I have done master in commerce with CGPA 3.91/4.00. My projects and extra activities which i perform except study. Lahore stock exchange Financial Literacy Initiative (Campus Outreach program), CMYMC participate in management as an organizer, I lead my projects during my master degree. 2-year work class representative. Participation in Urdu declamation contest, participate in Naat competition, plays, sports, and many times organize many events during student life.
I have experience of internal Auditor of Five auto mobile companies and currently I m working in international company as a accounts and HR manager of Pakistan (country wide). Manage the accounts of Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Hyderabad, multan, Peshawar and Faisalabad.
Manage accounts and HR department of cloud data prvt limited country wide.
I manage accounts here , also learn alooot about financial activities through banks and other financial resources. I complete a task of construction of new office and handle its all finance, learn about portal update etc.
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During this internship, I learn about finance department. how Haier control their expenses, their import and export policy, which techniques they adopt to increase their sales and how they advertise and introduce their new products and attract customer. Working of SAP and how records maintain in system.
During my internship, I work in different departments Operational department, Credit department, Trade & foreign exchange department, Clearing department etc. I deal customer here open their accounts, finance department I learn which are necessary documents and on which basis bank issue loan, how charge mark up, detail of mark rates.
theoretical & numerical teacher of commerce