
Durre Shahwar has over 20 years of experience in integrated community development, economic livelihoods, governance, gender, education, child protection and capacity building programs.

She is a senior development/humanitarian professional with extensive multi-sectoral leadership and consulting experiences with bilateral donors, INGOs, UN agencies public authorities in varying contexts i.e. South Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan) and USA. She has worked with lead donor agencies, international consulting firms and NGOs including DAI, IRD, USAID, UNICEF and Save the Children on key senior strategic program positions.

The technical area of expertise includes post conflict recovery, institutional assessment and development, social inclusion, gender equity and development, civil society development / advocacy.

Functional areas include strategic planning, program/project design and management, operations management, training and resource development with familiarity to principles, approaches and international frameworks around post disaster recovery, livelihoods, food security e.g. IHL, HFA, HAP, IFRC Code of Conduct, Sphere Standards.

Hands on expertise on different evaluation frameworks like OECD-DAC (both for development and humanitarian projects including guidelines developed by ALNAP), UNDP, ADB and others, and has undertaken multiple reviews/evaluations.

She is highly skilled in community development, social inclusion, project design and project cycle management, strategic planning, work plan development, subcontract, procurement and management, monitoring and evaluation, proposal writing and new business development in a wide variety of professional spheres and worked in conflict prone countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan. She aspires to work in the development sector globally.

She has managed highly diversified and cross-cultural teams with well-planned team and leadership processes/practices. She is fluent in Pashto, Urdu and English and has basic knowledge of Punjabi, Hindko and Dari.

Her academic background includes Masters in Psychology from Pakistan and Masters in International Development Policy from USA, which she achieved a Fulbright Scholar. Additionally, she holds certificate for one year Social Enterprise Management Program Training of Trainers for Program Managers, a joint initiative of Lahore University of Management Sciences (Pakistan) McGill University Canada.

Consulting Assignments
Apart from senior strategic leadership roles, Durre brings a unique competency of working as an external technical expert/consultant for many years with different well-known organizations funded by USAID, ADB Afghanistan, UNICEF and Swiss Development Corporation in different assignments.

Area of consulting were in Strategy development, environmental assessment focus on gender and social inclusion, ME and Capacity building.

Trainings Attended
Attended a certificate course on Strengthening Citizens Voice and Advocacy from Nov 06-24, 2018 by Coady International Institute of Saint Francis Xavier University, Canada.
Attended a short course on More Crops per Drop arranged by Delphy in the Netherlands (Oct. 2017).


Intern Talent Management Section, UNICEF Newyork


Program Director, KP Governance Project
Development Alternative Incorporated
Mar 2015 - Oct 2018 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance project was funded by USAID and aimed to strengthen the ability of local state institutions to deliver essential services in conflict-affected areas of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan through responsive activities that reinforce stability, counter-extremism, promote democratic advances, strengthen the ability of the provincial government to be responsive to citizen needs, and create opportunities for gender equality and women’s empowerment. I was responsible for the programmatic vision and practical oversight of demand-side interventions of good governance. This role included the design and management of grants implemented by CSOs.

Gender Specialist and Senior Sociologist
National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. (NESPAK)
Apr 2014 - Aug 2014 | Lahore, Pakistan

“Environmental Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Plants in Jacob Abad and Peshawar and Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Jacob Abad” AiD, NESPAK and USAID, Pakistan
Responsible for the overall design of stakeholders’ consultation plan, its implementation and conclusion of the report.

Gender Specialist
Sheladia Associates
Jul 2013 - Dec 2013 | Herat, Afghanistan

My role was o review the project \'\'Western Basins Water Resource Management Project\'\' for the gender mainstreaming aspect and provide recommendations for the ten years Master Plan proposed to the Government of Afghanistan.

Gender, Social Inclusion and Political Mobilization Advisor
Coffey International Ltd
Jan 2013 - Jun 2013 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Aitbar is a four years project in support of the Post Crisis Need Assessment undertaken in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. The project is working on four main output areas including: strengthened representative governance in FATA, strengthened rule of law (security and justice) in KP, two-way communications between the state and the people; and research, monitoring & evaluation. I had a cross cutting role on gender and social Inclusion in all the four output areas as well as an output based role for FATA component as Political Advisor. I performed assessment of 13 sub projects under the three output areas on supply and demand side and evaluated the monitoring and evaluation framework for gender mainstreaming.

Social Sector Benefit Monitoring specialist
ALAI-Rcomtech-JV (Ministry of Public Works, Afghanistan/Asian Development Bank)
Sep 2012 - Feb 2013 | Kabul, Afghanistan

My role was to supervise the work of NGO hired for the implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Project and to ensure that affected populations living on the road alignment are provided benefits and compensation for their lands and property losses as per the ADB\'s policies and Government of Afghnistan\'s land acquisition and resettlement policies. This role included management of the partnership carried out through an NGO.

Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
May 2012 - Sep 2012 | Peshawar, Pakistan

Institute of Management Sciences was hired to provide capacity building assistance to PDMA/PaRRSA under the umbrella of USAID funded inititiative called ASP-RSP. This assistance aimed at capacity building of Provincial Disaster Management Authority in different thematic areas i.e Monitoring and Evaluation, Finance, Procurement, IT and Coordination. My role was to work as M&E Expert and provide capacity building support to the M&E section of PDMA/PaRRSA.

Freelance Consultant
AAN Associates (Management Consulting House)
Jul 2011 - Feb 2012 | Islamabad, Pakistan

Worked as:
Team Leader on \"External Evaluation on Vulnerable Childhood and Youth in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Handicap International\".

Team Lead on \"Third Party Evaluation of Livelihoods Early Recover in Upper Swat and Buner Districts (2010-11), of Khyber Pakthunkhwa Province – Pakistan.

Gender Expert on \"Third Party Evaluation of Flood Relief Projects in Kohistan District (2010-11), Khyber Pakthunkhwa Province – Pakistan.

Capacity Building Advisor
ASOP/AECOM Inc. Afghanistan
Feb 2011 - Jun 2011 | Kabul, Afghanistan

Afghanistan Social Outreach Program is a project to support the government of Afghanistan develop a mechanism between the government and communities through the creation of community councils at district level. These councils do governance of government programs, promote security and peace building and take actions for conflict resolution. My role was to advise the project on capacity building of these councils and to support the CBTU Manager and staff in day to day management of the program.

Gender Specialist
International Relief and Development, (IRD) Inc.
Apr 2009 - Jul 2010 | Kabul, Afghanistan

COCB (Community Outreach Capacity Building Program) was an integral program to the Strategic Provincial Roads Project implemented in South and South East of Afghanistan. COCB complimented the road construction through economic development program for communities on the road alignment in thematic areas of infrastructure, rural development, agriculture and gender. As Gender Specialist I was responsible for implementing and managing the women economic development program. Achievements on the project included management of various large grants implemented through NGOs with an average size of USD 4.5 m and management of 52 small grants implemented by women community groups, development of grant making procedures and training of various staff in those procedures, development of strategy for engaging youth in the COCB programming, training of IRD staff in gender mainstreaming, development of Request for Application, Request for Proposals and TORs for Consultants; capacity building of IRD NGOs partners.

Development Officer and Gender Specialist
Creative Associates International Inc.
Sep 2008 - Mar 2009 | Peshawar, Pakistan

FDPGC (FATA Development Project- Government to Community) is a political project initiated by the USAID through Creative Associates. The project is being implemented in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and other conflict districts of Pakistan. My role included program development in general & for different groups of society in specific, documenting monitoring and project end evaluation reports, capacity building of field staff in project identification and design. Designed draft strategy for outreach to women, youth and physically challenged populations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas and other conflict districts.

Intern Talent Management Section
UNICEF United Nations
May 2007 - Jul 2007 | New York, USA

As an Intern for the section, I was responsible for maintaining the UNICEF “Emergency Global Web Roster”, a database for emergency staff deployment in 150 countries, be part of telephonic interviews of candidates in other countries and consolidated interview notes for further action, provided support to external candidates for refining their application and personal history forms. During this time, I analyzed UNICEF’s thematic personnel data in order to analyze the current staff in terms of gender, position, country representation and required succession plan for current and future staff and prepared presentations.

Child Protection Officer
Jan 2006 - Jun 2006 | Muzaffarabad, Pakistan

UNICEF established an Emergency Response Office in AJK soon after the Oct. 2005 earthquake. As CP Officer, I supervised and monitored the emergency winterization program for children, prepared partnership proposals and PCAs and managed NGOs’ partnerships, prepared UNICEF’s Child Protection annual work plan and budget in collaboration with UNICEF head office and the Social Welfare Department, coordinated with Social Welfare Department, police and NGOs about tracking of vulnerable children, surveyed and selected union councils for UNICEF for rehabilitation interventions, documented child protection emergency sitrep and monthly progress reports, chaired the “UN Protection Custer Meetings” for three months in the absence of expatriate CP Specialist and coordinated with the protection cluster members for IDPs and child protection activities and assisted the CP Specialist in managing field activities and field teams.

Program Officer
Save the Children
Oct 2002 - Dec 2005 | Islamabad, Pakistan

SCUK advocates for children by working in different thematic areas including education, child labour and child protection. My role as as Programme Officer for Education included, management of education projects’ partnerships through out Pakistan and providing technical support to the IPs in project planning and implementation, preparing GIM based M&E plans, preparing progress and financial reports and facilitated advocacy of SCUK initiatives with the government at district, provincial and national level. This role also included joint responsibilities with the Finance Team in preparation of quarterly financial forecast, outturn exercise and annual budgets for education projects and releasing partners’ payments after program and financial scrutiny. Besides education, managed child protection and child labour projects during transitional periods.

Manager Frontier Resource Center
Frontier Resource Centre
Oct 2000 - Nov 2002 | Peshawar, Pakistan

FRC is an NGO that works for capacity building of civil society organizations through information sharing, training and conducting research studies. My responsibility was the overall management of the organization that included ensuring strategic program direction and securing finances for program implementation and organization’s sustainability. During this period funds were mobilized through projects, training and consultancies from other organizations like IUCN (International Unit for Conservation of Nature), World Bank, International Labor Organization and other international and national NGOs. FRC not only sustained its core team but also reached out to about 2000 CSOs through information sharing and training program and enhanced its profile as a resource center.

Deputy Director Community Participation
Primary Education Program, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Nov 1996 - Jul 2000 | Peshawar, Pakistan

PEP was a multi Donors and Government of North West Frontier Province supported program to provide access to basic primary education, improve quality and introduce community participation in primary schools. As Deputy Director of CP, I initiated the CP Cell with the appointment of Assistant Directors and Social Organizers. My role was to conceptualize and ensure successful implementation of the CP program through engagement of various actors i.e. NGOs, District Education Staff and CP Internal staff. Achievements of the CP Cell included development of “Five years Plan of Action”, development of training resource materials, training of the entire district education machinery in PTAs (Parent Teachers Associations) formation and training, awarding contracts to 17 NGOs for formation of PTAs, formation and training of 16000 PTAs, engagement of communities in schools affairs through transfer of repair and rehabilitation funds to all schools in the province and monitoring of the schools for effective utilization of these funds. My role also included proposal development and periodic reporting to the Government and PEP donors that included the World Bank, UNICEF, JICA, Netherlands, PEPCO (Primary Education Program Coordination Office) , GTZ, KFW etc.


Duke University NC, USA
硕士, 艺术硕士学位, 1. International Development Policy‎
Development Management/Social Policy
CGPA 3.6/4
University of Peshawar
硕士, 科学硕士学位, MSc. Psychology‎
Clinical Psychology
等级 B+


熟练 Baselines and project end evaluations
熟练 Formal and non formal education
熟练 Gender Mainstreaming
熟练 Monitoring and Evaluation
熟练 Program development, implementation
熟练 Rural Community Development
熟练 women development
熟练 إدارة فريق المشروع


初学者 旁遮普语
熟练 乌尔都语
熟练 普什图语
熟练 英语

Durre 联系人

Muhammad Sanaullah Syed
National University of Sciences and Technology, NUST HQ
robina bangash
Citizens Engagement for Social Service delivery Project, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa