geographical, cultural, political and security conditions within the working area.
  Organized and maintain programmatic records and documentation, project databases, field activity records, project correspondence etc., ensuring that these records are available for inclusion in project deliverables and reports as required.

Senior District Coordinator- Community Driven Local Develop (CDLD) Program
DAI & Human Dynamics Inch-Austria with Financial Assistance of EU
Dec 2015 - Nov 2020 | Upper Dir, Pakistan

DAI & Human Dynamics/ European Union in financial assistance to government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in achieving the targeted goals of Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) Policy. The overall objective of the European Union funded KP CDLD policy, of which Human Dynamic’s service contract is a part, is to build responsiveness and effectiveness of the State to restore citizen trust; stimulate employment and livelihood opportunities; and ensure the delivery of basic services.
  Build the capacity and provided On Job Technical Assistance (OJTA) to the government at provincial level and district administrations and all line departments to have effective implementation of the program and to achieve the programmatic goals and priorities set in the log-frame in lined with CDLD policy guidelines.
  Designed, planned and implemented Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) activities with community.
  Coordinated, liaison and represented the organization among diversified interlocutors at different level like meetings with donors, political influential, humanitarian agencies, government, security and military agencies, religious leader and beneficiaries etc.
  Liaised closely with Team Leader and Key Experts (KEs) on technical implementation matters, including logistics, security, HR, and administrative matters, regular team meetings for planning and reporting purposes and smooth implementation of the organization agreed work-plan keeping in view the Organizational rules and regulations by maintaining vigilance, oversight and due diligence.
  Monitored the social, economic and political situation of the working area, analyzed and assessed the risk, monitored and reports the security situation and build up security procedures applicable to the context.
  Monitored monthly, quarterly and fiscal flow of funds from Finance Department based on CDLD notification, also to oversee the flow of funds to community groups (CBOs) and to ensure installments are released to CBOs on a timely manner.
  Support to education department in improving their services by provision of capacity building opportunities to the department, rehabilitation of 119 different schools. Provided opportunities to education department in development planning and budgeting. Identified and prioritized the challenges and priorities of education department in DDS.
  Reviewed and updated of District Development Strategy (DDS) that reflects community identified priorities, preparation of proposals for improvements to DDS for review by District Development Committee (DDC).
  Managed the Human Resources in lined with guidelines and HR policy including recruitment and appraisals.
  Oversee M&E Specialist, Project Cycle Management (PCM) Call for Proposals Specialist, capacity building activities in lined with capacity building plan and supervise engineering team during the implementation of infrastructure and livelihood projects in coordination with Senior Key Experts and HO team. About 1331 schemes are approved, successfully implemented and owned by community groups (CBOs).
Follow up and facilitated the implementation of weekly, monthly and annual work planning in coordination with provincial and district diagnostics/strategic planner including Gantt diagrams, log-frame and reporting of the activities set in the work plan i.e. weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and activity reports.

District Program Officer - Health Program
Citizen Engagement for Social Service Delivery (CESSD), COWATER Inch-Canada
Mar 2014 - Nov 2015 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Citizen Engagement for Social Service Delivery (CESSD)-COWATER International, KP was designed to improve the social services of community through active involvement of community, the program aimed to build the capacity of government line department and develop strong network of service users and service providers at different districts of KP which will promote ownership among community and effective  social services in a gender sensitive way, key priority sectors of the program were Health, Educations, water.
  Functioned in close coordination with focal person for Implementing Partner, their capacity building and monitoring for effective implementation of agreed work plan. Worked on developing synergies and linkages creation. Maintained very close working relationships with both elected and appointed local government officials and other development actors and NGOs working on community development.
  Ensured the achievement of CESSD program annual work plan activities in assigned district in gender sensitive manner.
  Developed the overall framework for required Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) efforts, including requirements, budgets, plans, target definitions, documentation of roles and responsibilities, risks and issues.
  Overseeing all SBCC activities and results reporting.
  Formulated 51 Primary Care Management Committees (PCMC) and build their capacity to contribute in improvement of their social services.
  Supervision in preparation and implementation of the district level activities this includes monitoring and supporting the field level activities and implementation of activities at district level.
  Managed the CESSSD District Office in accordance with CESSD policy and procedures including the CESSD staff gender policy. Also ensuring compliance with the CESSD gender equality strategy, policies and guidelines.
  Participated in district level coordination meetings, keep good working relationship with all the concern stakeholders and building the capacity of concerned stakeholders on social accountability, gender responsive governance etc.
  Coordination with management and HO level colleagues to ensure on time presentation of annual, monthly and individual work plans, reporting and provision of data required from district level.
  Worked on developing synergies and linkages creation. This includes maintaining very close relationships with both elected and appointed local government officials and other project and NGOs working on community development and social services improvement at district level. Weekly, monthly and annual progress reporting to HO and donor.

Project Coordinator
Social Awareness & Development Organization (SADO), Lower Dir, KP
Nov 2012 - Feb 2014 | Dir, Pakistan

Social Awareness & Development Org (SADO) sponsored by South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK), Citizen’s Action for Peace and Development (CAPD) Program. The program was launched for the border connected and disasters (conflict, floods and earth quick) affected districts of KP and FATA, the project was aimed to organize the community and build their capacity in gender sensitive manner in the context of peace and development process, key priority sectors were education, political governance and livelihood.
  Focal person for all programmatic activities, coordination and liaison among implementing partner, supporting organization, donor organizations and Government Line Departments (GLDs), civil society etc.
  Facilitated the planned capacity building activities by staff and volunteers in the field.
  Ensured timely Planning and effective implementation of agreed Plan of Action (PoA) as per the desired goals of Citizen’s Action for Peace and Development Program (CAPD).
  Engagement of education department staff in planned activities and building the capacity of their staff on different thematic areas.
  Worked with education department to develop Alternative Learning Pathway (ALP) strategy to enhance literacy ratio.
  Capacity building of community groups, GLDs, social activists and Politicians on new local government system and its implication as per the desired goals of local government act (LGA) 2013.
  Assisted organizational (SADO) technical department in translation of working tools in to local language.
  Organized different sort of trainings (25) and capacity building activities to the organization staff and volunteers.
  Developed training manuals, materials for organization staff and community trainings training modules.

Master Trainer
UNDP/ Election Commission of Pakistan/ IMSciences
Apr 2013 - May 2013 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Led trainings/orientations of the targeted people (election commission office staff) and writing training reports. Oversaw data entry operators and settlement of the concern issues.
 ·         Established training manual and materials which are easy and understandable for the users.
·         Facilitated the supervisor in development of training plans and coordination between IM Sciences and ECP.
·         Contacted of the participants, ensured the presence of all the participants in the list.

Cooperation Program/Field Officer
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)
Jan 2011 - Aug 2012 | Peshawar, Pakistan

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). ICRC was supporting national society (Pakistan Red Crescent Society-PRCS) to train and equip them while responding to any sort of natural or manmade disasters, my job was coordination and presentation of the activities carried out by ICRC with all stakeholders and to build the capacity of national society, along with this capacity assessment of national society was also the key activities. . In addition developing smooth working relationship with national society was my functional areas.
  Facilitated the working relationship between Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) districts branches and ICRC.
  Facilitated the planned capacity building activities for PRCS HQ and District level volunteers and staff.
  Worked and facilitated quarterly and annually Plan of Action (PoA) jointly with PRCS and ICRC.
  Writing activities reports and minutes of meeting and supported PRCS staff in elaborating their activities reports.
  Assisted the ICRC head of office and ICRC technical department in translation of working tools in to local language.
  Follow up and ensured the good and effective use of resources allocated to the PRCS branches.
  Organized jointly regular and ad hoc meetings between ICRC and PRCS teams.
  Supported the Cooperation delegate in the implementation of cooperation institutional program and the ICRC_ PRCS jointly operation activities. I have organized 08 First Aid trainings for Pakistan Red Crescent volunteers and other different interlocutors.
  Organization development and capacity building of national society (Pakistan Red Crescent Society-PRCS) with focus on branch functioning, fund raining/ sustainability and volunteer management.
  Organized First Aid trainings, SWOT & PEST analysis, Safer Access trainings, Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting trainings, Organization development trainings for Pakistan Red Crescent Society staff, volunteers and other different interlocutors.
  Support to ICRC Cooperation in department in conducting Training Need Assessments and Branch Capacity Assessment exercise for PRCS KP volunteer and staff.

Water and Habitat Focal Point
International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)
Apr 2010 - Dec 2010 | Dir, Pakistan

It was a relief operation for the displaced community of Malakand Division (Dir Upper, Dir Lower, Swat, Bunir) and Ex FATA (Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber, Oragzai, Kuram, Hango, North and South Waziristan). I have facilitated Water and Habitat team in organizing and streamlining their efforts according to the need of displaced community and to coordinate our activities with all concerned stakeholders. There were different IDPs/TDPs communities in camps and some host communities. ICRC and PRCS were active to reach these IDPs/TDPs and provide them basic services i.e. safe drinking water, food (economic security), health services, shelter and Reestablishment of Family Link (RFL). Meanwhile ICRC also worked on the livelihood support of these communities.
  Carried out Emergency relief activities (Water & Habitat and Economic Security) for the TDPs of Malakand division.
  Assisted Project Manager/supervisor in identifying possible project needs and problems, proposing adequate solutions when required.
  Maintained contact with various interlocutors and support project manager in relation with the local community.
  Directly supervision of site work, monitor and evaluate work progress as required.
  Ensured safety standards for youth and volunteers are upheld.

Team Leader - Emergency Relief Operation for the Displaced Community TDPs
Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS)
Feb 2009 - Mar 2010 | Dir, Pakistan

Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS). It was PRCS/ ICRC Joint emergency Relief Operation for the IDPs/TDPs of PATA and FATA where the local communities were displaced due to militancy, PCRC carried out relief activities and established about 13 IDPs camps in different localities where the IDPs/TDPs were fled, these communities were served in health, water sanitation, shelter, food and other basic needs. Livelihood support was also one of the priorities of the PRCS.
  Carried out Emergency relief activities (Water & Habitat and Economic Security) in 08 camps for TDPs of Malakand division.
  Camp management and management of relief assistance to the displace families (managed 03 TDPs/IDPs camps).
  Coordination with movement partners (RCRC Movement) and other stakeholder working on relief assistance.
  Supported Protection, ECO-SEC, WatSan, shelter and livelihood activities at camp level and reporting to the concerned.

Program Officer Planning & Capacity Building
Social Awareness & Development Organization (SADO), Lower Dir, KP, Pakistan
Aug 2004 - Nov 2006 | Dir, Pakistan

Social  Awarene & Development Organization (SADO). Strengthening Democratic Governance in Pakistan (SDGP) program, supported by South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK).
  Coordination and Liaison with GLDs, donor and community stockholders. Weekly, monthly and quarterly reporting.
  Ensured effective implementation plan (PoA) to obtain the desired programmatic goals and outcomes.
  Formulated peasants’ workers groups (PWGs/ 07 groups) and Formation of District Focal Group (DFG).
  Capacity Building and linkages development of PWGs and DFG with Government Line Agencies and Political leaders.
  Organized training and capacity building activities for the project beneficiaries and staff.
  Established and maintain 16 Non Formal Basic Education (NFBE) schools, effective planning to promote female education while keeping basic Alternate Learning Pathway (ALPs) in establishing NFBE Schools.
  Monthly, quarterly, annual reporting, wrote proposals and concept notes for organization.


University of Agriculture
博士, Ph.D in Rural Sociology‎
Rural Sociology
NWFP Agricultural University
哲学硕士, M.phil Sociology (Social Science)‎
University of Peshawar
硕士, 科学硕士学位, MA Sociology (Social Science)‎
等级 A


熟练 Ability To Work In Multicultural Team
熟练 Admin Task Management
熟练 Admin Tasks Management
熟练 Advocacy Planning
熟练 Agile Project Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
熟练 BBQ Knowledge
熟练 Boiler Components
熟练 Budget Tracking & Reporting
熟练 C++ Knowledge
熟练 CEM Deployment
熟练 Child Mental Health Management
熟练 Child Nutrition Care
熟练 Child Protection
熟练 Child Rights
熟练 Close Attention to Detail
熟练 Committed With Work
熟练 Communication & Negotiation
熟练 communication & networking
熟练 Communication & Outreach
熟练 Communication & Reporting
熟练 Communication and Coordination Skills
熟练 Communication Interpersonal Skills
熟练 Communication Report Writing
熟练 Communication skill
熟练 Communication Skils
熟练 Communications Skill
熟练 Community Building
熟练 Community Cohesion
熟练 Community Development Approaches
熟练 Community Emergency Response
熟练 Community Engagement
熟练 Community Health
熟练 Community Health Centers
熟练 Community Leadership
熟练 Community Mobilization
熟练 Community Mobilization Skills
熟练 Community Mobilizing Skills
熟练 Company Presentation Skills
熟练 Competent IT Skills
熟练 Complaint Response Mechanism
熟练 Complexity and Stress Management
熟练 Compliance
熟练 Compliance Advisory
熟练 Compliance Analysis
熟练 Compliance Assessment
熟练 Compliance Reporting
熟练 Computer Assisted Person Interviews
熟练 Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews
熟练 Computer Literacy


初学者 阿拉伯语
初学者 法语
熟练 英语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 普什图语

Dr.Habib 联系人

Qaseem Ul Hassan
AASS - Advocacy Awareness & Sustainable Services