
Over 8+ Years Of Experience In Sales And Marketing, Developing And Executing

Marketing Strategies For Top Consumer Brands. CHENONE | ALFATAH | THE

CARS GROUP INTL Seeking to Improve Brand Awareness and Recognition for

Market Couch, Generate New Customer Footfall in Stores and Online, and Increase

15% Of The Sales Volume of the Annual Sale Target, To Achieve the Annual Sale

Target of 5 Billion.


Pakistan furniture council sailkot


Director Marketing The Cars Group International
the cars group intl
Feb 2021 - 代表 | Lahore, Pakistan

Managed a budget of PKR 50 million annually

Developed marketing calendar strategies, planning and budgeting to achievethe Annual Sales Targets of 400 Million.
We grew our new customer base by over 65% and increased revenue by 82%by creating and implementing 27 campaigns.
Managed A Group Of Seven Marketing Associates To Expand The NumberOf Outside Clients And Sell 10 Franchises Each Year.
Managed social media strategies across channels.

Key Achievement:
1st International Car Lab Concept Introduced in Pakistan Who Will Help The 14% Of
The A+ highclass Cars Honours in all Pakistan.

Head of marketing
alfath stores
Aug 2021 - Aug 2022 | Lahore, Pakistan

Managed a budget of PKR 100 million annually

Averaged 90% Close Rate and 95% Conversion Rate to Achieved AnnuallySale Target in Quota Year.
Open 5 New Stores Lunching and Grew Sales by Over 70%.
Executed 212 Thematic and Tactical Marketing Campaigns for The Year with
The Effect of ATL & BTL and Social Media Marketing.
Build new creative shoot ideas and TVCs making.
30% of the Annually spending on PR Actives.


Institute of Management Science & Technology
学士, 工商管理学士学位, ‎


熟练 Agency Management
熟练 Analytical Skills
中级 Audio Effects
熟练 B2B Manager
中级 B2B Marketing Strategies
熟练 Best Marketing Research
熟练 Brand Advertising
熟练 Brand Awareness
熟练 Brand Development
熟练 Brand Management
熟练 Brand Positioning
熟练 Brand Strengthening
熟练 C++ Knowledge
熟练 Composing Press Releases
中级 Corporate Sales Management
中级 Critical Thinking
中级 Customer Relations Management
熟练 Data Analytics
熟练 Digital Marketing Analysis
熟练 Digital Marketing Management
熟练 Evaluation
熟练 Fashion Knowledge
熟练 Financial and Budgeting Skills
中级 Google Ads
熟练 Japanese and Korean Language Proficiency
熟练 Launching a Brand
熟练 Local Marketing
熟练 Market Assessment
熟练 Marketing
熟练 Marketing Stratergies
熟练 Marketing Activation
熟练 Marketing Campaigns Handling
熟练 Marketing Fulfillment
熟练 Marketing Planning
熟练 Marketing Strategies
熟练 marketing strategies & budgeting
熟练 Marketing Strategies'
熟练 Media Production Knowledge
熟练 Microsoft Office 1
中级 MIT Knowledge
熟练 Multimedia Marketing Campaigns
熟练 Negotiation Skills
中级 Performance Marketing
熟练 Persuasion Customer
熟练 Planning Consultancy
中级 Presentation Skills
熟练 Processes Knowledge
熟练 Project Cycle Management
熟练 Public Relations


熟练 英语

My Video Introduction