I am looking for a full-time React developer position in an organization where I can put my skills into practice and can help an organization achieve its objectives and can continue learning as I have always been. I am a technology enthusiast and would like to continue my work as a React, Java, C#, Asp.net MVC Framework, and Microsoft SQL Server developer.
Created React Native based application for Android and IOS platform. The purpose of this quiz application is to familiarize users with quranic vocabulary using multiple-choice questions. Users can login, register, play, monitor performance etc.
I have created a fully working app on a Restful API including user interface, backend api calls in React Native Cli using the Expo Development Client. Microsoft Visual studio code tool is used to develop this application.
• I have been completed Multiple task in this organization in Asp.net in Front End and Backend SQL server for a bill system.
• Now working specially in Angular in Front End, Middle-ware Web API using asp.net as Server Backend SQL Server for a communication data in between android and web.
My personally interest to work in middle-ware in Rest API. but here web API is required so that i am working .
• I have been performed Software installation and maintenance of computers system hardware, software and networking in lab, include Handling Multimedia systems, keep record inventory of all assets in excel sheet. And must ensure to not any software problem during class in the lab. All system must in working condition every time if any machine make problem must remove it as soon as possible.
• I have been worked to monitoring teacher’s time in and out from classroom, keep record teacher’s attendance correctly in excel sheet, forward it to senior in excel sheet, providing fast and efficient technical services to classes and provide technical support to teacher.
• I also have been Performed to upload student’s attendance to Comsats web portal of software engineering, Computer science and telecommunication network program.
• Currently I am performing Responsibility in front office of computer science department to help to sort out students queries of software engineering and telecommunication network program. And performing multiple task for example to grading result in excel sheet with graph report of software engineering program, distribute Merit Scholarship, Graduate proforma,Discrepancy documents, kinship and merit scholarship cash cheque to students. Etc.