Sirat-ul-Jannah Trust

Sirat-ul-Jannah Trust

Sirat-ul-Jannah is a leading welfare organization working for the betterment of orphans and widows in Pakistan. Sirat-ul-Jannah is also involved in the efforts for improving the community life.

Sirat-ul-Jannah is providing the free residence, food, education and other necessities to 500 Orphans, Widows, and Natural Disaster effectees along with the marriage expenses of the orphan girls in its four branches situated at Murree, Islamabad, Khanewal and Karachi,. We also participated with all our resources to cater earth quake victims in 2005. Sirat-ul-Jannah has also participated actively in the relief efforts for Swat Effectees. Till now we have catered 600 Effectees in our Murree Branch.
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Operating Since