
Secure responsible and challenging position that uses my diverse experience, skills, and management ability and be reflex in a positive contribution to my prospective employer obtaining their goal and objective.




HR Officer
Human Health Welfare Right association
Oct 2023 - 代表 | Multan, Pakistan

Human resources is the division of a project responsible for finding, recruiting, screening, and training job applicants. also handle employee compensation, benefits, and terminations.Human resource management (HRM) strategies focus on actively advancing and improving an organization's workforce with the long-term goal of improving the organization itself.must keep up to date with laws that can affect the company and its employees.Maintain the record keeping like employees leave etc.

Child Protection Case Management Supervisor
International Rescue Committee (IRC ) Pakistan
Apr 2023 - Oct 2023 | Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan

In collaboration with the Project Manager contribute to planning PSS (psychosocial support) and Outreach activities, according to the needs of children and their families.
Support the CP Supervisor in the identification of child protection issues and trends, and communicate these in a timely manner, and with utmost respect for confidentiality and dignity concerns.
Ensure that timely and appropriate action is taken to mitigate child protection risks.
Ensure that timely and appropriate action is taken to mitigate child protection risks.
Make sure that child safeguarding considerations are systematically taken into account in activity planning and implementation. Raises through appropriate channels of communication any child protection and child safeguarding concern that arises during the project period.
Work with field staff, NGOs, and other stakeholders to ensure that district-level coordination with relevant government line departments is established (through an MOU) during project start-up phase.
Ensure participation of children and youth, parents and the community in order to promote understanding and acceptance of CP activities.
Promotes awareness of CP issues within the community and disseminate means to raise concerns and feedback.
Work collaboratively with case workers, and other CP staff. Ensure that all interventions are in line with the IRC strategy, and CP Minimum Standards.
With the support from Technical Coordinators, provide technical guidance and project implementation guidance to field staff for CP interventions.
Promptly identify and recommend solutions to technical issues with support of IPC.
Work with team to ensure projects are implemented in conformity with the IRC program framework promoting and protecting rights, participation, capacity building, partnership, and holistic planning.
Support to coach, train, and mentor partner’s/NGOs, project staff and key stakeholders with the aim of strengthening their technical capacity, exchanging knowledge w

Social Organizer(Team Leader)
Qatar Charity
Oct 2022 - Apr 2023 | Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan

· WFP Funded Project: Cash Disbursement/ Livelihoods among extremely vulnerable communities affected from the recent Floods 2022.
·   Introduce Qatar charity programs to the local communities and formation of local community organizations.
·   worked in 6 UCs of Dear Ghazi Khan.
·   Targeted beneficiaries 6530
·   cash disbursed in 3 cycles in flood affected UCs.
·   Cash Disbursed in first Cycle CIH & in second Cycle MWA.
·   CFW schemes (Protection Wall, Water pound, Irrigation Channel& Rehabilitation of Kacha Road/path.
·   Trainings /Sessions (Livelihood Livestock, Poultry Farming, kitchen guarding, skilled development/handy craft.
·   Carry out field related project Activities and prescribed formats.
·   Design and maintain basic community profiles to determine the number of families, location, type, and number of public resources.
·   Offer first-rate support to the management in creating a social mobilization strategy for donor funded project
·   Develop and maintain long-term working relations with communities, notables, and local contact persons to administer project activities
·   Identify, assess, develop and maintain referral system with local NGOs and other service providers.
·   Maintaining good relations with communities, notables and local contact persons to involve them in program activities and seek their support wherever required.
·   Assist in developing a social mobilization strategy in spatial planning for QC program.
·   Mobilize local community communities towards programs activities.
·   Develop profile of the villages/area,
·   Coordinate closely with the program team for timely implementation of QC interventions.

Project Officer
Taraqee Pasand Org
Nov 2021 - Nov 2022 | Multan, Pakistan

·       Core responsibility was to mobilize and sensitize community women for peace building initiatives
·       Identification of Community influential women
·       Group formation
·       Implementation of project activities
·       Exposures visits
·       Prepare weekly and monthly Report
·       Prepare Work Plans

Nutrition Coordinator & HR officer
Human health welfare and research association
Jun 2021 - Nov 2021 | Multan, Pakistan

To receive the required trainings on the implementation of CMAM, community management of acute malnutrition and IYCF, Infant and Young Child Feeding.To carryout Anthropometric Measurements of all target beneficiaries (children 6-59 months and Pregnant/Lactating Women) as per CMAM guidelines and maintain records of the measurements.To register the identified severe and moderate acute malnourished children in OTP program as per CMAM National Guidelines and ensure follow-ups of the registered beneficiaries through LHWs or any other means.To ensure that all mothers (pregnant/lactating) attending the facility are properly educated on best practices of Infant and Young Child Feeding and properly counseled on breastfeeding and lactation management.Maintain records of the nutrition supplies received form the district warehouse and keep records of all distribution completed on the stock registers.Provide weekly data to the Project Nutrition Information Management Assistant for computerization/ compilation and onward submission.HR Responsibility..Human resources is the division of a project responsible for finding, recruiting, screening, and training job applicants. also handle employee compensation, benefits, and terminations.Human resource management (HRM) strategies focus on actively advancing and improving an organization's workforce with the long-term goal of improving the organization itself.must keep up to date with laws that can affect the company and its employees.Maintain the record keeping like employees leave etc.

Project Officer
Taraqee pasand Org
Mar 2019 - Sep 2019 | Multan, Pakistan

Peace Building Awareness session Trainings on community level...

District Education coordinator
Human Development Faoundation
Feb 2018 - Feb 2019 | Multan, Pakistan

 Our core responsibility is to strengthen the School Management Committee and YoungGirls
Formulation of School RepresentativeCommittee.
Distribution of missing Facilities in Governmentschool.
 Networking with Differentstakeholders.
 Alliance with Education and line Department,
 Involving Politicians for betterment of Education. Report writing or campaigning on 25-AArticle 
Prepare the mini busniess plan
Established Skill Centers
Monitor the all project activites.

Wash Field Officer
Saiban Kisan Society Wash Water wells
Apr 2017 - Dec 2017 | Multan, Pakistan

·       Implement project activities relating to community relations.
·       Beneficiary selection
·       Session on Health and Hygiene and SLTS, PATS with community and students.
·       Training
·       Distributions Hygiene kits in community and students.
·       Monitoring Project going activities construction washrooms, installing the hand pumps activity in community.
·       Staff supervision for the WASH component of the integrated project mainly consisting out of providing technical oversight for the establishing water points & hygiene promotion.

Social Mobilization Officer
Alif Aillan
Jan 2015 - Dec 2016 | Multan, Pakistan

Health and Hygiene Promoter
Awaz CDS
Sep 2014 - Dec 2014 | Multan, Pakistan

·       Implement hygiene promotion activities including cleaning campaigns, demonstration, and focusgroup discussion.
·       Implement monitoring activities for the WASH program to measure change in WASH practice and environmental hygiene.
·       Manage a small operational cash budget and other equipment’s/resources.
·       Develop work plan for hygiene promotion volunteers.

Social Mobilization Officer
Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC)
Mar 2014 - Aug 2014 | Multan, Pakistan

·       Works on case referral management system.
·       Train School Management council
·       Development of Child club
·       Develop fifteen DIC for labour child specially for girls
·       School Enrolment plan with participation of localcommunity
·       Training of child on Life skilled BasedEducation
·       Training Facilitation & Monitoring of DIC centre
·       Development of VO,s for increasing the school enrolment
·       Design and prepare educational aids and materials.
·       Develop Child Club in Govt Schools
·        Works on case referral management system.

Community Mobilization Officer
World Vision International
May 2013 - Nov 2013 | Muzaffargarh, Pakistan

·       Formation/reactivation of PTSA/SMC as per government approved structure, policies and procedures.
·       Coordinate with district education department and Provincial Institute for Teacher Education (PITE) to identify facilitators, collect government approved PTSA/SMC training manual and finalize schedule for the training.
·       Conduct PTSA/SMC training based on the government approved training manual in close coordination with the district education department and PITE
·       Undertake follow up visit and ongoing support to the PTSA/SMC members by organizing regular meetings, conducting appreciative inquiry, and giving constructive feedback.
·       Write reports according to the project and donor requirements
·       Produce success stories/case studies and share with communication section through concerned supervisor
·       Orient the concerned beneficiaries on project goal, objectives and target.
·       Cooperate with other team members and assist them in undertaking certain project activities.
·       Maintain updated record of concerned activities.
·       Maintain close coordination with district education department, education cluster/Early Recovery
·       Working Groups by attending meetings, sharing progress and information through concerned supervisor and as per WVI’s policies and procedures.
·       Contribute in short/long term plans, conducting need assessments and developing concept notes.
·       Submit monthly, weekly and daily work plan to the concern supervisor on regular basis.
·       Facilitate PTSA/SMC members in developing School Improvement Plan (SIP), its endorsement by the district education department and proper execution.


Community Mobilization Officer( Nutrition & MNCH,NFI, Wash, Education )
Save the Children
Sep 2010 - Jul 2012 | Muzaffargarh, Pakistan

·       mother and child health care ( MNCH )
·       Aware and facilitate communities and conduct meetings with community members including children, parents, teachersetc.;
·       Actively support Nutrition Coordinator in Assist in implementation of all Health programs in a manner that promotes gender equality, democratic decision making and isall-inclusive;
·       Identify target communities and mobilize communitygroups;
·       Aware to Mother regarding smooth implementation of sectoralinitiatives.
·       To represent Save the Children in the field, coordinating with community leaders,Implement
·       Hygiene promotion activities including cleaning campaigns, demonstration, and focus groupdiscussion.
·       Implement monitoring activities for the WASH program to measure change in WASH practice and environmental hygiene.
·       Manage a small operational cash budget and otherequipments/resources.
·       Develop work plan for hygiene promotionvolunteers.
·       Insure that Engineering works are carried out in participation with the hygiene promotionteam.
·       Government and other stakeholders.
·       Support the hygiene promotion team leader in carrying out needsassessment.
·       Recruit hygiene volunteers and WASHcommittees.
·       Complete verbal and written reports to the hygiene promotion Teamleader.
·       Arrange meetings for SMC members with coordination of SO’s inschools.
·       Distribute Mini Hygiene kits and Recreational Material inschools.
·       Compile data of schools and fill inaccordingly.


硕士, 艺术硕士学位, ‎
Political Science


中级 Analytical Skills
熟练 Assessments and Distributions
中级 Budget Preparation Skills
中级 Business Proposal Writing
初学者 C++ Knowledge
熟练 Capacity Building
中级 Capacity To Direct Contribute
熟练 Configuration Switches
中级 Conservation Awareness
中级 Data Analysis
中级 Data Analytics
熟练 Data Management
中级 Development Spending
熟练 End to End Sales
熟练 Evaluation Skills
熟练 Excellent Report Writing Skills in English
熟练 Field Activity Skills
熟练 Field Work
熟练 Financial and Budgeting Skills
中级 Financial Management Skills
中级 Government Liason
熟练 Handling Assignments
熟练 Handling Communities Living Issues
熟练 Interpersonal Leadership
熟练 Interpersonal Skills
熟练 Leadership
熟练 Leadership Management
熟练 Leave Management
中级 Livelihood
熟练 Management
熟练 Mobilization Knwoledge
熟练 Mobilization Skills
中级 Monitoring Program
熟练 Monitoring Skills
熟练 MS Office
熟练 ommunication Skills
熟练 Partnership Management
熟练 Personnel Filing Skills
熟练 Persuasion Customer
中级 Persuasion Skills
熟练 PR Campaign Management
熟练 Presentation
熟练 Presentation Skills
中级 Program Administration
熟练 Program Coordination
熟练 Program Management Skills
熟练 Project Administration
熟练 Project Cycle Management
熟练 Project Management
熟练 Public Relations


中级 英语