Develop multiple themes for business, marketing, coaching, e-commerce, and education
Develop multiple landing and details pages with API integration for courses, bundle courses, degrees, memberships, and products (e-comm theme). Develop product checkout flow.
Worked on newly launched microservice community flow with a team that’s on Next 14.
I worked on the client side of that community, which contains content like courses, digital products, events, and community spaces that contain real-time posts inside the space. Users can like that post, comment on that post, reply to comments, and like a reply, if there is paid space the user needs to buy then they will be able to see the posts.
Currently new module is in progress that is scheduling it’s same concept as in calendly, it will be a microservice also and it’s on Next 14
Worked with a US agency named Agency Comp as a front-end React developer.
Worked with a US agency named Rapid GMP as a front-end React developer. \
Worked with a Lebanon client on their product EngiPro as a front-end React developer.
Worked with an Indian client on their product as a front-end React developer.