As a Store In charge in GUL-AHMED TEXTILE MILLS PVT(Ltd) warehouse my duties are there, receiving stock from head office and different vendor and dispatching stock on branches as per demand trough logistic vehicle. Check inventory on store stock, prepare stock demands for store demand monthly, Strong coordination with logistic department. Follow up on E.mails. Putting Entries according to GRN's, Inward, outwards gate pass and requisition slips in software. Dealings with different vendors and scrap dealers. Get scrap quotations from scrape dealers and selling it was also include in my job.
As a Store In charge in GUL-AHMED TEXTILE MILLS PVT(Ltd) warehouse my duties are there, receiving stock from head office and different vendor and dispatching stock on branches as per demand trough logistic vehicle. Check inventory on store stock, prepare stock demands for store demand monthly, Strong coordination with logistic department. Follow up on E.mails. Putting Entries according to GRN's, Inward, outwards gate pass and requisition slips in software. Dealings with different vendors and scrap dealers. Get scrap quotations from scrape dealers and selling it was also including in my jo